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IndyWatch Australian News All Topics Summary was generated at Australian News IndyWatch.

Sunday, 11 June


Ich verfolge Apple-Ankndigungen normalerweise nicht, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Ich verfolge Apple-Ankndigungen normalerweise nicht, aber aktuell gibt es zwei, die doch interessant sind.

Erstens: Apple hat ohne groe Ankndigung ein DirectX12-Emulationslayer ausgeliefert, wenn ich das richtig verstehe. Damit knnte man dann zumindest theoretisch Windows-Spiele einfach so auf Apple-Hardware spielen. Damit stehen sie natrlich auf den Schultern von Open-Source-Giganten, die auch schon DXVK und co im Angebot haben. Valve hat Millionen in DirectX-Emulation in Wine gesteckt. Da wird sich Apple einfach mal bedient haben.

Erwhnenswert ist das aus zwei Grnden. Erstens haben sie wohl einen groen Patch an Wine zurckgeschickt. Die GPL funktioniert also!

Zweitens sind ja in den M1 und M2-ARM-Gerten angeblich sehr gute GPUs drin, die es mit gehobenen Mittelklasse-GPUs auf PCs aufnehmen knnen. Konnte man nur nie sinnvoll nutzen, weil es keine erwhnenswerten Spiele fr Apple gab. Es knnte also sein, dass die wirtschaftlich eh schon darbenden GPU-Hersteller jetzt auch noch von Apple Stress kriegen.

Die andere Ankndigung war, dass Apple berraschend in Safari pltzlich JPEG XL untersttzt. Ich bin ein Fan von JPEG XL und war sehr ungehalten, als Chrome und Firefox das abgekndigt haben, obwohl das grte Argument gegen die Untersttzung schon vom Tisch war: Dass das viel Arbeit ist. Die war schon getan.

Jetzt habe ich Hoffnung, dass Chrome und Firefox ihre hirnrissige Abkndigung zurcknehmen und wir doch noch alle JPEG XL bekommen.

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IndyWatch Australian News All Topics Summary Today.

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Saturday, 10 June


A Matter of Interest: The RBA, Inflation and Corporate Profits "IndyWatch Feed"

He is one of the least empathetic of beings, a cold fish, bothered and irritated. Captured by the cradle of numbers (he is an economist); obsessed by the spreadsheet of projections that may never result, there is not much to recommend the chief of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Philip Lowe. Come to think of

The post A Matter of Interest: The RBA, Inflation and Corporate Profits appeared first on The AIM Network.


Mastering 100+ recipes: Easier than it sounds "IndyWatch Feed"

Mastering 100+ recipes: Easier than it sounds

This week Megan Jane de Paulo, creator of culinary delights and collector of recipes, lifts the lid on two of her most asked-for "how-tos" gravy and poached eggs!

IVE BEEN WORKING on something I hope will be just the first instalment of a range of volumes of recipes and techniques Ive collected over a few decades of cooking: 'The Culinary Canon, Volume 1, Edition 1'. (This Ebook will be available online soon, with Kindle and print editions available shortly from Amazon.)

This first recipe collection focuses on some basic foundation cooking  with clear instructions and some science thrown in, and hopefully written in a style to pique your interest.

Two of the "how-tos" Im most asked for are gravy and poached eggs! 


I didnt think Id manage to work in a "Nanna cooking story", but in true reality-TV cooking show/blogger fashion, I can when it comes to gravy. 

"Instant gravy" didnt exist in my world until I worked at a caf that used it and I can still smell that chemical-to-me stench  and remember scraping the dried stuff off the bain marie pan.

I remember Nanna, on those special roast dinner days, flinging the roasting pan on top of the stove, adding flour and stirring like a whirling dervish, then adding hot water until the creative completion of the magical sauce we eagerly grabbed to drown our roasted carrots and limp cabbage. (Cabbage was boiled to a point no one could enjoy; carrots were roasted despite protestations of liking them raw.)

I was born in the era of having dinner dumped on your head if you didnt eat it so that gravy was my saviour.




