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IndyWatch Australian News All Topics Summary was generated at Australian News IndyWatch.

Sunday, 18 August


Choirboys: Run To Paradise - The Stories of Australian Rock "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Saturday 17th Aug, 8.00pm 10.00pm, West Gippsland Arts Centre

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Sunday, 30 July


Die Polizei hat das Handy des Thringer CDU-Chefs ... "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Die Polizei hat das Handy des Thringer CDU-Chefs Mario Voigt aufgemacht. Der wird der Korruption verdchtigt und hatte initial erklrt, er wolle bei den Ermittlungen gegen sich mithelfen, hat dann aber den Entsperrcode fr sein Handy nicht rausgerckt.

Hier der bemerkenswerte Absatz:

Erst mit Hilfe einer Spezialsoftware habe die Polizei das Handy entsperren knnen. Das sei erst mglich gewesen, nachdem der Hersteller ein Update fr eine Software zur Verfgung gestellt habe.
Was genau soll das heien? Der Hersteller hat dem Handy per Update-Prozess eine fr die "Spezialsoftware" verwundbare Version bergeholfen?

Oder... die "Spezialsoftware" kommt gar vom Hersteller und der hat denen ein Update gegeben, damit sie das Telefon aufmachen knnen?

In beiden Fllen kooperiert der Hersteller mit der Polizei gegen seine Kunden. Da htte ich ja gerne den Namen des Herstellers erfahren.

Oh warte, das "Hersteller" kann sich auch auf den Hersteller der "Spezialsoftware" beziehen. Wieso wrden sie das dann aber hier erwhnen?

Im Moment ist schon wieder Zero Trust in aller Munde, ... "IndyWatch Feed National"

Im Moment ist schon wieder Zero Trust in aller Munde, weil das BSI ein "Positionspapier" dazu verffentlicht hat, das sich im Wesentlichen wie Werbung fr unserise Gadget-Anbieter und Schlangenler liest.

Auch ich hatte vor einer Weile einen Vortrag dazu gehalten und ins Netz gestellt, wo ganz andere Dinge rauskamen. Wie kann das sein?

Nun, das liegt an zwei Dingen. Erstmal ist Zero Trust inzwischen so ein Buzzword, das der Sinn auf dem Weg flten gegangen ist. Jeder verkauft gerade unter dem Label Zero Trust alles. Googelt nur mal Zero Trust AI und staunt.

Mein geschtzter Kollege Kris Khntopp hat auch einen langen Erklr-Thread gepostet, wo er nochmal auf andere Ergebnisse kommt als das BSI und ich. :-)

Eine Sache mchte ich aber mal kurz klren. Zero Trust heit nicht assume breach. Zero Trust heit, dass du von Perimetersicherheit als Modell wegkommst. Perimetersicherheit ist die Idee, dass wir ein vertrauenswrdiges internes Netz haben, und ein bses Internet, und dazwischen tun wir eine Firewall und dann sind wir sicher. Stellt sich vllig berraschend raus: Wenn du bse E-Mails durch die Firewall lsst, und ein VPN, dann kannst du dir die Firewall im Wesentlichen auch ganz sparen.

Zero Trust ist daher die Idee, dass alle Rechner so gebaut werden, auch und gerade die im Intranet, dass sie starke Authentisierung haben wollen, und Daten nur verschlsselt bertragen.

Zero Trust sagt nicht, dass die Kisten Secure Boot haben mssen, oder Binaries signiert werden, oder dass da Telemetrie gemessen und ausgewertet wird. Oder dass die Software Least Privilege wird und man die TCB minimiert. Das ist alles orthogonal.

Zero Trust heit, dass du einkommender Kommunikation nicht auf Basis ihrer IP-Adresse vertraust.

Lasst euch also vom BSI nicht aufschwatzen, dass ihr Endpoint Security fr Zero Trust braucht, oder ein SIEM, etc pp. Und lasst euch von Kris nicht erzhlen, dass das die Strukturen unbeweglich macht. Kann es, muss es aber nicht. Denkt lieber aus der anderen Richtung drber nach. Wenn jemand rumspielen will, braucht der halt Erlaubnis in Form von Keys fr seine Kommunikation. Den Keys kann man dann minimale Zugriffsrechte geben, und man kann auf der Serverseite sehen, welcher Key reinkam, und entsprechend erkennen, welcher Service mit welchen anderen Services redet. Das ist VIEL besser als im Moment, wo niemand sich traut irgendwas jemals wieder anzufassen, weil gar nicht bekannt ist, was sonst alles davon abhngt und wie das verzahnt ist.


The NSW coastal drought continued to grow in July 2023 "IndyWatch Feed"


As of 23 July 2023 Day 53 of the 92 day official Australian Winter an est. of 97.7 % of the land area of the NSW wider North Coast is identified Non Drought, 2% Drought Affected and 0.3% in Drought , according to the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI).


The DPI Combined Drought Indicator mapping currently indicates that in the seven Northern Rivers local government areas of north-east NSW at rough estimates:

Est. 7% of the Clarence Valley is In Drought, est. 57% is Drought Affected and 36% Non Drought;

Est. 8% of the Richmond Valley is In Drought...

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Saturday, 29 July


Rockingham by-election open thread "IndyWatch Feed"

9:15 It looks like weve got most of the 2PP count well get tonight and the swing is sitting on just over 22%, which is pretty substantial but Labor will still retain the seat easily.

8:04 Were getting a 2PP count now, but we dont have a sense of where the booths are coming from. At the moment this count has about half as many votes as the primary vote count and Labor is on 67%, which would be a swing of just over 20%.

7:54 Labor will clearly win this seat. Its not clear what the final margin will be but it should be reasonably safe. The Liberal is currently on 17.65%, trailing Labor on 49.81%. That leaves over 32% of the vote available as preference flows. If those split evenly, that would leave Labor on about 66%. Much less than in 2021, but still very solid.

7:33 The primary vote swing against Labor is generally over 30%, ranging from 29.3% at Safety Bay Senior High School to 37.4% at Hillman PS. But not very much of that swing is going to the Liberals. The swing to the Liberal Party is ranging from 3.1% at Safety Bay PS to 7.9% at East Waikiki PS. Over 10% of the vote has gone to Legalise Cannabis, and over 15% has gone to independents, mostly to Hayley Edwards.

7:16 I hadnt been planning to cover this but I am back home now so I might drop in a few comments.

For now we dont have a 2CP count. So far we have primary vote counts in five out of ten booths. At the moment Labor is on 48.5% of the primary vote, with the Liberal candidate second on 15%. Independent candidate Edwards is very close to the Liberal on 14.8%. Apparently the WAEC will be holding back on the 2CP count until it becomes clearer who will make that count.

6:00 Polls have just closed in the by-election for the Western Australian state seat of Rockingham.

Im out tonight so wont be covering this by-election but feel free to use this post to discuss the results.

You can read my guide to Rockingham here.


The limitarian implications of utilitarianism "IndyWatch Feed"

My fellow Crooked Timber blogger Ingrid Robeyns has long been making the case for limitarianism, that is, the idea that there should be an upper limit on the amount any one person can own or consume. As Ingrid has observed, limitarianism is a constraint, rather than a complete ethical principle, so its important to consider how it interacts with other principles. In the case of utilitarianism, the answer is surprisingly well, at least in (using Ingrids terminology) this and nearby worlds. But understanding this requires a little bit of background and some arithmetic.

Shorter JQ: utilitarianism implies limitarianism. The full argument is over the field (no tricks this time, I promise).

First, utilitarianism is a political philosophy, dealing with the question of how the resources in a community should be distributed. And it starts, as in Bentham, from the assumption that people are sufficiently similar in capability and strength that they must all be taken into account equally. This does not, in itself, imply equality of outcomes or even opportunity, but it rules out notions that some group is inherently deserving of better treatment than others.

Second, (this shouldnt be necessary to state, but it is), there is no such thing as utility. Its a theoretical construct which can be used to compare different allocations of resources, not a number in peoples heads that can be measured and added up. Nonsense about utility monsters and similar is just that.

The practical implication of this is that we need a measure which answers the question: how does the benefit of giving an additional unit of resources to one person compare to the benefit of giving those resources to another. A utility function is a way of answering that question.

There is an ethical judgement here which can be addressed in various ways. We can take a Rawls/Harsanyi original position, rely on introspection or look at peoples choices over time and under uncertainty. None of these are perfect, but most yield one clear conclusion: marginal utility declines with income or, more simply, an extra dollar is worth more to a poor person than to a rich one. But how much more?

The classic answer to this question, going back to Daniel Bernoulli, is that we can think of utility as a logarithmic function of income (or wealth). What that means is that a given proportional increase (or reduction) in income has the same value whoever receives it. Most recent estimates are similar. So, utilitarianism suggests converting everyones income to its logarithm and adding them all up. This may sound mechanical but the implications are striking.

What does this mean for limitarianism? If we take a centibillionaire such as Elon Musk, his wealth is of the order of 10^11. Using base-10 log (it doesnt change anything if you use another...


Australias Right is importing Orbanism: we cant ignore it "IndyWatch Feed"

Senior Australian conservative figures continue to attend conferences backed by illiberal Hungarian leader Viktor Orban. The Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) hosted its 2023 London Summit in late June, featuring Alexander Downer and Greg Sheridan as two of the five speakers. Australians must focus on connections between our Right with Hungarian fascistic politics.  Peter Browne of

The post Australias Right is importing Orbanism: we cant ignore it appeared first on The AIM Network.


Mass Liability Cases Busting Smart Meters, Vax Mandates, Green Power (Digital Banking Next?) "IndyWatch Feed"

All they (the secret corporations masquerading as government) want is money, not justice Cal Washington, co-founder InPower

There are so many stories of all-powerful government oppressing the isolated individual in the past three years that can make one depressed and apathetic. But the real-life story of a Christian construction contractor in Canada trying to figure out how to beat predatory divorce court system has spawned a grass roots legal education movement called InPower that gives citizens tools and information as to how to win over tyrannical courts, hospitals banks, energy companies and green power cooperatives.  This effort has resulted in ten top judges, government officials and public utility officers around the world stepping down from their positions for fear of massive financial liability, including the top un-elected official in Canada and the premier of Western Australia. Say what?! Read on.

After some failures and unanticipated successes over the last five years, InPowers legal method is now moving into stopping the assumed compulsory installation of smart meters, vaccine mandates, and obtaining settlements for mysterious fire storms on homes with smart meters installed.  Maybe stopping the roll out of digital banking will be next?  After all the bad news it is almost unbelievable.

Cal Washington and two other partners have founded InPower, a non-lawyer, self-help legal education organization to assist local groups around the world to use the hidden legal structure of corporations, masquerading as government, against themselves.  InPower is not a profit-making enterprise but a membership organization.  To get this far, Washington has over the past 10 years had to endure seemingly un-ending divorce court proceedings, shake downs by double-dealing lawyers on both sides who worked against him to enrich themselves and jail sentences to intimidate him to drop his legal cases.  Washington is not some hateful radical but a mild mannered, rational person who is apparently motivated out of religious values.

Why InPower Works

Washington explains that the breakthrough for him in his understanding of how the legal system works was when he took a course in commerce law. Through this course he discovered that most government agencies and courts are corporations, not government entities, including the USA and your local incorporated city (not charter cities).  As we are painfully finding out, private corporations like Twitter and Google are not bound by the US Constitution or the Bill of Rights guaranteeing its users free speech.  Neither are the courts, your local public health department, and many other agencies that Washington says masquerade as government entities. And, like all cor...

For Goodness Sake "IndyWatch Feed"

Some years ago, in Australia, I appeared on a platform with a prominent intellectual, many times more famous than I. We were asked what it took to be good.

The famous intellectual, who had had a brilliant career, answered that in order to be good, you had to be intelligent. When my turn came to answer, I said that the previous answer was not only wrong in fact but appalling in its implications.

It seemed to me, I said, that there was no connection between intelligence and goodness, and since the previous speaker was obviously referring to the 1 percent of the population or so that she thought might be approximately her intellectual equal, she was in effect saying that the vast majority of human beings could not be good. I count myself a misanthrope, but I am not as misanthropic as that.

She tried to deny that she had said any such thing, but the audience corrected her: She had indeed said it, and, without resorting to Freudian analysis, I think it revealed her true belief in the matter.

I know what she meant, however. To be good, you must have the right opinions about important abstract questions affecting humanity, and to have those you must be well-informed and capable of drawing correct conclusions from a large amount of information. In short, to be good you must both be highly intelligent and agree with me.

The intelligent are much given to the sin of pride, a sin that is not shared, in my experience, by the truly brilliant. Charles Dickens, for example, who knew himself to be a man of genius and called himself the Inimitable (which he certainly was), once wrote that he held his talent in trust. He meant by this that it was God-given and he had a duty to use it for the benefit of mankind. Few people have worked harder than he, but no amount of effort by itself would have sufficed to produce so many immortal characters and pages. For reasons that will never be elucidated, he was born with a spark that the rest of us do not have.

The idea of goodness as having the right ideas on abstract questions is a godsend to mediocrities. It allows them to learn and repeat a few phrases or formulae and think that they are good and therefore ought to have a special role to play in the direction of society.

I have no disdain for mediocrity and mediocrities as such; they are, indeed, very necessary to the functioning of any society, as is hypocrisy. (Try to imagine a world without hypocrisyhow dull, frightening, and unbearable it would be! There is, of course, hypocrisy and hypocrisy, of the laudable and necessary, and of the abominable and dangerous, kind, with everything in between.)

Mediocrity is very well in its place; among other things, it oils the wheels of administration. Much has to be done routinely, and if everyone were constantly brimming with brilliant ideas demanding that they be put immediately into practice, chaos would result. Besides, many people like to lead their lives....


Barbie Pathologies: Its All About a Doll "IndyWatch Feed"

As the ancient Greeks reminded us, bone cold definitions as starting points are essential in any discussion. One current discussion, insignificant to posterity but amusing for advertisers and the presently bored, is the ludicrous reactions to a plastic doll rendered into celluloid form. And as a doll, it can be no other. Mattels Barbie has

The post Barbie Pathologies: Its All About a Doll appeared first on The AIM Network.


UK Independent newspaper on The Palestine Laboratory "IndyWatch Feed"

My book, The Palestine Laboratory, has received so much attention since its release in May around the world. Im hugely grateful for the interest.

Back in February, the UK Independent journalist and columnist Borzou Daragahi wrote about the book, before it was out, and explained how the occupation of Palestine impacted the entire world.

Read the whole column: Inaction over the treatment of Palestine impacts the entire world _ The Independent

The post UK Independent newspaper on The Palestine Laboratory appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


Better 'Believe' the DMA's have got you covered "IndyWatch Feed"

Better 'Believe' the DMA's have got you covered

From country to rock, indie to Indigenous, it's been an exciting week for Australian music, including a win for a band more people need to know about. IA music man David Kowalski shows us why Australia's music scene is still world-class.


In the news this week is the recent Triple J Hottest 100 event marking 20 years of the breakfast show staple, Like a Version, where musicians both local and international are asked to play a cover song of their choosing. Listeners were asked to vote for their favourite moments from the segment.

The winner was Sydney band the DMA's doing their cover of the 1999 Cher track, Believe. The sad thing is that for a lot of Australians, this cover is the only DMA's performance they are aware of, as exemplified by the fact that they had to play it during the halftime entertainment at the AFL grand final in 2020.

The fact that they play the main stages of huge festivals like Glastonbury and The Isle of Wight in the UK every year or two seems lost on those that program playlists in Australian media circles.

Congratulations to the band on picking up the win. Personally, I think the voting constituency did Alex Lahey a "" target= "_blank">My Chemical Romances Welcome To The Black Parade into...


The Green Fraud: How Climate Alarmists Are Scamming You (Part Three) "IndyWatch Feed"

The nature and causes of climate change are a worthy challenge for the best scientists using the most sophisticated tools available. Unfortunately, the study of climate change has been co-opted by pseudoscientists using flawed models, rigged data, and hyperbolic claims echoed by ill-informed media and politicians with hidden agendas.

Among the best-known boosters of climate alarm are Gillian Tett at the Financial Times and BlackRocks Laurence Larry D Fink.

Fortunately, there are rigorous scientists using hard data and robust models to address the phenomenon. This more scientific group includes Michael Shellenberger, Steven E Koonin, Bjrn Lomborg, Bruce C Bunker, MJ Sangster, and many more.

These sober voices mostly agree that slight global warming is detectable, but its not a crisis and will not become a crisis in the foreseeable future.

They concur that its unclear whether CO2 emissions are the main cause of warming, even if they are a contributing cause. They point to other causes including solar cycles, ocean salinity, ocean currents like El Nio and La Nina, cloud cover, aerosols, volcanoes, agricultural practices, and natural methane release.

There are also numerous official reports that reach the same conclusion. Although, you may have to scan the footnotes to discover that official reports produce scary headlines heavily diluted by detailed content.

The single most important contribution of real scientists is to demonstrate how badly flawed the models used by the climate alarmists are.

A climate model divides the surface of the planet into a grid with squares of about 360 square miles (932 square kilometres) each over land surfaces, and 36 square miles (92 square kilometres) each over the oceans.

Thats about 101 million squares. Each square is extrapolated into a stack about 30 miles (70 kilometres) high to the outer edge of the stratosphere. All weather occurs in this zone, with most weather occurring within 10 miles (26 kilometres) of the earths surface in the troposphere.