Welcome to the Global Financial Crisis of 2023 (Part Two) "IndyWatch Feed"

Lets recap a simple timeline of events. That will give us a baseline for considering the more technical aspects of the bailout, and some of the corruption going on behind the scenes. Put on your crash helmets. Youre going to need them.

The chronology of a collapse

The SVB collapse is, in some ways, the bitter fruit of eight years of zero interest rates (20082015) under Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen. That zero-interest rate policy and the accompanying US$4 trillion of quantitative easing (QE1, QE2, QE3, and so on) created an age in which investors were forced to channel savings into riskier assets such as stocks, real estate, and emerging markets in a chase for yield.

Those asset bubbles were amplified with borrowed money in the form of carry trades and derivatives. No one cared about the potential for higher interest rates and monetary tightening. That seemed to be off the table. Investors were driven by TINA (There is No Alternative) and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

A narrower timeline would begin in November 2021. Two critical events happened that month. The first is that Fed Chair Jay Powell threw in the towel on his view that inflation was transitory. Powell made it clear that inflation was a real threat, and that the Fed would soon be taking steps to stop it. A few months later, in March 2022, Powell began a series of nine interest rate hikes, which continue today.

The second event, perhaps not coincidentally coinciding with the first, is that Bitcoin [BTC] began to crash from an all-time high of US$68,990 to US$15,480 in November 2022 a 78% crash in one year that started what crypto cultists call the Crypto Winter. This crypto crash has direct connections to the SVB collapse, which we explain below.

While December 2008 and November 2021 are both good starting points for our story, the day-by-day chronology specific to SVB really begins on 27 February 2023, when the SVB CEO dumped US$3.5 million of SVB stock. On the same day, the banks CFO dumped US$575,000 in the banks stock. Both executives claim these sales were pursuant to pre-announced programs allowed by the SEC.

Still, SVBs unrealised losses (unknown to the public) date back years, so the programmed selling may itself have been a cover for what they both knew was coming. The SVB stock price at the time of those sales was about US$290 per share. Today it is worthless. The insiders got out in time.

Remember the debt ratings agencies?

On 1 March 2023, rating agency Moodys called SVB management to tell them that Moodys was considering downgrading the credit rating of the bank. This set off alarm bells inside SVB. Management knew that a credit downgrade might start a flood of deposit withdrawals and a crash in the stock price. The CEO, Greg Becker, immediately called Goldman Sachs to work out...


How Australia learned to stop worrying and love nuclear "IndyWatch Feed"

It may not yet have dawned on Australia, but the rest of the world is waking up to the threat of net zero policies. At our recent editorial meeting in Melbourne, I was shocked to discover just how far behind Australia is on this awakening.

Almost all media coverage in Europe and the US is already highly critical of net zero. Even the politicians have woken up.

In Europe, French President Emmanuel Macron has called for a halt on new green legislation coming out of the EU.

Germany successfully torpedoed the EUs attempt to ban combustion engine cars.

In the UK, some councils are refusing to cooperate with the governments demands to impose net zero policies.

Net zero is so unpopular in the UK that politicians are using it as a punching bag for all sorts of barely related shortcomings. For example, one minister is blaming her inability to carry out Brexit reforms on the constraints imposed by the emissions commitment.

Companies worldwide are also turning their backs on net zero at an increasing pace. Seven insurance companies have quit the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance a part of the powerful group called the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero which pressures financial industries into adopting net zero policies.

Even the only remaining cheerleaders for net zero journalists are having second thoughts. The Financial Times covered the staggering cost of a green hydrogen economy.

Financial markets cottoned on to this shift first. Green energy stocks plunged in 2022 and clean energy tech companies favourite bank in California went bust in 2023

Just when an energy crisis was supposed to prove renewable energys credentials and capabilities, the world concluded the precise opposite. It turned to coal instead.

While Australia still grapples with the impossible implications of net zero, the rest of the world is already moving on to pondering solutions instead. And, as slowly as humanly possible, theyre reaching the painlessly obvious solution: nuclear power.

In October 2021, the UKs Independent Review of Net Zero report commissioned by the government concluded that nuclear power is a no-regrets option for the UK.

In April 2022, the UK government outlined its plans for nuclear power. These include building eight new reactors plus smaller modular reactors, set to provide 25% of the UKs electricity demand by 2050.

In Japan, utility companies are applying for 27 reactor restarts, with 17 passing safety checks and 10 resuming operations.

In South Koreas March 2022 presidential elections, a pro-nuclear candidate defeated an anti-nuclear incumbent who planned to phase out nuclear power.

The countrys 26 reactors produce about a quarter of its electricity, but the new president wants to increase this to at least a third. Plans include extending the life of existing reactors and building new ones.

Macron committed to building...


Wheels of fortune "IndyWatch Feed"

Wheels of fortune

This short story is an *IA Writing Competition (fiction category) entry.


Everyone peered at the curve.

The nursery manager pointed at the curve.

The curve said it all.

He lectured:

"Its a disaster. You guys are flattening the wrong curve. We need to grow the numbers. Our sales are rooted."

Slightest of chuckles. Ever so slight, in fact.

"You know its the best soil in the state, not the Tanami Desert. We should be able to grow stuff. Sell stuff.


"Dont give me that shit about you all being in wheelchairs. We have to compete, compete, compete. Every second business around here is a bloody nursery and here we are with every staff member in a wheelchair trying to grow and sell plants to the able-bodied when they are getting the same or better up the road without having to bend over to hear your sales pitch.


"Weve got a month to turn the business around or we go into receivership. Now pump up your tyres and get out there and get innovative."

His face reddened. 

"Otherwise, I might as well change the name of this nursery to Gardens Were Us. Now dont sit around all day... get off your ar..."  

He paused. 

"Well, dont sit around here..."

And on he went.

He waddled off to his office. He had a good heart, but these staff meetings didnt highlight his sensitive side. The concept of the business was so altruistic. Employment for the disabled and rely on the goodwill of the able public to support sales. All fine when the economy was ticking over, but the current recession meant people shopped with their feet above shopping with the wheelies.

The able-bodied manager waddled off to his office. The staff meeting had its usual impact. Long faces, sighs and complaints.

"Geez, he can be an arsehole. Sometimes I think we are just wheeling around in circles....


Old Heroes of a new age. "IndyWatch Feed"

Victory is ours!

The fields of Elysium lay spread before us,

We stride forward, you and I, with accomplished deeds,

We will take control of these fields as our prize,

The crown of conquering heroes shall be ours.

And though I know not your name,

Nor you know not mine, we march together,

In common age and dignity,

Leave the dying and debased to loot and rob,

The decaying ruins left on the field of battle, their only capacity, having stood idle,

While we battled all our lives for this day,

To have to endure their low mockery at our age,

THEY..who lack the skills and have not wit enough,

To even know when they should lay quietand listen!

So, we will ride away from their barbarian schemes,

Taking with us the prize of our wisdom and knowledge,

In silence shall we scorn and disdain their cries of assistance,

When they come with pitiful eyes and lost souls clamouring.

Their world of material hunger is not now our world,

We leave them to their grasping greed and detritus,

For we have left their dominion,

With our accrued age and knowing,

We will forge a new homeland, a new beginning,

To greet the sunrise and hail the evening,

With a light in our eyes and clarity of mind,

Would dazzle the brightest star in the galaxy,

Come now, my company of aged heroes..

The battle for our independence has been won,

Upon the Fields...


In which the lizard Oz ceases to be a newspaper, and instead offers nothing much ... "IndyWatch Feed"


The pond woke to news that Boris was doing a bunk, and of course MSNBC was yesterday in a state of perpetual hysteria and excitement at the mango Mussolini's situation ... and the pond began to wonder if the old age of entertainment was dying ...though the pond has faith that Phoenix-like, a new age is always rising.

Given the ruckus, what became painfully clear this morning is that the lizard Oz has decided to stop being a newspaper.

 The pond had at least expected a mention of falling or fallen heroes at the top of the digital page, but no ...

Dame Slap's obsession with the Lehrmann matter has been the ruination of the rag ...

Just compare and contrast the Graudian, still alive and dammit, able to do it live in best Bill Orally style ...

There's a world of reading there for political junkies, yet below the reptile fold in the lizard Oz, there was nothing of note ...