The vertical stacks are sliced horizontally into thin layers like pancakes, and each layer is analysed separately for climate conditions in that slice, the impact of such conditions on adjacent pancakes in adjacent stacks, and so on. One must model this activity to a first approximation before getting to recursive functions.

If each pancake is one mile thick, that comes to 3.03 billion pancakes. Analysing one pancake is tricky. Analysing 3.03 billion pancakes is mind-boggling. Analysing the interaction of each of the 3.03 billion pancakes with each of the other 3.03 billion pancakes, even allowing for attenuated interaction at a distance, is a super-linear function that borders on the impossible in terms of computational complexity!

One scientist estimates that if we had supercomputers 1000 times faster than todays computers, the run time on the problem described above wo...


The Marginal Analysis That Undermines Wind and Solar Power "IndyWatch Feed"

The second most important concept in economics, behind scarcity, is the idea of marginal analysis. Humans make decisions based on increments, not absolutes.

We do not ask at the outset of a meal, How many slices of pie should I eat? We ask, Should I eat another slice of pie? At least, thats how we make the actual decision.

Thats because each additional slice has slightly less benefit and slightly more cost each time. We continue to eat until the cost of another slice outweighs the benefitsin the case of pies, literally.

Renewable energy upends how this idea of marginal change is applied to our electricity system. Thats because there is almost no marginal cost to producing energy for wind and solar. Almost all the cost is upfront in the initial manufacture and setup. This risks a sunk cost a solar or wind farm that cost a lot of money to build, but which produces unneeded electricity.

Contrast renewables with a power system that uses fossil fuels, and the issue becomes more obvious. Fossil fuel power requires applying more or less fuel to produce more or less energy. The marginal cost and the marginal benefit have a direct relationship with each other. This encourages efficiency and stable production.

It also keeps power prices stable over time. If less energy is needed, less fuel is used. So, the cost of fuel supply and the revenue earned from demand are inextricably linked. They balance.

Power producers conduct a marginal analysis each time they consider producing more or less power. Should I add another tonne of coal or Btu of gas? What does it cost me and what revenue does it earn me?

As the cost of resources rises with demand, the price of electricity falls with rising supply, until the twain shall meet at the mythical equilibrium of supply and demand.

It is unlikely too much electricity will be produced in a fossil fuel system because it costs someone something they make a loss. Also, resources are not wasted because demand and supply can be matched easily by adjusting how much fuel is used.

But we are increasingly moving to a solar and wind system that does not bear the same link between cost and revenue, in a variety of ways. And precisely the consequences a marginal analysis economist would expect are emerging

The Australian Financial Review sums it up:

Power prices surged to their second-highest March quarter in 18 years, despite a glut of solar and wind production that sent prices into the negative during the middle of the day, according to a new report.

Second most expensive while negative for much of the day!? What a combination. A glut of power and high prices something only a government could achieve.

In SA, which is at the vanguard of the global energy transition, wholesale power prices were negative for 17% of the time, and 29% of the time between 9...


In which the pond produces an epic of dog bothering bromancing and "Ned" Everest climbing, and all without the latest simplistic Sharri conspiracy theory ... "IndyWatch Feed"


As correspondents have noted, The Weekly Beast is once again full of essential information, not least the penny-pinching antics at News Corp, as the bean counters draw the line at tree killer rags infiltrating the bunker ...

Meanwhile, delusions of grandeur erupted last night and continued apace this morning, in a splendid Sharri-style shyte show... with one illustration the pond's personal favourite ...

For those wondering, the first source cited in this lizard Oz World Exclusive Investigation was this dude ...



Fascism will fall when action speaks louder than words "IndyWatch Feed"

<p><a href= ",17759?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=IA_Feed" title= "View Information: Fascism will fall when action speaks louder than words"> <img alt="Fascism will fall when action speaks louder than words" src= "" style="width: 100%; margin: 20px 0;"></a></p> <p class="lead"><em>Supporting anti-fascist movements takes more than endless explaining online, it takes action to prevent neo-Nazi events from taking place, writes <a href= ",905" target= "_blank">Tom Tanuki</a>.</em></p> <p>THERE IS A neo-Nazi event being held today at a space called the Legacy Boxing Gym in Industrial Drive, Sunshine West. The gym was deregistered last year by <a href= "" target="_blank">Boxing Victoria</a> when <em><a href= "" target="_blank">The Age</a></em> uncovered its White supremacist ties, but Legacy has persisted and now serves a strictly neo-Nazi clientele. </p> <p>National Socialist Network (<a href= ",17531" target="_blank">NSN</a>) members are gathering from across Australia to do powerlifting, listen to shit Nazi bands, and luncheon together (their words). Anti-fascist group <a href="" target="_blank">Campaign Against Racism & Fascism has called a counter-rally to protest the event theyre meeting at 2 PM today at the Sunshine West IGA. (Attend. Bring a mate. Showing up is important.)</p> <p>I noticed a response to these events by a group called <a href= "" target="_blank">TRAC</a> (which stands for Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium). Specifically, I was stunned to see it post the whole and unadulterated NSN flyer to Twitter. It attached no analysis, no thought and certainly no call to oppose the event in any way. It included the link there for anybody interested to join the NSN Telegram channel, essentially serving as an ad for neo-Nazis on a big tech platform.</p> <p>I messaged the Australian anti-fascist research group the <a href="" target="_blank">White Rose Society</a>, to ask them for more info on who TRAC is:</p> <blockquote> <p><em>TRAC promotes and disseminates extremist content for free on behalf of neo-Nazis, especially accelerationists. We saw them repost E...


If you can read this "IndyWatch Feed"

Thank your teachers. In your individual case your teachers probably included your parents, family, siblings and almost definitely the teachers when you went to school. In your school, the teacher was the one that convinced you to put the effort in to learn how to read the squiggly lines on a page or a screen

The post If you can read this appeared first on The AIM Network.


Conservatives are masters of scare because they have experience in it "IndyWatch Feed"

For most of my working life, I worked in marketing and advertising, so I know how people are influenced, persuaded or swayed by branding and repetitive advertising. Companies spend millions of dollars to brainwash you subtly, to align you with a specific brand, product or belief. The book Hidden Persuaders by Vance Packard was written in 1957

The post Conservatives are masters of scare because they have experience in it appeared first on The AIM Network.


Has the RBA won the fight against inflation? "IndyWatch Feed"

Big Picture podcast

I joined Michael Yardney on his monthly Big Picture podcast to discuss what's happening.

Tune in here (or click on the image below):


Climate Change Maps of the Month, July 2023 "IndyWatch Feed"


The world has just experience twenty-four straight days of record breaking global temperatures with no end in sight.

Global average air temperature was 17.139 Celsius on Wednesday, 26 July 2023.

Daily Average 2 Meter Air Temperature

Daily Average 2 Meter Sea Surface Temperature

Tweet of the Month "IndyWatch Feed"


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Friday, 28 July


Words Matter. Language Creates Atmosphere. "IndyWatch Feed National"

When I began working in homeless shelters and community settings in the 1980s the homeless and domestic violence sectors had not come to the attention of academia. There was very little research into homelessness, e.g it was not until the early 90s that the accompanying children of the homeless women who came to our shelters were counted in the governments data collection.

But by the mid-90s everything had changed and for the first time researchers began to arrive at homeless and domestic violence shelters with questionnaires and exercises they had designed to assess issues such as infant maternal attachment or as we would say whether the new mum is finding it difficult to adjust.

What was very apparent was the different language spoken by academia as opposed to the every day language and communication amongst staff and residents of the Shelter and wider community.

The following is an example of everyday language that we might use to promote a community event and then how it would sound when put through the filter of academic language.

It is a playful, slightly subversive protest about the impact of how academia developed an exclusive language that then becomes mandatory for report writing and communication amongst service providers but in doing so creates in.

The language both excludes them and conceals the heart and soul of the everyday life of a homeless shelter or community group.

Informal Familiar Language: Hey there, everyone in the neighbourhood! Weve got something really exciting coming up, you might have heard staff talking about it lately. Weve listened to what you said you would like and we have put together a fun program for our community. Theres going to be food, fun and things to do!

Were talking games, arts and crafts, local talent and a big community picnic along the river at our much loved local Rivergum Park where theres plenty of parking.

So mark your calendars and bring your family and friends along for a great time together. Its free! We would love to see you there. Dogs are welcome but must be on a leash at all times!

Rewritten with Replacement Words: Dear stakeholders of our community, we are thrilled to announce an upcoming program designed to foster capacity-building and promote inter-organisational linkages.

We invite your participation in these expressive artisti...


The ABCs spineless head of News Justin Stevens a joke in the ranks. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Hipster feelings guy Justin Stevens was appointed to reform the ABCs struggling News division. Its just got worse. ABC TV News ratings are at an all-time low. ABC Radio News has been decimated. Stevens made the ABCs political editor redundant ie, they dont need someone in charge of that any...


Global boiling. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Clown. 'The era of global warming has ended. The era of global boiling has arrived' UN Secretary General Antnio Guterres warns of 'unbreathable' air and 'unbearable' temperatures to come. Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube Sky News (@SkyNews) July 27, 2023


South African group sues government for Covid-19 vaccines contract details "IndyWatch Feed"

28 July, 2023: Despite widespread calls for transparency, to this day, nearly all publicly funded Covid-19 vaccine procurement contracts remain confidential. This lack of transparency has been criticised as one of the most significant barriers to vaccine equity, a violation of international human rights standards and, often, a breach of domestic transparency regulation.

A 2019 report by Transparency International found that only 7% of Covid contracts have been made publicly available, of those that have been released, most of the crucial information has been redacted. 

Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) have prevented governments from releasing details of their Covid-19 vaccine deals. This protects the interests of vaccine companies and means that the details of high prices of vaccines and rules that give these companies monopoly rights to keep charging these prices for 20 years. While NDAs are relatively common practice in medical contracts, the level of secrecy required for Covid-19 deals is unprecedented. Pharmaceutical companies conditioned release of vaccines on signing NDAs, leaving even powerful nation blocs like the European Union with little choice but to sign.

In response to the multiple reports of corruption in health procurement and misuse of pandemic response funds, South African president, Cyril Ramaphosa, has promised greater transparency. However, non-profit group, Health Justice Initiative is arguing that this has yet to be delivered. It is taking the government to court to find out the details of South Africas procurement of publicly funded Covid-19 vaccines.

Health Justice Initiative joined the criticism of Covid-19 procurement NDAs for enabling pharmaceutical companies to set prices. AstraZeneca reportedly sold vaccines to South Africa at 2.5 times the price per dose that European governments paid.

NDAs can also include secret indemnity for any health risks that arise from the vaccine injections, including possibly against negligence, and redact delivery schedules, protecting big pharmaceutical companies from liability. With no transparency about exactly what the NDAs include, it is hard to assess the reasonableness of the terms.



Retail sector is cooked; homebuilding inflationary pressures falling "IndyWatch Feed"

Producer price pressures plunge

Not a big surprise, given what's been reported by card trackers, but retail turnover fell -0.8 per cent in June, and remains lower than it was last year (in spite of high population growth).

Clothing and footwear retail fell -2.2 per cent, food retailing was down marginally, and department store turnover fell by a savage -5 per cent. 

It's not looking great out there in retail land, with consumers suddenly snapping their wallets shut. 

The retail volumes figures aren't out yet, but it looks like a significant contraction of around -0.5 per cent for the June quarter. 

Australia might dodge a recession, with the Q1 national accounts showing a very narrow growth in GDP of 0.2 per cent. 

But in per capita terms, of course, we already are in recession.

In another soft data release, producer prices increased only +0.5 per cent in Q2, the lowest increase since March 2021. 


Letter from The Cape Podcast Episode 12 "IndyWatch Feed"

Episode 12 of my Podcast Letter from The Cape is now available. In this episode, we discuss the debt bomb narrative, which is used by neoliberals to impose political costs on governments that dare use their spending capacity to improve the conditions of the poor through welfare spending. We learn that governments


Premises mapped for Skymuster surrounding Adelaide GPO (plus those considered "Complex Premises" for a Technology Choice application) as at 01/07/2023 "IndyWatch Feed"

Response by NBN Co Limited to MG on .


Dear MG   Please see my attached access decision.   Regards   Rohan Singh Freedom Of Information Officer T 02 9031 3022 | E [1][email a...


Bride kidnapping a terrifying violation of human rights "IndyWatch Feed"

Bride kidnapping a terrifying violation of human rights

Bride kidnapping, the horrific practice of abducting women into marriage, still takes place in regions of the world and is an affront to human rights, writes Johanna Higgs.

THE SMALL and very dusty town of Murghab, Tajikistan, is snuggled inside the Pamir Mountains where the Pamir Highway crosses the Bartang river. Its remote, dusty and cold. Most of the local population are ethnic Kyrgyzs and live mostly in houses made of mud-brick and whitewash. Remnants of its Soviet past remain and the surroundings are barren and windswept, with yaks and sheep grazing along the river banks. The climate is harsh and unpredictable.

As a woman travelling alone through the region, I was astoundingly uncomfortable. The men were lecherous and rude and each time I stepped out into public felt like running a gauntlet of sleaze. I felt the harshness of life for women and the difficulties that they must endure living in this part of the world. I was only passing through and it felt unbearable.

Indeed, violence and discrimination against women is a hidden epidemic in Tajikistan, a country where many women live in fear of their husbands and relatives. From beatings and rapes to forced marriages, women face a range of abuses that violate their human rights and dignity.

Yet, like in far too much of the world, many women remain silent and suffer in isolation, as the society and the state fail to protect them and hold the perpetrators accountable.

It was for this reason that I had come to Tajikistan, to learn more about the situation of violence against women within the country as part of my global quest to generate more attention to violence and discrimination against women and girls.

In Tajikistan, while it was clear that the situation for women and girls was far from perfect, one of the more unique horrors in this part of the world is bride kidnapping...


The Taylor Swift Exploitation Machine "IndyWatch Feed"

She doesnt love you, she doesnt care for you, and she doesnt know you.  But does her team pretend to, confecting an image of faux empathy and interest, sorting out the wheat from the chaff. The predatory, fan sucking phenomenon of the Taylor Swift marketing machine is something to behold. Leaving aside the sort of

The post The Taylor Swift Exploitation Machine appeared first on The AIM Network.


Records of property but not people: a history of Fawkners dioxin crisis "IndyWatch Feed National"

Driven by the Merri-Bek City Council and local community groups such as Friends of Merri Creek, the restoration of the Merri Creek has been wildly successful. To walk down the track is to feel like youve stumbled into a completely different city. One would hardly recognise this place as the runoff hub of Melbournes industrialised north, a deathly quiet place that stank of something unnatural just two generations ago.

The post Records of property but not people: a history of Fawkners dioxin crisis appeared first on Overland literary journal.


Why Australia and the Philippines Are Natural Partners on Renewable Energy "IndyWatch Feed"

Blessed with complementary capacities, the two nations stand to benefit from closer green collaboration.


Revisiting the Lindt Cafe Hostage Taking "IndyWatch Feed National"

Standing at back of cafe, looking to the black desk, behind which is the main glass door at corner of Philip St and Martin Place

by Dee McLachlan and Mary W Maxwell

Intro by Mary Maxwell

On December 15, 2014, Man Haron Monis told the Lindt Cafe manager, Tori Johnson, to lock the doors. Thus began the siege in which Australians were told of their first Islamic terrorist incident.

The fact that Islamic terrorism might be involved was conveyed in the gunmans demand for an ISIS flag, and the fact that he said Australia is under attack. He claimed to have friends in three locations, including Circular Quay (near...


From national embarrassment to personal humiliation "IndyWatch Feed"

One mans journey Luv, we all get taken out in a box. (Paul Keating to Julia Gillard after she lost the leadership ballot to Kevin Rudd). The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. (Bertrand Russell). It is self-evident that anyone aspiring to be PM

The post From national embarrassment to personal humiliation appeared first on The AIM Network.


VIDEO: The Peter Dutton WE know "IndyWatch Feed"

VIDEO: The Peter Dutton WE know

The Liberal Party is going into damage control.

In a video titled The Peter Dutton we know, supporters and family members of the Opposition Leader and would-be PM, speak about his integrity towards family, his empathy and kindness.

But there's a different side to Peter Dutton that many Australians are acutely aware of.

KIRILLY DUTTON: I think what is special about Peter is his commitment to family.


PETER DUTTON: I would like the [Biloela] family to accept that they are not refugees, they're not owed protection by our country...

Check out the video below for our take on this story.

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Victoria to ban gas connection to all new homes "IndyWatch Feed National"

From 1 January 2024, planning permits for new homes and residential subdivisions will only connect to all-electric networks, with houses taking advantage of more efficient, cheaper, and cleaner electric appliances.

Conservationists and the healthcare workers industry are just two sectors of the community overjoyed about the news that the Victorian government will ban gas connections to new houses from January 1 next year.

The announcement this morning by the Andrews Labor Government is a landmark decision to phase out gas in new homes and boasts that new Victorian households will save up to $1,000 off their annual energy bills while reducing household emissions.

From 1 January 2024, planning permits for new homes and residential subdivisions will only connect to all-electric networks, with houses taking advantage of more efficient, cheaper, and cleaner electric appliances.

Victorian Environment Minister Lily DAmbrosio that from 1 January Victoria would: Require that all new planning permits refuse gas in favour of all-electric buildings; ensure that any future State Government buildings are gas free; offer a package of grants for residential fuel switching, and; create a $10 million reskilling package to assist workers in the transition to a post gas energy economy for Victoria.