Are you listening to the Voice and what its really saying? "IndyWatch Feed"

The muddying of the waters has begun. As did Howard and Abbott with the Republic referendum, Peter Dutton and others have taken another step in dirtying what was once a crystal-clear attempt to give the First Nations people a say in matters concerning their future. The proposed constitutional change requires only that the government receives

The post Are you listening to the Voice and what its really saying? appeared first on The AIM Network.


Did you feel the earth move early Thursday morning in the Clarence Valley on 8 June 2023? "IndyWatch Feed"


An earthquake was recorded in the Pillar Valley in the Clarence Valley local government area in the early hours of the morning on Thursday, 8 June 2023.

Here are the details.

Geoscience Australia, Earthquakes@GA:

Earthquake Details

Grafton, NSW

Origin (UTC): 07/06/2023 16:09:18

Epicentral Time: 08/06/2023 02:09:18

Longitude: 153.05 Latitude: -29.64

Magnitude: 3.0 (ML) Depth: 10 km

Event Id: ga2023ldldlp 

Felt Reports: 30


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Friday, 09 June


Land cycle investor "IndyWatch Feed"

Land Cycle Investor

I joined Catherine Cashmore at Land Cycle Investor to talk about a whole range of housing-related topics here.

We covered what's been happening in New Zealand, the UK, and Australia, among a whole lot more in this one-hour interview. 

You can watch the chat back on YouTube here:


Newly disclosed text messages further implicate lying mean-girl Katy Gallagher "IndyWatch Feed National"

There is new trouble for Minister Katy Gallagher now embroiled in the Brittany Higgins saga. Texts obtained by 7NEWS reveal her deeper involvement in communicating with Ms Higgins and her boyfriend, raising questions about her prior knowledge of Ms Higgins' tell-all interview. 7NEWS Australia (@7NewsAustralia) June 9, 2023


Taxpayer funded ad for Albanese's Vanity Voice - does it seem balanced or impartial to you? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Theres a conversation going on about the Voice Referendum. Its about whether we should change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by setting up an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Australian Government (@ausgov) May 18, 2023


CSIRO's announcement that former Victorian CHO Brett Sutton is joining them "IndyWatch Feed National"

Professor Brett Sutton has been appointed to the role of Director of Health and Biosecurity at CSIRO, Australias national science agency, following an extensive recruitment process. Professor Sutton joins CSIRO from his current role as Victorian Chief Health Officer where he has provided expert advice on matters relating to the...


The Kingdom: Uncovering Hillsong's rise and demise "IndyWatch Feed"

The Kingdom: Uncovering Hillsong's rise and demise

Journalist Marc Fennell takes us into the dark heart of the Hillsong church, sharing the pain of his experience and that of other victims. Digital editor Dan Jensen checks out a new SBS documentary on the downfall of the megachurch.

THE HILLSONG CHURCH has gained a reputation as being a dangerous organisation through its political influence and subsequent scandals that have led to its downfall. While appearing as a religious body, delving deeper into its inner workings reveals the true nature of the beast and how it succeeded in luring hundreds of thousands of members into its fold.

Australian journalist, author and media presenter, Marc Fennell, was one of many who was part of the Pentecostal religion and fell victim to the Hillsong empire. In The Kingdom, he explores the history of Hillsong, how it became so successful and why the megachurch is now in ruins. But more importantly, he also shows how when one head is cut off, another grows in its place.

The Kingdom features archival footage and historic interviews to take us through the origins of Hillsong and its all quite fascinating. Fennell draws on his own experience of growing up within the Pentecostal religion and how at the time, it seemed like the right way to live. But upon breaking free of its confines, it dawned on him how toxic an environment it was, leading him to reach out to others and create this documentary.

Starting out as a small organisation, Hillsong grew into a megachurch that attracted tens of thousands of followers at a time to each event, held in a concert hall and giving the impression of a rock show. The church used music and live bands to attract younger people. There were skateboarding events. And all the bright, flashing lights drew the devout in easily. Its easy to see from The Kingdom how all of this was used as a tool to hook people in as a business, rather than having any actual religious significance.

And its through interviews with former churchgoers and even pastors themselves that we are really shown how Hillsong was simply out to make money off what it de...


2022-23 team "IndyWatch Feed National"

Ambassadors CGA Committee CGA State Coordinators Need help? Let us know how we can assist by contacting your State Coordinators: CGA Regional Representatives You can also contact your Regional Representative if you need local help: CGA volunteer support Website: Graphic design: Find out more about our Committee members who volunteer their time to grow community []

The post 2022-23 team appeared first on CGA.


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed"

1.00 AUD = 0.00003 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.00 AUD

POEM: Leaving them in the lurch "IndyWatch Feed"

POEM: Leaving them in the lurch

This poem is an *IA Writing Competition (fiction category) entry.



It's not easy getting old,
'Specially when you've just been told 
You no longer have a hold
On life's parade.

But great shadow grips my heart 
As I prepare now to depart 
Leaving loved ones to an Earth 
That's been betrayed!

Betrayed by politicians 
Who've had no inhibitions,
Taking bribes to tell us
Not to be afraid.

Of the "harmless" lumps of coal 
That devoured whole their souls,
Fossil fuels or else!
Was what they all decreed.

Crushing hopes I had when young 
That a Star Trek world would come,
Never dreaming that the Earth 
Would die of greed!

We've all now seen the floods' implosions,
The warming waters in our oceans,
The fires burning beyond
All imagination.

The rural backs that droughts are breaking 
The melting ice that's flooding nations,
And the storms that sweep before them
All creation!

Yet still we hear the bleating 
Of fools denying global heating,
And fossil billionaires
Still scheming.

For the riches they'll be reaving,
For the harm
That they're still dealing 
To our world!

I fear the damage has been done,
And there's a world of hurt to come
For those yet born 
And those who stand now in defiance,

Of the laws designed to quell 
Protestors 'gainst this climate hell,
Whom brutal police can now compel 
With strict compliance!

So,  as I take my final leaving 
It is I who will be grieving, 
For those who'll face the fatal heavings 
Of an Earth soon past all hope of climate healing.

And as my loved ones I embrace,
I'll warn of what they've yet to face 
On a world that dies of greed
And in disgrace!

Ann Meharg loves the English language (which is just as well because she can speak no other), loves to make people laugh and loves writing verse when inspired.

* Full IA Writing Competition details...


Climate Change: The status quo will kill us "IndyWatch Feed"

Canada is burning down and American cities are choking on the smoke. The arctic ice-cap is now beyond the point of no return. There have been record heat-waves in Asia, getting us close to Ministry for the Future territory. Phoenix, Arizona has banned new construction because it is running out of water (bringing to mind another cli-fi novel, The Water Knife). And globally, we've almost burned through the carbon budget which would give us only a 50-50 chance of staying under 1.5 degrees of temperature rise:

The world is rapidly running out of carbon budget, the amount of carbon dioxide that can be poured into the atmosphere if we are to stay within the vital threshold of 1.5C above pre-industrial temperatures, according to a study published in the journal Earth System Science Data on Thursday.

Only about 250bn tonnes of carbon dioxide can now be emitted, to avoid the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere that would raise temperatures by 1.5C. That is down from 500bn tonnes just a few years ago, and at current annual rates of greenhouse gas emissions, of about 54bn tonnes a year over the past decade, it would run out well before the end of this decade.

And meanwhile, what is our government doing? Gutting the ETS and sabotaging its own clean-car policy because it might actually be effective and change things (and meanwhile, our opposition is full of climate deniers and shows every sign of wanting to do even less, while their radical vandal farmer base are explicitly calling for the repeal of all climate policy, as if you don't need a stable climate to farm...)

This isn't good enough. We have an actual crisis, and our political class is so beholden to the status quo that they a...


Promoting the Indigenous Voice: From Empire to Legitimate Recognition of 60,000 Years of History "IndyWatch Feed"

By Denis Bright   As support for the Voice referendum tightens, more discussion about the rationale for the constitutional change might assist voters who are now in the doubtful category on this issue. The latest YouGov Newspoll shows that Peter Duttons most ardent supporters of the No Case are elderly Australians in conservative regional electorates. In

The post Promoting the Indigenous Voice: From Empire to Legitimate Recognition of 60,000 Years of History appeared first on The AIM Network.