All new homes will go electric

These changes will apply to all new homes requiring a planning permit, including new public and social housing delivered by Homes Victoria.

Environment group Friends of the Earth Melbourne has welcomed the measures to reduce the states dependency on fossil methane gas. They say this announcement is a critical step towards the top demand reduction recommendation contained in the No More Gas campaigns Community Gas Retirement Roadmap, that any further residenti...


Experts push back against Victoria Polices grab for new powers to detain children "IndyWatch Feed"

A coalition of over 40 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, health, legal, social, community services and youth advocacy organisations from across Victoria have called on Premier Daniel Andrews and Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes to commit to ruling out any new powers for police over children, once the age of criminal responsibility is raised. The calls respond to recent comments from Victoria Police Commissioner Shane Patton seeking power to arrest and detain children as young as 10, after the reforms are implemented. 

In an open letter, the coalition calls for the Victorian Government to invest in a model of care for children which ensures they have the critical supports they need. This model must be designed in close collaboration with Aboriginal communities, advocates for children in the care system and other overrepresented communities. The letter also urges the Victorian Government to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14 without exceptions.

In May 2023, Victoria Police Commissioner Patton appeared before the Yoorrook Justice Commission and acknowledged that policing of Aboriginal people today is still influenced by systemic and structural racism. Aboriginal young people are almost six times more likely to be processed by police as alleged offenders than non-Aboriginal young people. Any new police powers would disproportionately affect Aboriginal children and families. 

Criminalising children is never the answer to behaviours resulting from complex, unmet needs. Evidence shows that any engagement with the criminal legal system, including first contact with police, can be highly distressing and cause harm to a young child.  

In a crisis, children need first responders who are skilled in health, youth support and other critical services. 

There will be better outcomes for Victorias children, families and communities in the long-term if children are diverted away from the criminal legal system. 

Quotes attributable to Anoushka Jeronimus, Youthlaw Program Director at WestJustice, Co-Convenor of Smart Justice for Young People: 

Children who harm others are also victims of harm themselves. Victoria needs to raise the age of criminal responsibility and ensure the most vulnerable children are being supported, not arrested. These children need health, youth and education services, and it should be child and family workers taking the lead, not police. Its better in the long-run for children and the wider community if children stay in school, get the support they need, and reconnect with their families now.

Quotes attributable to Amala Ramarathinam, Acting Managing Lawyer at the Human Rights Law Centre: 

Raising the age of criminal r...


Supermarket price gauging must be stopped "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed by Jim Hayes

Woolworths and Coles, the supermarket monopolies dominating the industry, have been caught out price gauging yet again. Some of their food prices especially when it comes to fruit and vegetables, are being put up by as much as 16 percent a year and double average rise food prices.

Blame is often and wrongly put on the trifecta of the Covid pandemic, supply chain problems and the war in Ukraine.

If we look back to the Covid lockdowns, when we first experienced supply shortages and gaps on shelves. It was found then that the resulting price rises were far greater than could be justified by cost increases. The supermarkets had used the opportunity to shed staff and upscale their drive towards the just in time supply system.

Just in time means reduced warehousing to cut costs further. It also means available supplies are cut to the bone and gaps appear. The inconvenience imposed on shoppers is far less important to the share holders than the size of the dividend payouts.  

Photo from Wikipedia: Empty supermarket shelves during the Covid pandemic

A year after the lockdowns came to an end, the price gouging and shortages continue.

This business model has been extremely profitable for the supermarkets. A guardian analysis of their accounts over a five-year period showed that they were able to use the pandemic to sell more goods and do so at higher prices. They increased their profit margins, up to 30.7 percent for Woolworths and 26.5 percent for Coles.  

And the one about the Ukraine war being a major cause for higher food prices in Australia. This is greatly exaggerated. True, there has been a major increase in petrol prices. But this is because Australian prices are artificially tied to world prices. Australia is self-sufficient in petrol and the tie is unnecessary, and only there because of ongoing government policy.

This is still nowhere near enough to justify the size of the pri...


If Albaneses such a buddy of Bidens, why is Assange still in jail? "IndyWatch Feed"

An initial refusal from Biden is only an invitation to ask a second time, in a firmer voice

Bob Carr Bob Carr was NSWs longest-serving premier and is a former Australian foreign affairs minister. 27 jul 23,

Julian Assange is in his fourth year in Britains Belmarsh prison. If the current appeal fails, he will be shackled and driven off in a prison van and flown across the Atlantic on a CIA aircraft for a long trial. He faces likely life imprisonment in a federal jail, perhaps in Oklahoma.

In 2021, then opposition leader Anthony Albanese said, Enough is enough. I dont have sympathy for many of his actions, but essentially, I cant see what is served by keeping him incarcerated.

As prime minister, Albanese said he had already made his position clear to the Biden administration. We are working throu...


Why VinFast is Struggling In the US Electric Vehicle Market "IndyWatch Feed"

The Vietnamese automotive firm's planned conquest of the American EV market has hit a number of hurdles.


The Voice confusing for migrants and refugees "IndyWatch Feed National"

If youre finding the definition, intention and scope of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament confusing, you can only imagine the struggle that some newly arrived migrants and refugees are having.

A new survey has found that many are largely unaware and confused about the proposal to create The Voice.

An overwhelming majority of newcomers know little about The Voice proposal or the upcoming referendum and the change it would mean to Australias constitution.

Migrant and refugee settlement agency AMES Australia recently surveyed 150 people from 30 different countries studying English or accessing migrant or refugee settlement services at, Noble Park, Dandenong, Werribee, Footscray and in Western Sydney. All had been in Australia less than five years.

130 of the participants were surveyed randomly and a control groups of 30 people were surveyed after a 30-minute explanation session on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

Not aware of The Voice

Among the random group, more than 67 per cent of respondents were either not aware or only partly aware of The Voice Proposal and 75 per cent were not aware it would mean a change to the constitution.

Asked whether they generally supported the idea of a Voice, 40 per cent were unsure, although almost 50 per cent said they were in favour.

But the survey found that the more people knew about The Voice, the more likely they were to support it. 

Among the sample group who received an explanation session, 80 per cent said they were in favour of the creation of The Voice and another 20 per cent were mostly in favour.

Eighty percent of this group said they were aware of The Voice proposal and 20 per cent were mostly aware.

Fifty per cent said they were aware of the details of The Voice proposal and another 30 per cent were mostly aware.

Eighty per cent of respondents in the control group said they were aware, or mostly aware, of the historical lack of representation of indigenous peoples in national affairs. For the random group this figure was just 25 per cent.

Who would vote Yes or No

Asked if they would vote for a Voice to Parliament, among the random group 50 per cent were unsure, 37.5 per cent said they would and 12.5 per cent said they would not. In the control group, 80 per cent said they would vote for a Voice and 20 per cen...


AUKUS nuclear dump deal decades in the making by nuclear evangelists with prescience. "IndyWatch Feed"

David Hardaker 26 July 23

he story of the long, slow journey to a nuclear waste dump being built in Australia as required by the AUKUS agreement is probably best told through one Jim Voss, a nuclear evangelist from America who has been part of the Australian scene for at least a quarter of a century.

Part of a push which began in 1997, hes one of a handful of international figures whove never gone away. Now, arguably, that push has won the day courtesy of a secret deal struck by the Australian government.

Voss most recent appearance was at a parliamentary committee hearing into nuclear legislation on May 15. Courtesy of the governments AUKUS agreement he was now, finally, able to make a link between the benefits of small modular nuclear reactors the sort sold by his company and the nuclear-powered submarines Australia has committed to.



Aboriginal Australians defeat nuclear dump "IndyWatch Feed"

Dr Jim Green  26th July 2023

Historic win as South Australian Aboriginal traditional owners defeat nuclear dump plan.

Bipartisan efforts by successive federal governments to impose a national nuclear waste dump on the land of Barngarla Aboriginal traditional owners in South Australia (SA) have been upended by a federal court decision in favour of the Barngarla people.

Australians will have their say in a referendum about whether to change their constitution to recognise the First Nations of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice later this year.

READ: Radioactive waste and the nuclear war on Australias Aboriginal people

The Voice would be an independent and permanent advisory body giving advice to the Australian parliament and government on matters that affect the lives of first nations pe...


Key British Assange supporter says Wikileaks founder could cut deal to secure freedom "IndyWatch Feed"

The Age, By Latika Bourke, July 26, 2023

London: One of federal parliaments leading supporters of Julian Assange says the WikiLeaks founder could cut a deal with prosecutors and plead guilty to whatever nonsense necessary to secure his release from prison.

Labor MP Julian Hill, the member for Bruce, tried unsuccessfully to visit Assange in Belmarsh prison, where he has been held since 2019, during a private trip to Europe recently.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has directly lobbied US President Joe Biden for the Queenslanders release but has so far failed to secure it, and has hinted that Assange may have to accept a plea deal.

The reality is that Australia cannot force the United States to [release Assange], and if they refuse, then no Australian should judge Mr Assange if he chooses to just cut a deal and end this matter, said Hill.

His health is deteriorating and if the US refuses to do the right thing and drop the charges then no one would think less of him for crossing his fingers and toes, pleading guilty to whatever nonsense he has to and getting the hell out of there.

Hill, a member of a cross-party group of MPs who support Assanges release, also hit out at supporters who h...


The Star-Spangled Kangaroo "IndyWatch Feed"


A new US warship has been ushered into service in Sydney. The ship is called the USS Canberra to honor the military union of the United States and Australia, and, if thats still too subtle for you, it has a literal star-spangled kangaroo affixed to its side.

Thats right: the first US warship ever commissioned in a foreign port has been emblazoned with a kangaroo covered in the stars and stripes of the Unit...


Seven deadly sins in the Defence industry "IndyWatch Feed"

In the light of such revelations, and of the fact that nuclear-propelled submarines are really suitable only for deep sea operations, not littoral defence, Richard Marless obduracy in continuing to pursue Virginia-Class Attack submarines is astonishing.

It is also about whether the Australian tax payer will be ripped off in the process of acquiring them.

By Richard Broinowski Jul 27, 2023

If previous defence acquisitions are any guide, the enormous cost of nuclear-powered submarines for the Royal Australian Navy will almost certainly escalate well beyond the estimated but un-itemised initial price of $A368 billion. The record of corruption of the two US submarine builders suggests that the project will also probably suffer from mismanagement. The final bill is likely to be astronomical.

In my article AUKUS exposes Australias incoherent defence policy, (Pearls and Irritations 14 February 2022), I mentioned the f...


Nuclear weapons:Oppenheimer wontmake a difference, but Australia can "IndyWatch Feed"

The Interpreter GARETH EVANS, 26 July 23

The movie missed a chance to galvanise a renewed campaign, to better protect against existential danger than rely on sheer dumb luck.

Oppenheimer is a big disappointment for those of us who hoped that this super-hyped, all-star-cast new movie might give new life to the nuclear disarmament cause, creating new awareness of nuclear risks and energising popular support for their elimination maybe even influencing senior policymakers in the way that the 1983 telemovie The Day After was, famously, an epiphany for Ronald Reagan. 

while making clear that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were big bangs, and the Edward Tellers anticipated H-bomb much bigger still, it is no part of the films mission to convey the sheer flesh and blood horror of these most indiscriminately inhumane weapons ever devised.

Oppenheimers moral qualms about massive civilian death tolls, and the catastrophic potential of an internationally unregulated post-war nuclear arms race, are not as clearly or forcefully explained as they could be. And the film takes it as given that the bomb-dropping (not the Soviet Unions almost simultaneous declaration of war) was the decisive factor in Japans surrender an historically flawed storyline, but one that remains critical to this day in keeping alive belief in the utility of nuclear weapons.

So, with no new help from the cinema, its back to the same old frustrating drawing board for nuclear risk reduction and disarmament campaigners.

The need for effective advocacy and action here has never been more compelling. Nearly 13,000 nuclear warheads are still in existence, with a combined destructive capability of close to 100,000 Hiroshima- or Nagasaki-sized bombs, and stockpiles, especially in our own Indo-Pacific region, now growing again. The taboo against their deliberate use is weakening, with Russias President Vladimir Putin talking up this prospect in language not heard since the height of the Cold War. Longstanding nuclear arms control agreements are now either dead (ABMINFOpen Skies) or on life support (New START).

Moreover, the risk of use through human or system error or miscalculation is greater tha...


New Zealands anti-nuclear stance means it wont play a role in Australias submarine plans "IndyWatch Feed"

New Zealands commitment to remaining nuclear-free means it wont play a role in Australias defense plans to acquire nuclear-powered submarines, the leaders from both countries said Wednesday

ABC News, By NICK PERRY Associated Press, July 26, 2023

WELLINGTON, New Zealand  New Zealands longstanding commitment to remaining nuclear-free means it wont play a role in Australias plans to acquire nuclear-powered submarines, the leaders from both countries said after meeting Wednesday. more


Why investing in new nuclear plants is bad for the climate "IndyWatch Feed"

 the climate crisis demands urgency and requires such large investments that cost efficiency is of key importance.

Joule, Luke Haywood Marion Leroutier Robert Pietzcker, July 21, 2023

There has been a strong push to promote increased investments in new nuclear power as a strategy to decarbonize economies, especially in the European Union (EU) and the United States (US).

The evidence base for these initiatives is poor. Investments in new nuclear power plants are bad for the climate due to high costs and long construction times. Given the urgency of climate change mitigation, which requires reducing emissions from the EU electricity grid to almost zero in the 2030s (Pietzcker et al.1), preference should be given to the cheapest technology that can be deployed fastest.

On both costs and speed, renewable energy sources beat nuclear.  Every euro invested in new nuclear plants thus delays decarbonization compared to investments in renewable power. In a decarbonizing world, delays increase CO2 emissions.

Our thoughts focus on new nuclear power plants (not phasing out existing plants) in the US and Europe. In Europe, new nuclear power plants are planned or seriously discussed in France, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. We do not focus on China, where government-set electricity prices and subsidized capital costs make it more difficult to contrast the profitability of different types of energy sources.

Nuclear energy is expensive

The cost overruns on recent nuclear projects are dramatic. In an international comparative assessment of construction cost overruns for electricity infrastructure, Sovacool et al. 2 find that nuclear reactors are the investment type with the most frequent and largest cost overruns, alongside hydroelectric dams. 97% of the 180 nuclear reactor investment projects included in their analysis suffered cost overruns, with an average cost increase of 117% per project. 

More recently, the current estimate of the construction costs of the French Flaman...


Will the small states of Oceania be able to maintain their independence in the face of a new Sino-American Cold War? "IndyWatch Feed"

The friends to all, enemies to none strategy is living its last days as the US and China press the island nations to take sides

By Timur Fomenko, a political analyst, 23 July 23

Papua New Guinea is a gateway between continents. The island, being effectively cut in half, demarcates an artificial boundary between Asia and Oceania. In the past several centuries, the broader island has been carved upon between almost every colonial power going, having been ruled at various points by the Dutch, Spanish, German, Japanese and British empires. Even after gaining its formal independence from Australia in 1975, these legacies continue to scar the island, with half of it still belonging to Indonesia, known as West Papua, which is now a source of unrest and insurgency.

The history of constantly fluctuating overlords only demonstrates the countrys perceived strategic and military importance. Thats because whoever dominates it has direct access to both Australia and the Pacific, and can project into Asia itself. It is of little surprise that Papua New Guinea (PNG) became one of the most gruesome fronts of the Pacific War in World War II, which subsequently brought it firmly into the hands of the Anglosphere, where it has remained ever since, making it an effective dependency of Australia in terms of aid and humanitarian assistance.

Despite this, the island has nothing to show for centuries of colonial dominion, or from being a subordinate of the English-speaking world as a black Melanesian country. It is one of the worlds poorer nations, and is in desperate need of infrastructure to develop itself. Because of this, it has developed a foreign policy it describes as friends to all, enemies to none, which seeks to attain and exploit as many development opportunities as possible and better sustain its own strategic autonomy. This of course, has drawn interest from China, who sees the islands as an important partner as a post-colonial, Global South country. Thanks to PNG being part of the Belt and Road Initiative, Beijing has built airports, highways, sea ports, and telecommunications infrastructure across the country. 

Port Moresby, in turn, sees Beijing as a critical economic partner that can help bolster its own infrastructure and development, the two countries recently having negotiated a free trade agreement. But that doesnt mean trouble is not afoot. While China seeks to bolster economic relations with the countr...


In which Henry goes AWOL, so the pond castles with a Bishop, moves cackling Claire to e6 and plays pawn Dimitri to f3 or f4 ... "IndyWatch Feed"


With the hole in the bucket man going AWOL this day, the pond thought it might take the chance to do a detour and a pleasant distraction. 

Usually the pond only approaches former politicians via the simpering and pandering reptiles, but a friend sent the pond a link to a Graudian story ...Australia must confront four megatrends that are causing rapid global disruption.

Uh huh. Perforce the pond had to read it, if only to pretend that the pond was paying attention and waddya know:

Today we face four megatrends that are driving rapid and disruptive changes, and which will greatly affect our nation, the region and the world.
These pre-date Covid and are likely to continue well after the pandemic. They are technological advances, shifts in geopolitical and economic power, backlash against globalisation and climate change.

Do tell, at least on the matter of climate change ...