The Irony and Madness of a Globalist Proxy War "IndyWatch Feed National"

Nazi symbol blurred (this is Victoria) part of the tattoos of of an Azov militant in Ukraine.

by DM

Nazi Symbol Prohibition

In the state of Victoria, a person commits a criminal offence if they: intentionally display a symbol of Nazi ideology in a public place or in public view, and know, or ought to have reasonably known, that the symbol is a symbol of Nazi ideology. And a person...


Ko wai mtouwe are water "IndyWatch Feed National"

Dr Huhana Smith Dr Huhana Smith and cousins have spent the last twenty years focussing on the restoration of her ancestral coastal land and waterways at Kuku Beach, near Levin, in Aotearoa/New Zealand, using biocharthe carbon-rich remains of slow-burned wood. Smith and her collaborators use biochar not only as a tool for land restoration, but also as an artistic medium. Their work is critical for thinking about what is possible when Mori communities have control of their cultural and spiritual bases.

The post Ko wai mtouwe are water appeared first on Overland literary journal.


The Majority Report tackles The Palestine Laboratory "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Majority Report is a popular US news show.

Heres my interview with host Emma Vigeland about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, and the reluctance in many parts of the US to challenge Israeli apartheid.

My interview starts at 21:33 (and heres the podcast).

The post The Majority Report tackles The Palestine Laboratory appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


My part in Elon Musks horrifying and tragic Everest catastrophe (Chapter Two) "IndyWatch Feed"

My part in Elon Musks horrifying and tragic Everest catastrophe (Chapter Two)

Elon Musk and Keith the saucy Reuters fake llama

Chapter 2

Read Chapter One: The Infiltration

*Also listen to the "" target= "_blank">HERE.

MASQUERADING AS AN ALBINO pack mule during those first few days out of Kathmandu was one of the most physically and mentally taxing journalistic assignments I had ever attempted.

Especially at that early stage of my journalistic career.

This was only complicated by Musk deciding to take a shine to me and riding backwards on my flimsy pantomime mule back.

I had not factored in a fully grown man-child riding me for 14 days. But journalism is not a job for weaklings, so what else could I do but grit my teeth and bite down on another contractually provided Maley Dale dexamphetamine, and continue my perilous trek towards Everest? Elon Musk, meanwhile, was oblivious to my panting and groaning, and merely continued gently yodelling into the steep mountainsides and plunging gorges all around.

It was after that gruelling first day out of Kathmandu, as the hard-working beasts of burden were collected in a makeshift corral on a bleak and gusty Nepalese slope that I first met Keith from Reuters. As I grazed disconsolately on the evening repast of slightly mouldy sorghum and dank hay, a remarkably attractive and gleaming tan llama edged into the feeding bay next to me, amongst the asses mules and dromedaries. It was then, to my slight surprise, that this imposing llama pulled a mask off, to reveal the very human face of a beaming, balding middle-aged man.

Keith the chirpy Cockney animal impersonator was to become a firm friend, sometime colleague and staunch confidante in the years to come, as well as best man at my first wedding. All wh...


LitHub speaks The Palestine Laboratory "IndyWatch Feed National"

LitHub is a US-based literary website.

I was interviewed by one of its hosts, writer Andrew Keen, about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, Jewish identity and the threat of anti-Semitism.

It was one of the feistier interviews Ive had since my book was released though Im happy to be challenged on my thesis.

The post LitHub speaks The Palestine Laboratory appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


Treasury Submission "IndyWatch Feed"

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL   Dear Foible,   Thank you for your email advising that you withdraw your FOI request dated 16 May 2023.   We confirm that we hav...



CARTOONS: The RBA refuses to choke! "IndyWatch Feed"

CARTOONS: The RBA refuses to choke!

The RBA refuses to choke! 

Meanwhile, interest rates are already too big to swallow.

Mark David is IA's resident cartoonist. You can see more cartoons from Mark on his website Mark David Cartoons, or follow him on Twitter @mdavidcartoons.


Tucker Carlson - Episode 2 "IndyWatch Feed National"

Ep. 2 Cling to your taboos! Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 8, 2023


The Esther Foundation scandal: a stain that makes the Liberals unelectable "IndyWatch Feed"

The Esther Foundation scandal: a stain that makes the Liberals unelectable

The religious rehab centre was the beneficiary of millions of dollars in public funds in the run-up to the 2019 election

A $4 million grant might be a mere blip in the scheme of things, but that tiny sum, pledged by Scott Morrison to a religious rehab centre, tells us all we need to know about the degradation of go...


Three ADF failures built the culture that enabled war crimes "IndyWatch Feed"

The Ben Roberts-Smith case must force ADF leadership to re-examine Brereton report flagging how unethical conduct can flourish

Last week Justice Anthony Besanko handed down his decision in the defamation case brought by retired Corporal...


Governments to blame for homelessness crisis "IndyWatch Feed"

Governments to blame for homelessness crisis

Australia's political leaders are solely to blame for the number of our population struggling with the cost of living or starving in the streets, writes Gerry Georgatos.

STREET PRESENT homelessness has reached record highs this century, throughout Australia.

I was out on the streets early one morning handing out wet weather hoodies and windcheater types from the humble charity I've knocked up to see me through my remaining years  The Georgatos Foundation. There are toddlers living on the streets, sleeping in alleyways and condemned dwellings, and sleeping in the back of cars. There are primary school-aged children, some who go to school, who sleep on the streets.

Some of Western Australias school-age street homeless children go in and out of Banksia Hill Juvenile Detention Centre a childrens prison. This is a travesty Australia-wide; street homeless children in and out of the nation's 17 children's prisons.

Homelessness in all its forms is on the increase throughout Australia. Despite the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimating homelessness at over 122,000, with thereabouts 10,000 street present homeless individuals, my estimations lay claim to 300,000 Australians in some form of homelessness, with probably more than 20,000 in some form of rough sleeping homelessness (in cars, tents, disused dwellings, parks, beaches, alleyways and pavement sleeping).

More youth and older are living at home with parents. Some will live with their parents for the rest of their lives. Many have long warned of poverty reckoning hardships never-before known.

I mix it with the street homeless, particularly in Perth. The street homeless have doubled in numbers during the last couple of years. This is a narrative Australiawide, particularly in our capital cities, but also in large regional and remote towns.



Egad sirs, and possibly the odd lady, it's a bumper book of reptile adventures this Friday ... "IndyWatch Feed"


Forget the Canadian wildfires, forget the talk of the arrival of an El Nio event, heck, even forget the reptiles embarking on a vast conspiracy theory involving puppet masters ...

Gad sirs, and the occasional lady, Dame Slap keeps jumping the shark, but the pond knows its duty, and tip toed past that hysterical talk of a gigantic conspiracy involving a puppet master ... (speaking of vast conspiracies, the pond is still waiting for the UN to use climate science to establish world government by Xmas).

Today our Henry is on a mission from god, and the pond is proud to present a bumper book for reptiles and colonial boys ...

Gad sirs, there's good Queen Vic trembling at the knees at the sight of her devoted servant, and as she handed him his Faithful Servant and Devoted Service medals, she knew she was rewarding not the actor but the act (or perhaps many acts, who can say?).

Why if Jack the Ripper hisself had been given a gong for his splendid work teaching the fuzzy wuzzies a lesson at Rourke's Drift, the odd little street crime would do nothing to tarnish the medal ...



Lower ETF fees "IndyWatch Feed"

 An observation, not recommendation.

Bravo - this is making investing so much more accessible and affordable for young investors.

Not throwing stones, but it is worth noting that most of the fund managers you'd hear from most in the media don't actually outperform the ASX index (but do charge handsomely for the privilege...). 


Treasury Submission "IndyWatch Feed"

Follow up sent to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission by Foible on .

Awaiting classification.

As the document has been made publicly available, this FOI is withdrawn. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Foible


Fairness and equity: public perceptions of democracy in South and Southeast Asia "IndyWatch Feed"

Last month, the Alliance for Democracies a Copenhagen-based non-profit published its Democracy Perceptions Index (DPI). Drawn from over 50,000 survey responses across 53 countries, the Index is one of the largest datasets available on global citizen views of democracy. The Alliance publishes its data set, which allowed us a closer look at the results for South and Southeast Asia.