...My fourth and final megatrend is climate change. This is the drive for carbon emissions reduction and renewable energy and a transition away from fossil fuels.
Australia has already experienced the extremes of climate-related challenges, but it is a nation historically dependent upon plentiful supplies of cheap fossil fuels to provide baseload power. As researchers from The Australian National University remind us, we have the tools to meet this challenge but we must act with more urgency.
I am confident Australia can play a useful role in shaping responses to the negative effects of each of these four megatrends.

Julie Bishop is Chancellor of The Australian National University and was Australias first female foreign minister. This is an edited extract of her speech delivered at the National Press Club.

The pond confesses it had no idea that Bishop still carried on carrying on, but was pleased she'd found a nice sinecure in academia and can suck up to the splendid profs and researchers at ANU ...

As for the rest, the pond drifted back in time, as you can if you look to Trove or to the Wayback Machine ...



Democracy takes poll position in Timor-Leste "IndyWatch Feed"

Democracy takes poll position in Timor-Leste

When it comes to elections, Timor-Leste and its system of voting has given its citizens a reason to feel excited about democracy, writes GJ Burchall.

THE FIRST OF MANY things that strike you at polling places in Timor-Leste is the total lack of assaults on voters by how-to-vote card boosters  the sort that swarm all over Australian voters like demented, malaria-lugging mosquitos.

Party flags, banners and shills must keep at a respectful 25-metre distance. Ditto the automatic weapons.

It was different in the weeks leading up to election day. Rival flags were flown outside houses and shops, adorned cars, mikrolets and motorbikes (some pillion riders even wore large flags as capes, which made them look like party superheroes as they shot past).

Parties were assigned rally days on a clogged campaign calendar and allocated streets over which they could string their pennons. All day and into the early evening, traffic on main thoroughfares was blocked by trundling trucks, whose open trays carried mobs of chanting, flag-flapping youths.

In Australia, not only is truck-bed travelling banned, but youd struggle to find this level of election enthusiasm.

This is, no doubt, due to its compulsory, chore-like, non-democratic, fine-threat essence. Timor-Leste, in contrast, unable to vote for 500 years, has warmly embraced the activity. Voting is not compulsory, yet they can boast regular turnouts of over 80 per cent from 860,000 registered voters, even if some must travel great distances to do so.

Your mission is to observe the election, iterated the agent at the official briefing:

Youve all studied the protocol manual, so you know how things are supposed to run. If you do see any breaches by electoral officers, under no circumstances engage: do not interfere or try to correct them. Just make a note, stick it in your report.

We glorious 43 were a delegation of volunteers convened by the Australian East Timor Association and Victoria University, just one of several international gangs who descended upon Timor-Leste to...


A short history of Australian aid policy launches "IndyWatch Feed"

The release of the Albanese governments new international development policy is now being routinely described by analysts and pundits as imminent. It is not clear yet what form the launch of this new policy might take. For the last 40 years, with one exception, Australian ministers have launched their aid policies through a major public speech. Two venues have provided the principal platforms for these launches the Federal Parliament and the National Press Club.

In the mid-1980s, the Hawke government released its response to the first major independent review of Australias aid since the creation of the program in the 1960s, the so-called Jackson Review. Speaking in the Parliament in November 1985, Labors Foreign Minister Bill Hayden delivered a ministerial statement outlining the governments response to the report, declaring that the aid program would be explicitly designed to meet three distinct but complementary objectives strategic, commercial and development/humanitarian:

We are concerned to ensure as far as we can that economic growth and social progress are achieved in developing countries, especially in our region, and that they be achieved in orderly and stable ways. This in turn will ensure that our relations with regional countries, both political and commercial, develop in a harmonious and mutually beneficial way.

Aid is not somehow tainted because, among other things, it helps serve our own economic interests. But there are arguments that go in that direction. The Government, in other words, maintains a balance of motives in our aid program a necessary and perfectly defensible balance between our humanitarian concern for our fellow human beings and our economic and political interests.

The Howard government launched two aid policies during its tenure in the 1990s and 2000s. In November 1997, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer delivered a ministerial statement to Parliament in response to another independent assessment, the Simons Review. In contrast to the Jackson report, this review recommended that the aid program adopt a single overarching objective in order to strengthen its coherence, impact and effectiveness: poverty reduction. Launching the governments policy response, Better aid for a better future, from the dispatch box...


Podcast #99: History of STV in the USA "IndyWatch Feed"

Ben is joined by American political scientist Jack Santucci to discuss the history of the single transferable vote electoral system and its implementation in numerous American cities in the early 20th century.

Jacks book More Parties or No Parties explores this period and advances a theory to explain why electoral system change happens when it does. We also meander into a comparison of STV and simpler proportional representation systems.

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On the road with Rask "IndyWatch Feed"

Rask roadshow

Futures markets are looking for no further interest rate hikes in this cycle (with cuts to come next year).

It's no wonder, therefore, that investors are starting to get a bit more active, both in the stock market and in property.

Australia also faces a chronic housing shortage given projected population growth of 2.2 million over the next five years, so there will be no shortage of demand. 

What better time than for us to be getting on the road with the Rask Roadshow.

See the details in this short blog and video here (or click on the image below):


U.N. Australian Aboriginals Battle Genocide, Inuit Fight for Fishing Rights, as Indigenous Lands Seized Worldwide "IndyWatch Feed National"

Inuit in Pangnirtung, Canada/Photo Doug StruckAustralian Aboriginals, Inuit, and Original Inhabitants of Nigeria and Bangladesh tell of Genocide, Fishing Rights Loss and Land SeizuresBy Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 27, 2023GENEVA -- Australian Aboriginals told the United Nations that Australia continues its ongoing genocide. After 14 years, the Australian government has not implemented the


Jonas Brothers announce first-ever Australian Tour for 2024 "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Get ready, Aussie fans! The Jonas Brothers are going big with their FIVE ALBUMS. ONE NIGHT. tour, adding a staggering 27 shows across Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

For the first time ever, the Jonas Brothers will be gracing Australian stages in March 2024, and its a moment fans have been eagerly awaiting. Aussie fans will get the chance to catch the Jonas Brothers electrifying performances at Sydneys Qudos Bank Arena on March 1 and 2, followed by Brisbane Entertainment Centre on March 5, and concluding at Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne on March 8 and 9.

Jonas Brothers Australian Tour Dates

  • Sydney, Qudos Bank Arena: Friday, March 1
  • Sydney, Qudos Bank Arena: Saturday, March 2
  • Brisbane, Entertainment Centre: Tuesday, March 5
  • Melbourne, Rod Laver Arena: Friday, March 8
  • Melbourne, Rod Laver Arena: Saturday, March 9

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

With a whopping 90 shows across 20 countries, this tour is their most ambitious outing yet, kicking off with two sold-out nights at Yankee Stadium on August 12 and 13 in North America before taking over the globe.

The Jonas Brothers will thrill audiences by performing hit songs from all five of their albums every single night, making each show an unforgettable experience for fans. From Paris to Milan, London to Dublin, Sydney to Auckland, New York to Los Angeles, Chicago, and beyond, the Jonas Brothers will be taking the world by storm.

Standing out as one of the most successful groups of the 21st century, the Jonas BrothersNick Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Kevin Jonashave sold north of 20 million albums and counting, garnered two GRAMMY Award nominations, earned 26 Billboard Hot 100 hits, logged three consecutive #1 debuts on the Billboard 200, and generated billions of streams. Among many accolades, theyve recently claimed a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

In 2019, they notably ignited the comeback of the decade with their Platinum-Certified Republic Records debut, Happiness Begins, yielding the history-making, 5x-Platinum smash Sucker, which minted them as the first group in the 21st century to debut at #1 on the Hot 100, exploded as the longest running #1 Pop Airplay Single of 2019, and received a GRAMMY Award nomination in the category of Best Pop Duo/Group Performance.

In 2023, Jonas Brothers once aga...


INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine Obamas Chef, Barbie vs Oppenheimer & More "IndyWatch Feed"

A discussion on this weeks politics, scandals and culture.

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on July 25, 2023, Patrick talks with Basil Valentine, host of the show Compass with Basil Valentine on TNT Radio, and our roving correspondent for culture & sport,  about the mysterious death of Obamas personal chef near the Obama mansion in Marthas Vineyard, and rumours surrounding the tragedy. Also, Hollywood continues to go downmarket woke with the new Barbie film which goes head to head at the box office with Christopher Nolans Oppenheimer. And a new UK leftwing alternative political party is being launched called Transform, but will of be able to overcome Britains first past the post two-party duopoly? All this and more. Listen:

More from Basil:
TNT Radio

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):




Thursday, 27 July


A simple scan could save a life: MedicAlert tags adopt QR codes "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Medical ID tag bracelets have gone digital, with the addition of QR codes for the first time in Australia. A simple scan will show extensive patient information and provide health professionals access to critical personal health records in seconds.

Australian MedicAlert Foundation has collaborated with South Australian paramedics, launching the new national QR Code ID service in SA yesterday.

So, what information will be made available to medical professionals with a single scan?

Image: Image courtesy of Wikimedia-DRattus91

Produced By: Emma Wotzke

Featured In Story: Christopher Radbone CEO, Australian MedicAlert Foundation

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 27 July 2023

The post A simple scan could save a life: MedicAlert tags adopt QR codes appeared first on 4YOU 98.5FM Capricorn Community Radio.

A simple scan could save a life: MedicAlert tags adopt QR codes "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Medical ID tag bracelets have gone digital, with the addition of QR codes for the first time in Australia. A simple scan will show extensive patient information and provide health professionals access to critical personal health records in seconds.

Australian MedicAlert Foundation has collaborated with South Australian paramedics, launching the new national QR Code ID service in SA yesterday.

So, what information will be made available to medical professionals with a single scan?

Image: Image courtesy of Wikimedia-DRattus91

Produced By: Emma Wotzke

Featured In Story: Christopher Radbone CEO, Australian MedicAlert Foundation

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 27 July 2023

The post A simple scan could save a life: MedicAlert tags adopt QR codes appeared first on Fraser Coast FM 107.5.


"IndyWatch Feed Qld" "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

On Monday 24 July, three Air Affairs (Australia) LearJet 35A and LearJet 36 bizjets were spotted arriving into Rockhampton Airport where they will be based during the joint Military Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023 (TS23).  All arrived in quick succession from their home base at HMAS Albatross at Nowra.

LearJet 36 VH-SLJ as "Ajax 01" arrived first.



More care needed as healthcare workers risk burnout "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

A new report between Curtin University and the University of Sydney has investigated the mental health and wellbeing of healthcare workers.

Around 40% of participants say their job is emotionally demanding, while 22% report high levels of work-related burnout. Additionally, workers between the ages of 16-24 report higher rates of poor mental health.

The Wires contributor from RTRFM Fiona Bartholomeaus asked John Curtin Distinguished Professor at the Future of Work Institute, Sharon Parker how the research came about..

Image: Image courtesy of Unsplash: Jonathan Borba

Produced By: Fiona Bartholomaeus

Featured In Story: Sharon Parker John Curtin Distinguished Professor at the Future of Work Institute Curtain University , and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 27 July 2023

The post More care needed as healthcare workers risk burnout appeared first on 4YOU 98.5FM Capricorn Community Radio.

More care needed as healthcare workers risk burnout "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

A new report between Curtin University and the University of Sydney has investigated the mental health and wellbeing of healthcare workers.

Around 40% of participants say their job is emotionally demanding, while 22% report high levels of work-related burnout. Additionally, workers between the ages of 16-24 report higher rates of poor mental health.

The Wires contributor from RTRFM Fiona Bartholomeaus asked John Curtin Distinguished Professor at the Future of Work Institute, Sharon Parker how the research came about..

Image: Image courtesy of Unsplash: Jonathan Borba

Produced By: Fiona Bartholomaeus

Featured In Story: Sharon Parker John Curtin Distinguished Professor at the Future of Work Institute Curtain University , and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 27 July 2023

The post More care needed as healthcare workers risk burnout appeared first on Fraser Coast FM 107.5.


New Album empowers First Nations Language revival "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Researchers say that by 2050 its predicted that no fluent speakers of First Nations languages will remain if language preservation is not tackled head on

With the powerful aim of reclaiming and reinforcing indigenous language First Nations artists along with researchers from Deakin university and University of Melbourne have produced a new album Gunditjmara Alive, celebrating Gunditjmara language through song and music.

Image: Image courtesy of Sophie Couchman and Jonathon ODonnell

Produced By: Emma Wotzke

Featured In Story: Dr Vicki Couzens community linguist and proud Keerray Wooroong Gunditjmara woman, and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 27 July 2023

The post New Album empowers First Nations Language revival appeared first on 4YOU 98.5FM Capricorn Community Radio.

New Album empowers First Nations Language revival "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Researchers say that by 2050 its predicted that no fluent speakers of First Nations languages will remain if language preservation is not tackled head on

With the powerful aim of reclaiming and reinforcing indigenous language First Nations artists along with researchers from Deakin university and University of Melbourne have produced a new album Gunditjmara Alive, celebrating Gunditjmara language through song and music.

Image: Image courtesy of Sophie Couchman and Jonathon ODonnell

Produced By: Emma Wotzke

Featured In Story: Dr Vicki Couzens community linguist and proud Keerray Wooroong Gunditjmara woman, and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 27 July 2023

The post New Album empowers First Nations Language revival appeared first on Fraser Coast FM 107.5.


Regionality Cairns: round two frames lens on industry event for regional filmmakers "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

This week, the Australian International Documentary Conference will kick off its second Regionality Cairns event for film and documentary makers in remote Australia.

The goal is to provide tools for pitching film ideas and share industry knowledge.

The Wires Eduardo Jordan asked CEO and Creative Director of Australian International Documentary Conference Natasha Gadd, more about the aim of Regionality Cairns

Image: Image by CRISTINA BEVILACQUA supplied

Produced By: Eduardo Jordan

Featured In Story: Natasha Gadd CEO and Creative Director of Australian International Documentary Conference, and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 27 July 2023

The post Regionality Cairns: round two frames lens on industry event for regional filmmakers appeared first on 4YOU 98.5FM Capricorn Community Radio.

Regionality Cairns: round two frames lens on industry event for regional filmmakers "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

This week, the Australian International Documentary Conference will kick off its second Regionality Cairns event for film and documentary makers in remote Australia.

The goal is to provide tools for pitching film ideas and share industry knowledge.

The Wires Eduardo Jordan asked CEO and Creative Director of Australian International Documentary Conference Natasha Gadd, more about the aim of Regionality Cairns

Image: Image by CRISTINA BEVILACQUA supplied

Produced By: Eduardo Jordan

Featured In Story: Natasha Gadd CEO and Creative Director of Australian International Documentary Conference, and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 27 July 2023

The post Regionality Cairns: round two frames lens on industry event for regional filmmakers appeared first on Fraser Coast FM 107.5.


"IndyWatch Feed Qld" "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

On Monday 24 July, six Australian Army NH Industries MRH-90 Multi-Role Helicopters were spotted passing through Central Queensland while on flights from Holsworthy Barracks near Sydney up to RAAF Base Amberley and then to Proserpine (Whitsunday Coast) Airport. 

At Rockhampton Airport, five of the six called in for fuel before continuing to Proserpine Airport.  They were identified as:  A40-029 "Bushman 82", A40-008 "Bushman 83", A40-001 "Bushman 85", A40-045 "Bushman 84", and A40-040 "Bushman 86".



Food, glorious food "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Today, when I asked for a raincheck on my physiotherapy session, I felt like the physiotherapist might have thought I was being lazy. Looking back, I realize I should have explained my situation better.

Earlier in the day, my blood sugar level dropped alarmingly low, and I was still recovering from the impact it had on me. Read the rest Food, glorious food


"IndyWatch Feed Qld" "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

On Monday 24 July, three Australian Army Boeing CH-47F 'Foxtrot' Chinook helicopters were spotted passing through a very wet and rainy Rockhampton Airport while heading South from Townsville.

They were identified as A15-302, A15-312 and A15-310 and were heard to fly together as "Patriot". 



Which Troops, What Support? "IndyWatch Feed National"

The third commentary in this weeks symposium on Katharine Millars Support the Troops: Military Obligation, Gender, and the Making of Political Community, from Cian ODriscoll. Cian is Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations at Australian National University. His principal area of research is the intersection between normative international relations theory and the history of political thought, with a particular focus on the ethics of war. His published work examines the development of the just war tradition over time and the role it plays in circumscribing contemporary debates about the rights and wrongs of warfare. These themes are reflected in his two monographs: Victory: The Triumph and Tragedy of Just War (Oxford, 2019) and The Renegotiation of the Just War Tradition (Palgrave, 2008). Cian has also co-edited three volumes and his work has been published in leading journals in the field, including International Studies Quarterly, the European Journal of International Relations, the Journal of Strategic Studies, the Journal of Global Security StudiesReview of International StudiesEthics & International Affairs, and Millennium. He was the Principal Investigator on an ESRC project entitled Moral Victories and was a 2019 ISRF fellow. Cian is also currently the Chair of the International Ethics section of the International Studies Association.

Kate Millars Suppo...


Live There, Got the T-Shirt "IndyWatch Feed National"


Its almost impossible to talk about Winnipeg, Manitoba, without talking about its inferiority complex. When I first moved here, by choice, in 2008, people would always ask me, Why? Why would you do such a thing? Why would you move here?

Over the next few years, I had fun attempting to answer this question on my blog, alongside two other close friends who had decided to give Winnipeg a try. Bringing our positive, curious, and upbeat lens to civic life in a notoriously self-loathing place led to all sorts of fun experiences and even what we felt could be 15 minutes of local fame

We wrote about interesting local expressions, pronunciations, and practices. We compared systems here to the ones we had been used to in the places wed previously lived. That first summer we even got invited by a local radio station to determine the best restaurant patio in the city and do in-studio reports on our research. We were mostly writing the blog for ourselves, and it was nuts to us that our takes were so novel and unexpected that anyone else was interested.

After a few years, my unbridled enthusiasm for Winnipeg had definitely waned, for several reasons. Becoming a parent had jostled my rose-colored glasses and I could now see a little more clearly the way that people in the city were struggling. This intensified when we decided to sell our car and get around primarily by bus, bike, and walking. Meeting other people who wanted a better city was a blessing and a curse: a feeling of finding my people but also having too many discussions about how unhappy our city was making us. 

And so it was, that when I walked into a spring market a couple of months ago and saw a T-shirt that read I dont NOT love Winnipeg, I knew I had to have it.



Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023 - United States Marine Corps (USMC) Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion Helicopter 163072 "Kong 41" Pops into Rockhampton Airport "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Early on Sunday 23 July, it was a great surprise to have a United States Marine Corps (USMC) Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter pop into Rockhampton Airport.  It is believed to have arrived direct from the United States Navy (USN) amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA-6) which is currently in waters near the Shoalwater Bay Training Area (SWBTA).



Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023 - Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Alenia C-27J Spartan Transport Aircraft A34-005 "Valour 02" Also Calls into Rockampton Airport - Plus More! "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Also on Sunday 23 July, Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Alenia C-27J Spartan Transport Aircraft A34-005 was also spotted visiting Rockhampton Airport.  It looked to arrive from RAAF Base Amberley and later depart to Darwin.



The Criminal Offence of Sexual Touching Without Consent "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

It has been reported that Tim Mathieson, who is the ex-partner of former Australia prime minister Julia Gillard, will plead guilty in Melbourne Magistrates Court to intentionally sexually touching a woman without her consent in Melbournes CBD on 13 March...

The post The Criminal Offence of Sexual Touching Without Consent appeared first on Sydney Criminal Lawyers.


Glowing Nights, Local Delights: Piccadilly Night Market returns to Geelong Racecourse on Friday "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Get ready to light up your Friday night because the Piccadilly Night Market is back at the Geelong Racecourse on 28 July, 2023, and its bringing local makers, bars, and food trucks for an epic evening of shopping, dining, and fun.

If youre in the mood to support local businesses and score some unique handmade products, the Piccadilly Market is the place to be. With more than 40 stalls showcasing Geelongs most talented jewellers, fashion designers, artists, and food producers, youre guaranteed to find quirky buys and artsy gift ideas for all those special occasions.

Piccadilly Night Market

  • Friday, July 28, 2023, 5 pm 9 pm
  • $5 entry fee for 16+, FREE for Under 16
  • Free parking
  • Geelong Racing Club, 99 Breakwater Road, Breakwater

Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region here.

The market transforms the Geelong Racing Club into a shopping wonderland where you can chat with the makers themselves and get a feel for the passion and creativity behind their products.


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Troye Sivan clears up rumours hes a crazy power bottom "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Sarah Davison

Troye Sivan has come out to clear up a common misconception, stating he is not a bottom.  Since its release in 2018, Sivans single Bloom has become a power bottom anthem. However in a recent podcast interview, Sivan wanted to dispel rumours about art imitating life. During an interview with Emily Ratajkowski on her podcast ...

The post Troye Sivan clears up rumours hes a crazy power bottom appeared first on QNews.


The Pandelusion "IndyWatch Feed National"

my new book, The Bug in our Thinking. In it I quote Carl Sagan from 1996:

Weve arranged a society based on science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology. And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces. Who is running the science and technology in a democracy if the people dont know anything about it?

Science is more than a body of knowledge, its a way of thinking. A way of sceptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility. If we are not able to ask sceptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be sceptical of those in authority, then were up for grabs for the next charlatan, political or religious, who comes ambling along.

Sagan was on the money. Every day brings news of more absurdities from charlatans in science, education, politics and media. To quote myself, from the same book: Never have so many been so wrong about so much.

Why is this happening?

If I could answer that in a couple of paragraphs I would not have had to write a whole book. Here, I will focus on just one element. Underneath all the dangerous and troubling beliefs about gender, climate, race, migration, medicine and vaccination lies a psychological problem. Too many people believe things that are not true. This is the new normal. Lets call it the Pandelusion.

The Pandelusion thinking and doing the right thing is the worldview relentlessly promoted by most of the media and driven by bad science and big money.

This doesnt require a conspiracy by the way. That is just what the profit motive will do when untrammelled by conscience or virtue. For the controlling minority of society it is extremely lucrative to promote the Pandelusion. For the majority, the result is an expensive, destructive, disempowering rip-off.

It would take an encyclopaedia to itemise and refute each of the delusions one at a time. In fact it already has. On websites and Substacks and in books and scholarly journals millions of words have been written refuting every one of the dominant delusions with rational argumen...


Get To Know: Sydneys Rising Alt-Rap Star Somber Hills "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Not many artists would boldly interpolate Joni Mitchells folk classic Big Yellow Taxi into a SoundCloud rap banger, but not many artists are Somber Hills. 

Dont it always seem to go / That you dont know what youve got til its gone, he wryly sings in his track Hurdles, before continuing: Leave paradise, you dont even care about life.

Its a courageous highlight from Somber Hills new EP, Pain Station, a project that the artist real name Lukas Martin stringently envisioned.

Although this album will roll out as singles and small projects, whichever way it is delivered to the public, it is intended to live together as an experience, a journey and to deliver the message that through pain we grow,' he explains.

Like going to the gas station, we have to keep going back to pain, pay for it and then we can continue to our destination. It never stops. We might never feel complete and were always going to have something to face.

I feel I changed more in life than I ever have during the imagination of these records, and thats due to the hurting I embraced and will continue to embrace to evolve. These songs capture the transmutation of emotion to sound and the catharsis being a creative brings.

It might be a rudimentary description, but the music Martin makes sounds modern: one of the alt-rock-meets-rap artists flourishing following Lil Peeps era, Somber Hills weaves together dark lyricism and hyper energy throughout his new release.


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If nothing changes nothing will change: the Voice referendum "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Constitutional referendums in Australia are painful and frustrating affairs. Partly because the threshold for a successful referendum is so hard to reach, and partly because the same old tropes get trotted out every time to propel a No vote.

Constitutional law is an area of professional expertise for me. I have taught Constitutional Law in universities in Australia and the South Pacific, where I needed to keep abreast of the constitutional structures of twelve different Pacific nations, including Vanuatu where I was living for some years. Our Pacific neighbours have been through their own long journeys from colonisation to independence and have much to teach Australia.

Before we get into the merits of the current proposal for change, lets first look back over the history of referendums in Australia. Of forty-four proposed changes since 1901 only eight have succeeded. The reason for this low success rate is partly because of the need for a double majority, meaning an overall majority of voters voting YES nationally in addition to a requirement that a majority of voters also vote YES in a majority of states. This means that it only requires the three smallest states to vote No for a proposal to fail.

So its always an uphill battle from the start.

The next reason why so many fail, is more frustrating. Regardless of the merits of any proposal, negativity is easier to popularise, and has much more room to manoeuvre and manipulate arguments than the YES case, which inevitably is constrained by the need to advocate entirely on point.

Over my life I have watched many constitutional referendums fail. It has been frustrating to watch, because every time the same tropes get trotted out to keep our boring old colonial constitution in its outdated and racist 19th century form.

The tropes that get used every time are to tell you to vote No for the following reasons:

1. I dont understand law and the constitution (there is information available)
2. There is not enough detail (this is primar...


1) Cooperation Team for Prevention of Torture conducts assessments in conflict-prone Papua region "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

2) Papuas Human Development Index shows encouraging growth: HDI increases by 1.27 percent by 2022 
3) Indonesian artists gracing 7th MACFEST


1) Cooperation Team for Prevention of Torture conducts assessments in conflict-prone Papua region...


Pearson issues challenge "IndyWatch Feed National"

PROMINENT Indigenous leader Noel Pearson has issued a call to arms for supporters of the Voice, saying more work needs to be done, with the referendums success in doubt. 

Support for constitutionally enshrining an Indigenous advisory body has been tracking downwards according to numerous polls. 

Mr Pearson said the yes campaign had its work cut out but the inertia is no, the momentum is yes. 

The yes campaign has got to get out, its not going to fall into our laps, he told Sky News on Sunday. 

We need to be at the railway stations, we need to be at the town halls, we need to be meeting people in the malls and we need to be appealing to the better angels of the Australian nature. 

Former Liberal MP Warren Mundine, who is campaigning against the Voice, said it would be hard for the yes campaign to shift the momentum, with polling showing Australians are against enshrining it in the constitution. 

Mr Mundine said while the public wanted practical outcomes, the government was failing to make the case for how a Voice would deliver change on the ground. 

He said education and economic participation, such as starting a business and getting a job, were key to closing the


Womens World Cup welcome ceremony stuns "IndyWatch Feed National"

AUSTRALIA has gone green and gold for the Matildas with more than 75,000 fans turning up to watch their first World Cup match against Ireland.

The Matildas kicked off their campaign at Stadium Australia with a 1-0 win thanks to step-in captain Steph Catleys penalty in the second half as the Tillies opened their campaign last week. 

Close to 1.4 million tickets have been snapped up, surpassing previous tournament records. More Matildas jerseys have sold than the Socceroos managed during and since the 2022 mens World Cup, according to sportswear brand Nike. 

The match was initially scheduled to take place at the 42,000-capacity Sydney Football Stadium, but Football Australia (FA) and FIFA agreed to take a chance and flip the game to the bigger venue. 

All of Australias major cities, including Melbournes iconic football hub Federation Square, are turning green and gold with dedicated live sites. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese sent a message of support to the Matildas ahead of their opening


Tambo gets his tango on while smashing two worlds "IndyWatch Feed National"

PREPARE to have your senses ignited as the sensational Mitch Tambo takes centre- stage with his deadly new collaboration, Walanbaa Yulu-Gi Burn The Floor.

The scorching show fuses Tambos love of his Gamilaraay culture with Australian ballroom dance company Burn the Floor leaving audiences spellbound. 

Tambo, the captivating singer- songwriter, actor, performer, and presenter who gained international acclaim with his breathtaking rendition of John Farnhams Youre the Voice is ready to conquer the stage alongside a cast of other amazing performers in a blaze of mesmerising performances along the entire east coast of the continent. 

Im just a brother out here trying to make some way in this big beautiful wide crazy world, Tambo told the Koori Mail. 

And Im just really pumped and ready to hit the road with Burn the Floor, who are just such an incredible dance company and to bring our culture into it. 

Walanbaa Yulu-Gi is going to be just so deadly and will really showcase to the world


Live prison broadcasts "IndyWatch Feed National"

THE unique Beyond the Bars live prison radio show aired once again during NAIDOC Week this July. 

Run by a team of volunteers from 3CR community radio in Naarm (Melbourne), Beyond the Bars gives inmates in prisons across Victoria the opportunity to broadcast live-to- air. 

Featuring music, discussion, rap and shout outs to family, the program began in 2002 and each year it features songs, stories, opinions and poems from the men and women inside, while also connecting them with culture and community. 

Robbie Thorpe, a presenter on 3CR and one of the volunteers with Beyond the Bars, told the Koori Mail the program is an opportunity for mob inside to have a little shout out to their families and connect in a small way. Theres a lot of restrictions in jails as you can imagine. 

The series broadcasts every day during NAIDOC Week from a different prison. Yet along with the live-to-air which can also be streamed online anytime volunteers also work with inmates during the weeks leading up to the broadcast for training and


Beneath The Pink Patriarchy-Hate, Barbie Tries To Answer: What Is A Woman? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Does 'Barbie' fully grasp the underpinnings of its own message about what it means to be a woman, and ultimately what it means to be human?


Finalists revealed for NSWs LGBTIQA+ Honour Awards "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Andrew M Potts

LGBTIQA+ community health organisation ACON has announced the finalists for the NSW 2023 Honour Awards. Held since 2007, the Honour Awards celebrates outstanding service to, and achievements within, the LGBTIQA+ community in NSW and culminate in a gala awards ceremony and fundraising event for ACON. The 36 finalists were selected from over 230 nominations ...

The post Finalists revealed for NSWs LGBTIQA+ Honour Awards appeared first on QNews.


Mitch isn't well. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Odd moment: McConnell freezes at start of Senate GOP leadership press conference and is escorted to the side by his colleagues Raquel Martin (@RaquelMartinTV) July 26, 2023


Beyond The Valley teases potential headliner for NYE festival "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

<p><p><p>Popping up all around Melbourne, Beyond The Valley has revealed its latest teaser campaign, with eye-catching posters that simply read theres no place Id rather be. Unmistakable lyrics from No Place by the acclaimed trio RFS DU SOL, its the first taste of their potential lineup.</p> <h3>Beyond the Valley</h3> <ul> <li>When: December 28 to January 1</li> <li>Where: Wadawurrung & Eastern Maar land, Barunah Plains, Victoria

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews </i></b><a href= ""><span class= "s1"><b><i>here</i></b></span></a><b><i>.</i></b></p> <p>Digging further, we rang the cryptic phone number on the posters, and were led to an answering machine message that simply said, were getting ready to share our 2023 lineup. So, stay tuned because it looks like the lineup reveal is just around the corner.</p> <blockquote class="instagram-media"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <p> </p> <div style="display: flex;"> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex;"> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"></div> <div style= "display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style= "color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;"> View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"></div> <div style="display: flex; margin-bottom: 14px;"> <div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> ...</div> </div> </div> </div> </blockquote></i></b></p></i></b></p>


The End of an Era so long Sunny. "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Vikki Uhlmanns farewell to Norma Morgans beloved dog, Sunny. You might remember a time when an old lady and her dog used to walk the streets of Hill End. Her []

The post The End of an Era so long Sunny. first appeared on Westender.


Issue 29 Out Now! "IndyWatch Feed National"

Drum rolllll. The new issue of Pip  Issue #29 has arrived! And what a beauty it is.


Is Beatles legend Paul McCartney touring Australia this year? "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Hold on to your hats and Beatles merch, music lovers, because the rumours are swirling, and it looks like we might be in for an unforgettable treat!

According to the Herald Sun, the legendary Paul McCartney is in talks to return to Australia, potentially bringing his iconic tour Down Under this October and November. If this becomes a reality, itll be McCartneys first visit since headlining Glastonbury last year, and fans are already buzzing with excitement.

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

Frontier Touring, known for bringing the biggest acts to our shores (including Taylor Swift next year!), is reportedly involved in the potential 2023 Paul McCartney Australian tour, and thats got us all on the edge of our seats. The flagged cities are Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, with two other potential cities, for sometime in October and November.

Imagine witnessing the music maestro himself, performing his timeless hits in front of an ecstatic crowd huge.

Last time McCartney graced our stages in December 2017, he left a lasting impression performing at Melbournes AAMI Park.

And speaking of musical stars gracing our shores, there are whispers other acts coming our way, in particular rap superstar Eminem, Kylie Minogue, Bruce Springsteen and Beyonce. Obviously, nothing is confirmed yet.

So, get ready to mark your calendars and keep your fingers crossed. Stay tuned for more updates, and lets hope Sir Paul brings his magic to our shores soon!

Frontiers website is here, you know, just in case. 

The post Is Beatles legend Paul McCartney touring Australia this year? appeared first on Forte Magazine.


"IndyWatch Feed" "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Media Release The company joins Bioenergy Australias alliance as a $30 million fund is announced for sustainable aviation fuel development. MELBOURNE: Black & Veatch, a global leader in critical infrastructure solutions, has joined Bioenergy Australia


A Logical World With Logical Solutions "IndyWatch Feed National"

John Kerry (source NYpost)

Introduction by DM

I was believing, for a moment, that Plant Earth was the galactic lunatic asylum where all the mad people were housed and were dictated to by the insane. But, I was wrong. The world is not chaotic or irrational. Our leaders and Influencers are looking out for us.

For your entertainment, here are some gems sent to me:

Stop Growing Food

Thats a great idea, Ive read fasting is good for your health.



All Saints close in on finals spot "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

It was near perfect winter weather for Tennis Geelongs juniors this week and Section 3 Boys made the most of the conditions with some of the longest matches of the round and the race to make finals getting closer.

All Saints put themselves within four points of fourth spot when they registered a 4-2 win over Drysdale. The teams split the doubles with Daniel Lazzaro and Alexander Williams winning 6-0 for the Saints while Taj Croft and Patrick Lonegran got through in a tie breaker for Drysdale.

From there All Saints took over winning the first three singles, with Lazzaro winning 6-0 to not drop a game for the day, while Lonegran posted Drysdales second set winning the fourth singles 6-3.

Western Heights Uniting closed the gap on fourth to seven points when they pulled through by 11 games when tied at three sets all with Highton. Evie Ryan and Lima Begg won the first doubles 6-1 for Uniting while Hightons Charlie Hair and Ivan Cottom came through in a tie-break in the second.

Ryan backed up her doubles win with a 6-0 win in singles and with Madison Muir winning the third singles 6-1, the result was put beyond doubt.

Grovedale Black put themselves within two points of second with an away win against Ocean Grove. Will Clayton and Sebastian Broad were well matched at number 1 with a lengthy tie-break in the singles going to Ocean Groves Broad while Clayton teamed with Jaylen Sach to get through in the doubles in another tie-break.

Sach, along with Yvette Harman won their singles 6-1, and Harman teamed with Jess Lee to win the second doubles 6-3 giving Black the win four sets to two.

The final match of the morning saw second placed Grovedale Yellow host Geelong Lawn in an epic battle with the result being decided by only two games. Jake Peck and Joshua Severin-Harvey came off court first winning 6-3 for Lawn, before Yellows Guy Wingrave and Hanna Schoenmaekers took the second doubles 6-4.

Fletcher Allen found some good form in the second singles, winning 6-1 while in the first Peck faced a lengthy battle with Aki Bhatt eventually coming through in a tie break.

The fourth singles saw Alfie Oliver and Schoenmaekers running themselves ragged in a hard fought match. Oliver got to a 3-0 lead before the match started to tighten.

At 2-3 down, Schoenmaekers failed to hold a marathon game, going down 4-2 and Oliver eventually took the match 6-2. With the final singles underway, Lawn held a three sets to two lead with only one game in hand, and things were getting tense on the sidelines.

Joe Traficante and Wingrave traded points and games until they reached a tie-break, and with Traficante hitting a lunging backhand just over the net for a winner on match point, the win was sealed for Lawn at four sets to two and two games.

The post All Saints close in on fin.........


Building drivers electric dreams "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Although the name BYD will be well-known to electric vehicle buyers, its still largely unknown in the Australian motoring mainstream but thats about to change.

Somewhat quirkily BYD stands for Build Your Dreams and the Chinese company is actually the worlds second-largest manufacturer of fully-electrified vehicles, second only to Tesla.

When plug-in hybrids (PHEV) are added, its the largest, with over 1.6 million built in 2022.

Although there were a couple of BYD models sold in Australia from 2017 onwards these were private imports.

It wasnt until the arrival of the Atto 3 in June, 2022 that the brand made any impact, and an impressive one at that, with sales of nearly 7000 in its first year.

A fully-electric compact SUV, the Atto 3 comes in two variants. Theres Standard Range and Extended Range, priced at $48,011 and $51,011 respectively (plus ORCs).

Thats around the same price as its closest competitor and compatriot, the MG ZS EV which also comes with standard and long-range variants.


With a length of 4455mm, Atto 3 is around the same size as Mazda CX-3, Nissan Qashqai and Toyota CH-R but 135mm longer than the MG.

Although the overall design of the Atto 3 is neat and attractive, its relatively conservative especially when compared to the Ioniq 5 and Kia EV6.

As with most electric cars theres no real or pretend grille.

A horizontal bar with the BYD insignia on it merges into narrow sweeping LED headlights with a thin band of LED daytime running lights between them.

The profile is similar to many similarly-sized SUVs although we did love the design of the 18-inch alloy wheels.

We find the Build Your Dreams lettering spaced across the rear a bit too quirky.

We understand that some owners have been able to successfully remove the letters without causing damage but dont take our word for it.

The rear also features a full width LED brake light and powered tailgate.

Four colours are offered. White is standard while the other three (grey, blue and red) are $700 extra.


When you step inside the BYD Atto 3 Monty Pythons catchphrase And Now For Something Completely Different springs to mind.

It is very different with a number of groundbreaking interior features.

We reckon buyers who are willing to think outside the square and buy a BYD will love the adventurous approach of this newcomer to the Australian market.

With predominantly sculpted soft-touch materials, overall build quality and fit and finish of the Atto 3 is excellent.

Some of the features are gimmicky, others are functional. Some are both, such as the three guitar-type strings that act as sides of the door storage pockets, but which are just asking to be twanged.

We shudder to think how annoying that could be on a long trip with children in the rear.

After initially searching for...


Late night barn owl sighting "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The last few weeks have been freezing, and reading a book by the fire has been much preferable to being outdoors.

Most of my birdwatching has been performed on my way to and from work, as usual. The highlight was seeing an eastern barn owl flying over the roundabout at the corner of the Bellarine Highway and Grubb Road, near the new BP service station, when I was driving home from afternoon shift at 10pm.

Its not great for me or other drivers when an owl is spotted as its so distracting when driving, so fortunately there were no incidents.

Ive been driving to Point Henry on my way to work, as I usually can guarantee to see a raptor of the day if I detour to this area.

I spotted a black-shouldered kite, a few brown falcons, a pair of nankeen kestrels and a whistling kite, so there were raptors to spot.

There was a flock of around 20 red-necked stints. They are a species of migratory shorebirds in one of the shallow ponds at Point Henry. Many of these birds would be currently breeding in the Northern Hemisphere, and each year a small number of these birds chose to remain in Australia rather than flying 10,000km to breeding grounds in Siberia and Alaska.

Apparently, it is mostly young birds that remain on our shores and brave the cold winter months.

There have also been approximately 15 banded stilts at Point Henry in a mixed flock with pied or black-winged stilts. Banded stilts are bigger than pied stilts (39cm compared to 35cm) and are dispersive when seeking out feeding and breeding sites. They are such graceful and beautiful birds.

I received a message from Robyn, who lives on a lovely property in Wallington.

Robyn said there has been a flock of up to 100 yellow-tailed black cockatoos visiting her property at dusk to feed on the banksias and hakeas along the driveway. I called around one day, but unfortunately the cockatoos must have found an alternative feeding site that day but did have a lovely walk around the garden.

I was happy to hear about the good number of cockatoos seen by Robyn and can only imagine how much noise 100 cockatoos would make.

I received an email from Geoff, who spotted a little pied cormorant drying out its wings while perched at Blue Waters Lake.

Cormorants, like some other bird species, possess glands that secrete oil that keeps their feathers waterproof. However their feathers can become easily waterlogged after diving under the surface of the water for food, so they spread their wings to dry them out after diving.

The post Late night barn owl sighting appeared first on Ocean Grove Voice.


Aquatic centre gaining momentum "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

On the back of the state governments decision to call off the Commonwealth Games, there are details around some promised sports facility upgrades in the Geelong region that are up in the air.

Thankfully, theres much more positive news for the council-managed aquatic centre in Drysdale.

The first stage of the major development is almost ready to open, and were making significant progress on the indoor facilities that will follow.

Council this week approved the concept designs for the second stage of the North Bellarine Aquatic Centre.

Key features include:

An indoor aquatic centre

Eight-lane 25 metre pool

A warm-water pool

Aqua play area

Hydrotherapy; and

Various associated facilities

A lot of detailed and thoughtful work went into developing the approved concept.

Id like to thank the 12-member Community Advisory Panel for its valuable input, which has helped council settle on its preferred design.

The panel included people with specialist swimming/aquatics knowledge, people with a lived experience of disability and representatives from local schools, community groups and sports clubs.

Their work has ensured that the stage two offering will meet the needs of the wider community.

Over four months the panel shaped and enhanced the projects design via nine different concepts.

It was the ninth concept that the panel unanimously supported proceed to detailed design works.

The indoor centre will have something for all aquatic users.

From babies taking to the water for the first time, through to seniors accessing rehabilitation and water exercise programs, the facilities will cater to everyone.

Stage two has been supported by $20 million each from the Victorian and Australian governments.

By working together across all levels of government, we are creating a lasting and well-considered facility that will serve the Bellarine for many years to come.

This welcome progress comes on the back of the final touches being applied to the outdoor lap pool in the Drysdale Sporting Precinct.

The $15.5 million development ($10m from the Australian government, $5.5m from council) includes an outdoor 50-metre, eight-lane heated pool.

It will open later this year, and will provide another option on the Bellarine for local and visiting swimmers.

For more information on the project, visit

The post Aquatic centre gaining momentum appeared first on Ocean Grove Voice.


Finals time for indoor bowls "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Bellarine Indoor Bias Bowls Association (BIBBA) is in full swing with a seven-week home and away season making way for finals.

Around 40 players competed for Ocean Grove, including many first-year players, and have enjoyed yet another successful time on the mat with four of their seven teams making this seasons finals.

Finals will take place over the next two Monday nights for the Grovers where they will be looking to win Divisions 1, 2 and 3.

This years BIBBA competition consisted of six clubs from Drysdale, St Leonards, Clifton Springs, Leopold, Lifestyle and Ocean Grove with more than 120 players competing in the weekly Monday night competition.

Every club will be represented in finals which is great to see the growth of the game in the Bellarine area.

Ocean Grove held its Indoor Club Singles on July 23 with a great day of competition with 18 men and nine ladies competing.

The ladies final was taken out by first year player Jill Dwyer, claiming a 16-10 victory over Sue Collins.

The mens event saw another first-year player, Tyson Cromie, make the final but was defeated by multiple times champion Matt Flapper 19-9.

Collins and Flapper will take on the Champion of Champions this week in a bid to claim honours as the best in the Bellarine.

The Bellarine Pairs took place in June with 32 teams entering the event.

On one half of the draw, it was the St Leonards pairing of Bill Maloney and Tam Munster who worked their way to the final and on the other side of the draw Leopolds Jane McMenaman and Nicole Shortis reached the big dance. The Leopold duo cruised to a 20-4 win claiming the 2023 title.

The post Finals time for indoor bowls appeared first on Ocean Grove Voice.


Salmon remain consistent "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The bay has seemed a little quiet this past week with reports being very hit and miss but Australian salmon remained pretty consistent with plenty of spotfire bust ups across Clifton Springs with birds diving and fishing splashing around.

When they are like this they will practically eat anything you throw in the water but ideally a 3-inch minnow profile soft plastic or metal lure.

Around St Leonards has seen some great whiting fishing this past week with anglers having great success landing bag limit captures with fish to 43cm on offer.

Fishing the tides with fresh or frozen squid is ideal. Burley definitely helps and if you sit a bigger bait behind the boat you can expect some solid flathead to pick it up.

The offshore barrel bite is still going pretty good with reports still rolling through but due to poor weather it has made it a little difficult to get out. Keen anglers have been finding small gaps in the weather and have been getting amongst the action with still plenty of fish to well over 100kg on offer.

Reece and Steve got out for a crack and after unfortunately losing one early in the morning they were rewarded for their efforts landing one that came in at 110kg cleaned.

The Barwon River remained a very popular location for anglers this week with the trevally still going nuts. Soft plastics are working very well for them at the moment with small curl and paddle tails doing the damage. Plenty of scent has been helping a lot, too.

There has also been a ton of salmon in the system, most of them are just around that legal size mark although Michael Stavropoulos landed one that went 63cm which is a monster for this system.

Wurdibuloc has been a popular location again with redfin on fire.

The rockwall has been fishing very well for anglers throwing soft plastics and spoon type lures with fish to over 40cm on offer. Anglers have also been picking up some nice numbers of trout.

The post Salmon remain consistent appeared first on Ocean Grove Voice.


New book is helping kids battle loneliness "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Geelong author Emma Greville has released a new book that tackles problems faced by kids in primary schools under the mask of a fantastical adventure.

Raine in the Underlands follows the main character Raine as she embarks on a journey of self-discovery after shooting a blue flame from her finger and finding a cursed dragon in the basement.

Ms Greville said the fun middle-grade fantasy adventure, released on July 25, looked to help kids struggling with self-perception and confidence through a similar character.

Eight to 12-year-olds are starting to deal with where they fit into the world, complicated friendships, and standing up for themselves, she said.

While the setting is fantastical, the main character Raine is a lonely kid suffering from low self-esteem who wants to find her place in the world and understand who she is.

If kids can see a character in a work of fiction that is like them, that can really help kids feel more confident in themselves and less alone.

Ms Greville said she first got the idea for the book close to 20 years ago after she had a vivid dream and has continued to work on it throughout the years.

Its been a real labour of love and this book is kind of like an ode to my family, she said.

It has been 20 years in the making. Its quite a great sense of achievement now that it is finally out in the world, and very exciting.

I hope that kids get the message, which is that you are enough, there is a place for you in the world, continue on with your journey, and be confident in yourself.

The post New book is helping kids battle loneliness appeared first on Ocean Grove Voice.


Sandon sign sparks debate on social media "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

The offending sign at Sandon Point. Picture: Woonona/Bulli Community Facebook Group.

A SIGN overlooking Sandon Points famous Jetty surfing break at Bulli has created a sensation on social media, making headlines in mainstream media, and sparking debate within the community over what justifies being a local.

A photo of the sign, LOCALS ONLY BLOW-INS NOT WELCOME!, was posted on the Woonona/Bulli Community Facebook Group earlier this week, immediately producing fierce debate.

The sign has overwhelmingly been condemned by members of the group, although some have defended the sentiment, recalling the Points notorious parochialism of the 1970s.

The online discussion has also prompted a comment from State MP for Keira, Ryan Park.

This needs to be called out, Mr Park, with a picture of the sign, posted on his Facebook Page.

Its wrong and it doesnt at all reflect our community, he said.

We are better than this Illawarra. The only thing not welcome is this sort of behaviour.

The sig...


Heartstopper: Joe Locke teases 10-minute kissing montage in Season 2 "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Sarah Davison

In Season two of Heartstopper, Nick and Charlie will take their relationship to the next level.   In an interview with Radio Times, actor Joe Locke (Charlie) said fans can expect a more mature relationship in season two. They cant keep their hands off each other, Locke said. In the first episode theres a 10-minute kissing ...

The post Heartstopper: Joe Locke teases 10-minute kissing montage in Season 2 appeared first on QNews.


Australias Biggest Barbecue Festival Meatstock is heading to Bendigo in 2024 "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Calling all BBQ lovers, meat enthusiasts, music fanatics, and anyone with a passion for good times Australias Biggest Barbecue Festival Meatstock is heading to Bendigo in 2024, and its going to be an epic celebration of all things meat and music!

Having taken on Melbourne, Toowoomba and Sydney earlier this year, the festival is now mixing it up and adding regional Victoria to its list.

In 2024, Meatstock will be heading to Bendigo on 16-17 March, as well as Hamilton 24-25 February, Toowoomba 8-10 March and Sydney 19-21, with Melbourne seemingly replaced by the regional locations.

Keep up with the latest food and booze news across the region here.


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Tribute: Fleetwood Mac "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

One of the biggest bands in the world. More than 120 million records sold. Everyone seemingly has a copy of Rumours. Yes, Fleetwood Mac are next in our series of tributes, with some of our best local musos taking on the hits and deep dives of the mighty Mac.

Dont stop thinking about it, make you get the gang together and landslide your own way to the Tappy. You will be tusk, tusk tusking yourself if you miss out. Had enough puns? Fleetwood Mac songs are everywhere. Even in your dreams ok, thatll do.

And its FREE of course! So book a table now, this one will be a popular show.

The post Tribute: Fleetwood Mac appeared first on Forte Magazine.


Hugo Race "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Stayer of the Aussie music scene Hugo Race (Bad Seeds, Wreckery, True Spirit) is coming to the Taproom.

Fresh from a lengthy tour through Europe, Hugo will brave the Central Victorian winter to present choice cuts from his extensive catalogue. From his emergence in the early 80s through to now, Hugo has always pushed boundaries and has often been musically ahead of his time as a result.

This is a rare chance to see Hugo live and free, in the intimate Taproom setting.

The post Hugo Race appeared first on Forte Magazine.


Valley Road Duo and Broken Creek Band "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Join us for some sunshine, good wine and folk tunes at The Shiraz Republic, as both Valley Road and Broken Creek Band team up to celebrate the release of their respective latest singles 1982 and The Gathering Wool.

Valley Roads 1982 (to be released on 11th August) is an evocative montage of rural Australian life during times of drought and hardship. Songwriter Marty Mckenna grew up singing to the sheep with his dad on the family farm in Central Victoria, and still tends the flock to this day. Marty says Growing up in the southeastern part of Australia in a farming community, the extreme events of that particular year are talked about often and have become a kind of folklore. The fires, extreme dry and giant dust storms of that particular year still inform farming practices to this day. The memories of farming through the 82 drought are vivid.

In contrast, Broken Creek Bands The Gathering Wool (available now) is about times of flood. Even though shes the daughter of a sheep farmer, Erin Heycox thought she would never write a shearing song. That all changed during the Echuca-Moama floods of 2022. We were on tour and I was on the phone to my Mum who was exasperated. Your father cant find any shearers. Hes over sixty and will have to shear a thousand sheep before the rains come. As soon as I heard that I knew I had to write a song about Dad. There wasnt much else I could do being so far away during the floods.


The post Valley Road Duo and Broken Creek Band appeared first on Forte Magazine.


Cherry-picked migrants sign up to the gravy train "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Migrants all aboard the gravy train Lyndsey Symonds responds to immigration policy and housing crisis This is not an immigration policy of the type that a sovereign nation would have in its national interest. This is a Diversity Import and quota dictate of Foreign Entities and I think we have a pretty good idea []


The three U.S. Congressional UAP hearings "IndyWatch Feed National"


There have now been three hearings before sub-committees of the U.S. Congress, regarding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP.) The purpose of this article is to provide concise information about each hearing, together with links to the relevant video and written transcript, which will allow the reader direct access to the content of each hearing. It appears that there will be further UAP related hearings in the near future. 

17 May 2022 "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena."

Committee: House Permanent Select Committe on Intelligence.

Sub-Committee: Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counter Proliferation.

Chair: Rep. Andre Carson.

Biography | Congressman Andre Carson (

Witnesses: Scott Bray, Deputy Director of Navy Intelligence, ONI.

                  Ronald Moultrie, Under Secretary of Defense (Intelligence and Security.)

Link to video:

Link to transcript:

What was the emphasis of the hearing? Chairman Carson stated:

"This hearing and oversight work has a simple idea at its core. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena are a potential national security threat, and they need to be treated that way. For too long the stigma associated with UAPs has gotten in the way of good intelligence analysis. Pilots avoided reporting or were laughed at when they did. DOD officials relegated the...


Freedom of Information Act - Moderna, Pfizer "IndyWatch Feed National"

As a result of Defending the Republics (DTR) successful Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), we are excited to announce that we are releasing nearly 15,000 pages of documents relating to testing and adverse events associated with Modernas COVID-19 vaccine Spikevax.

DTR filed its FOIA lawsuit after the FDA denied the expedited production of Moderna COVID-19 records, stating there was no compelling need or urgency for the public to review this information. This spring, DTR reached an agreement with the FDA for the production of approximately 24,000 pages of some of the most important records submitted by Moderna in support of its Biologics License Application (BLA). This is the first part of that production. Later this year the FDA will produce approximately 8,000 more pages of Moderna documents.

These documents are the first significant release of data from Modernas COVID-19 clinical trials. They reveal the causes of deaths, serious adverse events, and instances of neurological disorders (such as Bells Palsy and Shingles) potentially associated with Modernas COVID-19 vaccine.

Importantly, these records also demonstrate the utter lack of thoroughness of these studies. Many of those who died after receiving the Moderna vaccine were not given an autopsy. According to one study, 16 individuals died after being administered the Moderna vaccine.  The studys authors indicated that out of those 16 deaths, only two autopsies were performed, five of the dead were not autopsied, and the autopsy status of nine of the dead was unknown.

See documents within the post:


Why is the Voice to Parliament focused just on Indigenous Australians?Why no Voice vote for all minorities? "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

By Paula Gerber

One of the questions people are asking about the Voice to Parliament is why the proposed amendment to the constitution is to create a voice for one group only? Why a Voice for Indigenous Australians, but not a voice for people with disabilities? Or for Muslims? Or for women? Or for LGBTQ+ people? This is a fair question. Let me try and answer it.

To put it simply, Indigenous Australians are the only minority group who are actually asking for a Voice to Parliament. Other groups have other asks. For example, a priority for the LGBTQ+ community is that they are counted in the next census (in 2026) so we have data about how may people living in Australia are intersex or identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or non-binary. Other priorities for this community include that all states and territories band unnecessary medical procedures on intersex children without their consent (as the ACT has just done), that all or suppress a persons sexual orientation or gender identity (as Victoria, Queensland and the ACT have done) and to protect LGBTQ+ people from discrimination by religious schools and other faith-based organisations (as Tasmania and Victoria have done, and as Queensland has announced it will do). Similarly, the disability community is not asking for a Voice to Parliament. Rather, their priorities are to end the violence, abuse and neglect people with disabilities often experience, to improve the accessibility of public transport systems across Australia and to make the NDIS a system that is better, fairer and easier to navigate.

We make better policies and laws if we listen to what the people most affected by the policies and laws are saying they want. If other minorities were asking for a Voice to Parliament then we would be having a conversation about that. But they are not. And it is not appropriate to impose a solution one minority group wants on an entirely different minority group, under the misguided belief all people should be treated the same.

This is where the distinction between equity and equality is important. Equality is about treating everyone the same. The 2017 postal survey about whether same-sex couples should be allowed to marry was about achieving equality. It was about ensuring all couples have the same opportunity to marry, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Equity, on the other hand, is about ensuring everyone is able to achieve the same outcomes, which may require that they are allocated different resources. For example, we want all children to receive an education, but this will not be achieved if we use the same teaching methods and curriculum for all children. Students who have visual or hearing impairments require different resources and strategies to learn. Similarly, students who are neurodiverseincludi...


Justin Males: Body of missing Melbourne man found in Melton park "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Sarah Davison

A body found at a park in Melbournes west has been confirmed to be Justin Males. Justin Males was dropped off by a friend in front of his home on July 11. Earlier in the day he had met a man via the gay dating app Grindr. After being dropped off, security footage showed him ...

The post Justin Males: Body of missing Melbourne man found in Melton park appeared first on QNews.


The former Mr Julia Gillard Tim Mathieson to plead guilty to sex assault charge "IndyWatch Feed National"

Quality. Lawyers for Tim Mathieson, the ex-partner of former prime minister Julia Gillard, say he will plead guilty to a charge of sexual assault. Mr Mathieson, whose name was listed as Raymond Timothy Mathieson, appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates' Court this morning for a mention hearing. Mr Mathieson is...


Why Australian unionists must build solidarity with Ukrainian workers "IndyWatch Feed National"

It is essential that Australian unions join global efforts to build material and political solidarity with Ukrainian workers. This is not just in keeping with our movements long history of struggle and solidarity with international struggles against imperialist oppression, but so we can maximise our ability to put pressure on the Australian government and its imperialist allies against their efforts to transform Ukraine into a neoliberal paradise.

The post Why Australian unionists must build solidarity with Ukrainian workers appeared first on Overland literary journal.


Lismore Show coming again this October "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

FMX bikes will be back agains this year at the Lismore Show.

The Lismore Show has been running since 1885 and will be bringing the community together again at the Lismore Showgrounds from Thursday 19 October to Saturday 21 October.

The Show has been at the heart of our community since 1885 and is where memories are made. I invite everyone to come along this year to catch up with old friends and make new ones, said North Coast National A&I Society President, John Gibson.

The show will see the Ashton circus that perform throughout each day as well as Monster Trucks.

The very popular FMX bikes will return, along with the woodchop, a petting zoo, a Lego competition for schools, reptiles, jet packs, fireworks and a community stage with a range of local acts, said Mr Gibson.

Elders Rural Services have come on board as the naming rights sponsor with the show to be called the Elders Love Lismore Show 2023.

The Lismore Show has long been an important event in the calendars of the local community and agricultural society. Our team are proud to be working with the Show to make it one of the most successful years yet for the community, said Elders Rural Lismore branch manager Mat Duley.

Nominations are now open for the 2023 North Coast National Young Woman and Teen Showgirl Competitions. Last years Young Woman Tara Coles went on to represent the North

Coast at the Sydney Royal Easter Show, winning the inaugural Show Announcers Academy Scholarship.

For more information about how to apply for the Young Woman and Teen Showgirl competitions, go to:

The post...


Ballina Council forced to make final call on ecologically sensitive floodplain "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Flooding in West Ballina in 2022.

The proposal from GemLife for 150 units for seniors in West Ballina on a conservation wetland site has raised concerns of locals. Concerns are in relation to how it will impact flooding of existing neighbouring residences as well as the risks to future elderly residents who could be isolated for days at a time during future floods.

The area that is proposed for the GemLife seniors residential estate was isolated for days when the Richmond River flooded in early 2022 while the Ballina hospital and the initial evacuation centre at Cherry Street Sports Club were both evacuated during last years disaster.

A development proposal for an aged care facility at Caloola Drive, Tweed Heads was refused by Tweed Shire Council following the 2022 floods due to the risk of isolation of residents and staff in future flooding events.

However, GemLife has refused to give up its ambitions for the aged care development on the wetlands in West Ballina, instead choosing to modify its development plans every time bureaucratic and legal hurdles are presented.

Endangered ecological communities defended in court



Overseas affairs with corruption: Peter Duttons latest hits "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Overseas affairs with corruption: Peter Duttons latest hits

Yet another bribery scandal pointing to maladministration of the Home Affairs portfolio by then-Minister Peter Dutton has emerged. Dave Donovan and Michelle Pini take a closer look at the murky details. 

DISTURBING REVELATIONS about corruption in Australias offshore detention centres have again highlighted the dismal, broken state of Australias immigration system.

According to an investigation by the Sydney Morning Heralds Michael Bachelard and Nick McKenzie, in 2018, then-Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton awarded a multi-million dollar offshore detention contract to an Australian businessman, despite the Federal Police advising him that this man, Mozammil Bhojani, was under investigation for $100,000 worth of bribery.


NSW Police Propose Domestic Violence Diary App for Complainants to Record and Log Abuse "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The NSW Police Force has recently unveiled an app they say is designed to assist victims to combat domestic violence by recording and logging alleged abuse, but there are concerns about whether this would make any real difference as well...

The post NSW Police Propose Domestic Violence Diary App for Complainants to Record and Log Abuse appeared first on Sydney Criminal Lawyers.


Old tungsten mine to get a new lease on life "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Wolfram Camp tungsten mine first opened in the early 1890s An abandoned tungsten mine near Dimbulah, west of Mareeba in FNQ, looks destined to be reopened by EQ Resources which operates the Mt Carbine tungsten operation 75klms north of Mareeba. One of Australias leading tungsten producers, EQ Resources, has been awarded the tender for resource []


Changed traffic conditions on Hill Street at Ballina "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Work is starting on Monday 31 July and will be carried out from 9.30am to 2.30pm on weekdays. Image provided

There will be changed traffic conditions from next week on Hill Street at Ballina to carry out essential maintenance on Missingham Bridge.

Work is starting on Monday 31 July and will be carried out from 9.30am to 2.30pm on weekdays. The work is expected to be complete in about two weeks, weather permitting.

Single lane, alternating traffic flows and a reduced speed limit of 40km/h will be in place during work hours.

Motorists are advised to allow extra travel time, drive to the conditions, and follow the direction of signs and traffic control.

For the latest traffic updates download the Live Traffic NSW App, visit or call 132 701.

The post Changed traffic conditions on Hill Street at Ballina appeared first on The Echo.


Six north coast businesses receive energy boost "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Six local businesses on the far north coast will receive more than $147,000 in funding under round one of the federal governments Energy Efficiency Grants for Small and Medium Sized Businesses.

The $16 million Energy Efficiency Grant provides small and medium businesses up to $25,000 to replace or upgrade existing equipment to improve energy efficiency and reduce costs.

These include Byron Community Centre that will receive $22,095; the rest, receiving $25,000 a piece, are Club Tweed, Yaman Mullumbimby, Ministry of Minds (Tweed Heads), Miimis (Kingscliff), and La Maison de St Claire (Murwillumbah).

Labor MP Justine Elliot. Photo Tree Faerie.

We know energy costs are a significant part of small business budgets, and this funding will put downward pressure on energy bills and reduce costs, said federal MP for Richmond Justine Elliot. 

Im proud to be part of a government that backs small businesses, and these grants will support local businesses to improve their energy efficiency and reduce emissions. This grant is good for business and good for the environment.

The second round of grants will open in early 2024....


Free parking for new Tweed Hospital says Labor "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Tweed Valley Hospital construction. Photo supplied

It was with relief that local Tweed councillors and members of the Kingscliff and Cudgen communities heard the news that parking at the controversial new Tweed Valley Hospital would be free when it opens.  

The red soils of the Cudgen plateau are too precious to be subdivided, say Labor and local opponents of the new Tweed Hospital site. Photo Tweed Shire Co...


Gear Up for a Hot August! "IndyWatch Feed"

If you think the worlds chaotic already, wait till next month.

It mightnt feel like it here in Australia. Maybe the unseasonably cold winter is keeping things under the lid.

Yes, therere increasing tensions here with The Voice campaigns.

But by global standards, its been quite civil. Its a sharp contrast to the open conflict in Ukraine, France, the Netherlands and other parts of the world.

For our sake, I hope things here wont get worse. It feels like society is hanging by a thread everywhere. It only takes something small to plunge everything into disarray.

Anger simmers and dissatisfaction boils over

Theres no denying the quickening pace at which events are developing.

I cant say it enough to hone in on the point.

Think about the latest civil unrest in France and the Netherlands over their Governments policies to impose further hardship upon their people.

In the case of France, it was about raising the retirement age.

Meanwhile in the Netherlands, it was about limiting the use of fertilisers that would threaten the livelihood of farmers. And disagreement between the parties in the coalition government over immigration limits became the final straw that caused its collapse.

Tensions boiled over in these countries, to the point where its made the headlines. Similar things are happening in the US, UK, Germany, Italy, and elsewhere. Its clear that the people are divided, and both proponents and opponents are willing to march and show their disapproval.

For many years, most Western governments have run massive budget deficits. This is driven by an ageing population, a service-based economy rather than one based on manufacturing, more government handouts (especially during the Wuhan virus outbreak), and politicians promising more benefits to secure the peoples votes. Consequently, the government increased taxes on businesses and households to make ends meet.

A hot-button issue has been the impact of man-made activities on the environment and climate. Proponents argue that certain choices we make as a society could devastate future generations. This has led to proposals to alter our lifestyle, some of which include significant spending to develop new technologies like renewable energy, battery technology and smart meters. And as youd expect, these are often subsidised by governments with taxpayers bearing the burden.

From a philosophical perspective, these policies sound reasonable, as its for the greater good. Everyone should theoretically do their part to make the world a better place.

So why the pushback from the people?



Grants awarded for the Bellarine "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Bellarine community groups looking after marine and coastal environments welcomed a funding boost from the state government.

Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant announced the successful applicants of the 2023 Combined Coastal Grant, Port Phillip Bay Fund, and Coastcare Community Grant programs.

Victorias precious coastline is already being impacted by climate change and these grants will help us prepare for future challenges, Ms Marchant said.

We are fortunate to have so many dedicated volunteers and not-for-profit groups that are working hard to preserve our marine and coastal environments.

Bellarine Bayside Foreshore Committee of Management shared the $1.6-million Port Phillip Bay Fund with Bellarine North Rotary Club and the Jane Goodall Institute Australia to protect Port Phillip Bay.

Bellarine Bayside Foreshore Committee of Management received $50,000 for their Northern Bellarine Climate Change Coastal Adaptation Plan as part of the $1.7-million Combined Coastal Grants.

Borough of Queenscliffe Mayor Isabelle Thomas said she welcomed $40,000 from the Combined Coastal Grants for the Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale Cliff Stability and Beach Health Study.

It will enable council to gain a deeper understanding of the current coastal risk hazards, and the interventions available to mitigate or reduce the impacts to our coastline and community, she said.

As part of the more than $50,000 Coastcare Community Grant funding, Friends of the Red-Capped Plover Bellarine received $9,966 for increased awareness of sustainable beach behaviour at breeding sites.

Bellarine Bayside Foreshore Committee of Management received $9,920 towards building on the community red-capped plover monitoring program established in 2017.

Clifton Springs Curlewis Coastcare Group Inc received $9,600 to update the Clifton Springs Curlewis Information Booklet to increase marine environment knowledge and understanding.

Friends of Edwards Point Reserve Incs exotic weed removal project and Southern Ocean Environmental Links volunteer program both also received $10,000 in funding.

The post Grants awarded for the Bellarine appeared first on Ocean Grove Voice.


Deakin continues marine works "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Deakin Universitys Marine Science Centre continues supporting new climate change and ocean health research thanks to a $3.5 million upgrade.

The state government invested $1 million through the Victorian Higher Education State Investment Fund (VHESIF) along with Deakins $2.5 million contribution to the project.

Improvements included two new seawater aquarium rooms, a refurbished tank area, and a high-performance computing lab for the experimental learning of Bachelor of Marine Science students.

Deakin Marine Research and Innovation Centre director Professor John Donald said he was very proud of the universitys internationally renowned marine research scientists.

They are addressing important issues such as ocean warming, fish growth, kelp restoration and plastics pollution, which significantly impact ocean health, he said.

The new facilities at Queenscliff will increase the quality and quantity of our research to benefit the region and Australia and train the next generation of ocean scientists.

We are excited to provide our undergraduate students with rooms and equipment that deliver the best hands-on educational experience and practical skills for marine, environmental or conservation sciences careers.

Works on the centre began in January 2022, with the projects final stage of installing a high-speed AARNET cable for ocean modelling research computing capability due to be delivered in November.

The VHESIF program is a significant investment in Deakin research, with $133 million from Deakin University and the state government helping support eleven major projects across five locations.

The school conducts research on the impact of ocean warming, increased temperatures on fish physiology, threatened kelp ecosystem restoration tools, and oceanographic modelling.

With a long-standing partnership with the Victorian Fisheries Authority, Deakin collaborates on regional research projects.

These projects include resolving biological connections among southern ocean crab fisheries and the Corner Inlet Rock Flathead stock structure.

More information on Deakin Universitys Queenscliff Marine Science Centre project is available at

The post Deakin continues marine works appeared first on Ocean Grove Voice.


Scary movie "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

ABCs got the full spec on the Philippou brothers Talk to Me, and I love everything about it. Their personal backstory. The meta riff on social media. And making Adelaide a very obvious location for a social horror/demonic possession story. Im not gonna see this because I dont much like horror movies, but I love that a couple of local YouTube kids have parlayed their scary/funny little videos into a big kickarse theatrical release.



Bulli Pass will close for three days for maintenance work "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

MOTORISTS are advised of upcoming traffic changes from next month on the Princes Highway at Bulli Pass and Mount Ousley Road.

The Princes Highway at Bulli Pass will be closed for three days for maintenance work between Lawrence Hargrave Drive and M1 Princes Motorway.

The road will be closed in both directions between 9am and 3pm on Tuesday August 1, Wednesday August 2 and Thursday August 3, weather permitting.

Work includes trimming vegetation, clearing gutters and drains, line marking, bridge inspections and maintenance of guardrails, signs and safety ramps.

Detours will be in place via Lawrence Hargrave Drive or the M1 Princes Motorway and Memorial Drive.

Residents within the closure area will have access to their properties at all times under the guidance of traffic controllers from Lawrence Hargrave Drive only.

In addition, changed traffic conditions will be in place on Mount Ousley Road and the Princes Highway at Bulli Pass from Tuesday August 1 for up to eight weeks, as maintenance work continues, weather permitting.

Single lane closures, traffic control and a reduced speed limit of 40 kmh will be in place between 7pm to 7am, Sunday to Friday on Mount Ousley Road.



Queer icon Sinad OConnor dies aged 56 "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Sarah Davison

Irish singer, activist and queer icon Sinad OConnor has died at the age of 56. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Sinad. Her family and friends are devastated and have requested privacy at this very difficult time, the singers family said in a statement. OConnor was best known ...

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Huge Grass Fire in Eastern Washington: Was Drought or Climate Change a Factor? "IndyWatch Feed National"

A very large and fast-growing wildfire in eastern Washington burned through grass and range vegetation starting during the late afternoon of July 21st.   

Picture courtesy of Susan Stevenson

Called the Newell Road fire, the blaze expanded to roughly 60,000 acres just north of the Columbia Gorge east of The Dalles (see burn area below).

Some politicians and media outlets are claiming that this wildfire can be traced back to drought, which in turn was caused by climate change.   

For example, a Seattle Times today quotes Washington State Land Commissioner Hilary Franz:



Share your thoughts on the future of local libraries "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Corrimal Library

FOR many people, libraries are the heart and soul of the community serving as vital accessible spaces that bring people together.

Wollongong City Council is considering what actions could be taken to make libraries places where people can discover, learn, and connect. People are being called to share their feedback on the draft Library Strategy 2024-2028.

In the northern suburbs there are three libraries, including at Helensburgh, Thirroul and Corrimal. These facilities serve their community by offering free events and programs, providing access to technology and of course, lending books.

Wollongong Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery said a lot has changed at local libraries since the days of catalogue cards and a stamp in a physical book. This is because libraries are evolving spaces.

Our libraries have adapted to meet the changing needs of our community. Over the years, libraries have become dynamic and contemporary spaces that offer a place to study or catch...


OGPS rekindling Wadawurrung spirit "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Ocean Grove Primary School (OGPS) has completed the first phase of its Rekindling the Wadawurrung Spirit in Ocean Grove project, transforming its entrance gates with a creation story mural.

The project, implemented in consultation with the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, has seen Wadawurrung artist Billy-Jay OToole lead OGPS students in the painting of the work.

The team of 14 students included First Nation students, Inclusion and Wellbeing Leaders, Cultural Ambassadors, Indigenous Leaders and Visual Arts Captains.

Supported by a $29,100 from the City of Greater Geelongs First Nations Cultural Heritage Grant program, the project aims to help restore the cultural narrative of the region through actively promoting Wadawurrung People and Country as well as the broader First Nations Community.

The Rekindling the Wadawurrung Spirit in Ocean Grove project will now enter its second phase, which will include more artworks and signage using Wadawurrung language for the schools new inclusion playground.

OGPS visual arts teacher Jo Chapman said the school was proud of the project as part of its continuing role in highlighting the need for reconciliation.

We are looking forward to strengthening relationships with the First Nations community, expanding First Nation students connection to Country and developing the leadership skills of our Cultural and Arts Captains, she said.

The project will also increase school and community education and continue us on the pathway to becoming a leader in our community in promoting and fostering reconciliation.

The post OGPS rekindling Wadawurrung spirit appeared first on Ocean Grove Voice.


How to Deal With Grief: Yes, There Is Light "IndyWatch Feed National"

Freedom Under Attack

One of the things that is driving a lot of people crazy right now is the ease with which our inalienable freedoms are being taken away.

It seems unfathomable and insane. Weve believed so naively in our hearts that due to our great luck of living in the West, we can move around as we please and say what we think. But now? Now, suddenly, we find ourselves in a place where we are just like the folks in other parts of the world where people have no meaningful rights. And our hearts scream, why is being done to us, why?!!

We are now being told to trust the Man over the evidence of our own eyes. We are told to "not do our own research" and keep our opinions to ourselves. We are told to take shorter showers and freak out about our gas stoves.

We are told to feel bad about ourselves in general unless we are willing to let go of whatever bodily and spiritual sovereignty weve enjoyed up until three years ago and replace our independent decision making with internalized enthusiasm and compliance with the barking orders of the day.

It is very hard for any human being to process the fact that our sovereign bodies are viewed by our elected and unelected rulers not as our sovereign bodies but as property of theirs. By the way, when we talk about bodily sovereignty, we often do so in the context of vaccine mandates but the mandates are merely "their" foot in the door. "They" want more!

For example, in 2019, in a curious article titled, "Privacy in 2034: A corporation owns your DNA (and maybe your body)," Fast Company asked: "Should you have a right to keep your emotions, mental state, and other biometric details private from persistent recognition?" Oh really, should I? You are asking me that with a straight face? Well, I happen to know the correct answer to that question, and the answer is, "Yes, I should, and I do, and by the way, its an abusive question to ask."

So indeed, it is very hard to process the fact that our sovereign bodies are treated by the "masters" as property of theirs. It was very hard for those who had faced such abuse in the past, and it is very hard for us.

It is hard to face the absurd "new normal" reality in which many joys of life that weve b...


Dutton at the Helm Would Only Hasten the AUKUS Dive Into Broadened US Control "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The fever pitch for war on China continues to grow, as the AUSMIN conference, an annual meeting of the US and Australian foreign and defence ministers, is set to take place in Brisbane this week, as US defence secretary Lloyd Austin...

The post Dutton at the Helm Would Only Hasten the AUKUS Dive Into Broadened US Control appeared first on Sydney Criminal Lawyers.


As climate crisis costs rise, who will pay? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Amy Goodman the host of Democracy now and Dennis Moynihan a bestselling author write (Common Dreams 24 July 2023) about the Important question of how the global burden of shifting away from fossil fuels should be shared., and that those countries that have historically contributed the most to putting carbon in the atmosphere should pay more and provide help to [poorer nations. Instead of doing this, they are still trying to push the cost onto others. They say global transition to renewable energy is going to be costly, but the cost of doing nothing would be far greater.

Record-shattering temperatures are baking the Northern Hemisphere, causing death, injury, and displacement. From China to Europe to the United States, regions are breaking not only high temperature records, but are also surpassing the record number of consecutive days of life-threatening heat. Phoenix, Arizona, passed 20 days with high temperatures above 110F. Massive rainstorms and typhoons are flooding cities and towns from India to southern China to New England. Raging Canadian wildfires are blanketing the eastern United States with thick smoke that can cause long-term respiratory damage.

The extreme weatheran increasingly frequent occurrence in our warming climateis having a major impact on human health, ecosystems, economies, agriculture, energy, and water supplies, World Meteorological Organization Secretary-General Petteri Taalas commented on Wednesday, adding, We have to step up efforts to help society adapt to what is unfortunately becoming the new normal.

When Taalas says help society he isnt referring to any particular country; he means human society, globally. A truly effective solution to the climate crisis must be global, based on the rapid transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. This transition is going to be costly, but the cost of doing nothing would be far greater. The question is, who is going to pay?

Countries like the United States and those of western Europe grew rich by burning fossil fuels with abandon for over a century, while poorer countries in the Global South, many now facing the worst impacts of climate change, have contributed negligibly to carbon levels in the atmosphere.

It has long been acknowledged inside the annual United Nations climate negotiations th...


Changed traffic conditions on Coraki Road, South Gundurimba "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Bugden Bridge on Coraki Road, South Gundurimba is having work done on it over the next four weeks. Image

Essential bridge maintenance work on Bugden Bridge on Coraki Road, South Gundurimba from Monday 31 July will lead to changed traffic conditions.

Access to the bridge will be via Coraki Road. Single lane, alternating traffic flow arrangements and a reduced speed limit of 40km/h will be in place on Coraki Road while establishing and demobilising the work area.

The work is expected to take four weeks to complete, weather permitting.

Motorists are advised to drive to the conditions and follow the directions of signs and traffic control.

For the latest traffic updates download the Live Traffic NSW app, visit or call 132 701.

The post Changed traffic conditions on Coraki Road, South Gundurimba appeared first on The Echo.


The True Cost of Julian Assanges Persecution: An Exclusive Interview with Stella Assange "IndyWatch Feed National"

The MintPress podcast, The Watchdog, hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know including intelligence, lobby and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light on stories largely ignored by the mainstream, corporate media.

by MintPress News

It is now four years since Julian Assange was imprisoned in Belmarshs high-security prison in London and eleven since he was forced into hiding in the Ecuadorean Embassy in the same city. But even before then, the Australian publisher and WikiLeaks co-founder has been under relentless attack from powerful bodies his organization exposed.

Today in The Watchdog studio, Lowkey is joined by Assanges wife Stella. Stella Assange is a South-African born lawyer and human rights defender. Her most famous case is undoubtedly that of her husband, whom she married in 2022. For years, Stella has tirelessly traveled the world raising awareness of Julians situation. Before marrying Julian, she attained degrees from the School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) in London and from the University of Oxford.

For Lowkey, Assanges brilliance was taking his anti-war passions and finding a way to directly work with units within the U.S. military to make the public aware of the illegal, immoral, and deeply unpopular decisions being taken in our name. As he said today:

Some of the most deeply heinous and hideous aspects of the Iraqi and Afghan occupations by the U.S., Britain and their allies, have been revealed within the WikiLeaks files. We are talking about millions of documents being made available to the public to understand truly what was happening.

Perhaps the most infamous leak was the Collateral Murder video, which showed footage of American helicopter pilots casually carrying out a massacre of Iraqi civilians in Baghdad in 2007, two of whom were Reuters-employed journalists.

Despite this, the media cheered Assanges arrest. The Washington Posts editorial board, for example,...


The True Cost of Julian Assanges Persecution: An Exclusive Interview with Stella Assange "IndyWatch Feed National"

The MintPress podcast, The Watchdog, hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know including intelligence, lobby and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light on stories largely ignored by the mainstream, corporate media.

by MintPress News

It is now four years since Julian Assange was imprisoned in Belmarshs high-security prison in London and eleven since he was forced into hiding in the Ecuadorean Embassy in the same city. But even before then, the Australian publisher and WikiLeaks co-founder has been under relentless attack from powerful bodies his organization exposed.

Today in The Watchdog studio, Lowkey is joined by Assanges wife Stella. Stella Assange is a South-African born lawyer and human rights defender. Her most famous case is undoubtedly that of her husband, whom she married in 2022. For years, Stella has tirelessly traveled the world raising awareness of Julians situation. Before marrying Julian, she attained degrees from the School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) in London and from the University of Oxford.

For Lowkey, Assanges brilliance was taking his anti-war passions and finding a way to directly work with units within the U.S. military to make the public aware of the illegal, immoral, and deeply unpopular decisions being taken in our name. As he said today:

Some of the most deeply heinous and hideous aspects of the Iraqi and Afghan occupations by the U.S., Britain and their allies, have been revealed within the WikiLeaks files. We are talking about millions of documents being made available to the public to understand truly what was happening.

Perhaps the most infamous leak was the Collateral Murder video, which showed footage of American helicopter pilots casually carrying out a massacre of Iraqi civilians in Baghdad in 2007, two of whom were Reuters-employed journalists.

Despite this, the media cheered Assanges arrest. The Washington Posts editorial board, for example,...


Adaptive surfing comp to be held in Byron "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Surf champ, Mark Mono Stewart. Photo supplied

Five years ago, adaptive surfing world champion Mark Mono Stewart started working on a big idea.

The Byron local decided it was time to bring a world championship event to Australia to showcase the skills of the worlds best surfers with a disability.

Last week, Mono announced that the big idea was going to become a big reality, and that it would happen in his home town.

Byron Bay will host the first international adaptive surfing event to be held in Australia from March 17 to March 22 next year the 2024 Australian Pro.

The championship will be held at surfing breaks at and around The Pass, and will feature around 100 competitors from nine separate divisions to cater for most physical disabilities, including amputation, neurological impairment, paralysation and visual impairment.

The event is an...


The True Cost of Julian Assanges Persecution: An Exclusive Interview with Stella Assange "IndyWatch Feed National"

The MintPress podcast, The Watchdog, hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know including intelligence, lobby and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light on stories largely ignored by the mainstream, corporate media.

by MintPress News

It is now four years since Julian Assange was imprisoned in Belmarshs high-security prison in London and eleven since he was forced into hiding in the Ecuadorean Embassy in the same city. But even before then, the Australian publisher and WikiLeaks co-founder has been under relentless attack from powerful bodies his organization exposed.

Today in The Watchdog studio, Lowkey is joined by Assanges wife Stella. Stella Assange is a South-African born lawyer and human rights defender. Her most famous case is undoubtedly that of her husband, whom she married in 2022. For years, Stella has tirelessly traveled the world raising awareness of Julians situation. Before marrying Julian, she attained degrees from the School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) in London and from the University of Oxford.

For Lowkey, Assanges brilliance was taking his anti-war passions and finding a way to directly work with units within the U.S. military to make the public aware of the illegal, immoral, and deeply unpopular decisions being taken in our name. As he said today:

Some of the most deeply heinous and hideous aspects of the Iraqi and Afghan occupations by the U.S., Britain and their allies, have been revealed within the WikiLeaks files. We are talking about millions of documents being made available to the public to understand truly what was happening.

Perhaps the most infamous leak was the Collateral Murder video, which showed footage of American helicopter pilots casually carrying out a massacre of Iraqi civilia...


Retrofit now for looming heat waves "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Suggested retrofitting ideas include sealing around doors, windows and walls; improving or adding ceiling, wall and underfloor insulation. Photo Wikimedia

With the warmest week being recorded globally, RMITs Dr Trivess Moore is encouraging home owners to prepare.

Dr Moore said in a press release on Monday, Data from the past few weeks has highlighted we are at a critical and vulnerable point in time.

When it is cold, people dont think of preparing their homes for summer. But now is the time to act before we feel the effects of El Nio, which increases the risks of drought, heatwaves and bushfires.

The longer we delay delivering the type of housing required for a changing climatic future, the more costly it will be to retrofit poor quality and under-performing housing in the future. 

Suggested retrofitting ideas include sealing up gaps and cracks around doors, windows and walls; improving or adding ceiling, wall and underfloor insulation. 

Safety issues

Dr Moore adds, For those with a few practical skills, you can DIY but there are some safety issues to watch out for. 

Investing in good quality blinds or curtains is also advised, for thermal comfort. 

Make sure...


Housing crisis brutal says social housing advocate "IndyWatch Feed"

More than four in five renters are in housing stress, with homelessness the leading impact of the housing crisis, a report by national housing campaign Everybodys Home has revealed. 

According to the advocacy group, based on surveys of almost 750 people, its Brutal Reality Report found that two thirds (67 per cent) of people are in housing stress; four in five (82 per cent) renters are in rental stress; three quarters (75 per cent) of people are scared about their financial security because of the housing crisis; and two thirds (66 per cent) of people are worried about their mental health and wellbeing.

An Everybodys Home spokesperson said, The report also surveyed housing and welfare organisations across Australia. Nine in ten (89 per cent) reported bigger and more complex workloads, while three in five (61 per cent) said their staff were experiencing burnout or leaving their roles due to the crisis.

Spokesperson, Maiy Azize, says they are calling for more social and affordable housing for people in extreme rental stress. 

Our shortfall is so big that some people in our survey have been waiting for over a decade.

Social housing is the best way to free up cheaper rentals and boost the supply of affordable homes. The federal government must create 25,000 new homes each year to meet the social housing shortfall. 

Our national, state and territory leaders must work to create a better deal for renters. Its time to end unfair rent increases and no-cause evictions for good.

The federal government has to also phase out unfair tax breaks for investors. People told us they want the government to fund homes for people in need, not investment vehicles that push prices up for everyone. 

Meanwhile, public submissions into a federal Senate inquiry into the worsening rental crisis in Australia will be extended till August 4. 

To make a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs, email 

The post...


1988: Monte Punshon Sir Joh & the worlds oldest lesbian "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Destiny Rogers

Autocratic Queensland premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen did not like gays and lesbians. In fact, he prided himself on keeping them out of his state. Then, World Expo 88 happened. Joh intended the event as a celebration of his long rule validation of his idiosyncratic and puritanical governance. To promote the 6-month, $625 million festival, ...

The post 1988: Monte Punshon Sir Joh & the worlds oldest lesbian appeared first on QNews.


In Australian Mental Health Units, Women Are Drugged Up, Dehydrated and Retraumatised "IndyWatch Feed National"

From Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Casey is one of too many women suffering serious trauma because of the treatment they are subjected to in public and private mental health units across Australia.

Some say theyre leaving facilities in a worse condition than when they arrived, having reported sexual assault or discrimination. Many report being administered high dosages of medication without any support on release, while some say they were even denied adequate water.

The problem, experts say, is that Australias mental health facilities are in too many cases exacerbating patients underlying trauma by placing them in mixed gender wards and taking a medical first approach based on using medication to treat symptoms. Health systems need to stop blaming patients for their illness, they say, and focus more on delivering trauma informed care.

. . . While youre at your worst, you are put on medication to stabilise you, and then youre just dumped back into the world, [said Maree*].

Everyone looks at the symptoms, not the cause, so its like, You need to change your behaviour this is happening because you are a flawed human being.'



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The post In Australian Mental Health Units, Women Are Drugged Up, Dehydrated and Retraumatised appeared first on Mad In America.

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