From an Australian perspective, the DPI is especially timely. A year into its first term, Australias Labor government has shown increased interest in the state of democracy in neighbouring regions. A parliamentary inquiry, convened in late 2022, is looking at how Australia can partner with countries in our region to promote democracy and the international rules-based order. An Australian Strengthening Democracy Taskforce has been tasked to bolster Australias democratic resilience and enhance trust among citizens, and between citizens and governments. The collective aim of these efforts is to work out what supporting democratic trends could look like across the vastly different countries and contexts in which Australia focuses its development and diplomatic efforts. They reflect renewed vigour in the discussion in Australia about the state of democracy in the region a discussion that has languished in the last decade or more. They also illustrate a willingness to look at questions of democratic development in a more sophisticated way, eschewing the kinds of knee-jerk judgements that sometimes arise in analyses of democratic trends in the region.

The DPI data is useful from this perspective, as it is based on public perceptions. It provides an interesting complement and in some senses counterpoint to assessments that focus on the actions of national governments and the changes they make to the legal and regulatory environment, such as the CIVICUS Monitor, Freedom Houses Freedom in the World Report, and Varieties of Democracy Index, or those that assess the quality of elections, such as the Electoral Integrity Project, the Economist Intelligence Units Democracy Index, or International IDEAs Electoral Mana...


DROUGHT: and so it begins..... "IndyWatch Feed"


The green map of New South Wales is changing colour as soil moisture begins to fall.

Thus far drought affected land is confined to the north-east and north-west of the state, with 10.9% of land on the North Coast affected.

 An est. 35 parishes are drought affected in the Clarence Valley13 parishes in the Richmond Valley and 3 border parishes in Tweed Shire.

The Dept. of Primary Industry seasonal update considers that "Drought Affected Land" status is intensifying in the Clarence Valley. Currently that status appears to cover an area roughly from just south of Lawrence following the river to land up past Dumbudgery and, from the Yulgilbar district in the north to the Elland district in the south.


Thursday, 08 June


Gene-Edited GMOs: The Answer to Superweeds Or A Covert Tactic To Avoid Regulation? "IndyWatch Feed National"

From Moms Across America

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been a serious threat to human health for decades. Aside from creating nutrient-deficient food and contributing to illness in general, the environmental perils of genetically modified agriculture have centered around the chemicals used alongside GMOs, like Roundup. This is because these chemicals cause the development of superweeds and superbugspests that are impossible to fully control because they have developed resistance. But are gene-edited varieties the answer?

In the case of superweeds, the crops treated with Roundup are genetically modified to resist it so that farmers can spray everything ubiquitously, but to the farmers dismay the weeds, in turn, genetically modified themselves to resist Roundup toocausing superweeds.

Similar to superweeds, superbugs are insects that have developed a resistance to insecticidesa major problem for farmers, as insects can cause significant damage to crops. In some cases, farmers have to use even more pesticides and herbicides to control them, which can lead to further environmental damage and more toxic chemicals on our dinner plates. Some of the notable cases of insect resistance to Bt include certain species of bollworms, pink bollworms, diamondback moths, and corn rootworms.

Read the full article.

The post Gene-Edited GMOs: The Answer to Superweeds Or A Covert Tactic To Avoid Regulation? first appeared on Alliance for Natural Health USA - Protecting Natural Health.


Record tourism to add to summer rental crush "IndyWatch Feed"

Tourism bounces back

Services exports are firing back up, mainly in the shape of international students and tourism.

But overall, exports fell -5 per cent in April, as iron ore, coal, and natural gas exports all increasingly come under pressure. 

Aussies are travelling overseas a bit more, but tourism into Australia is quietly absolutely rocketing back. 

In fact, splitting out the exports and imports components - as Westpac has done below - shows that inbound Australian tourism is roaring back and on track to make a record contribution to exports imminently, probably by summer. 


Tropical Innovation Festival 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Tropical Innovation Festival 2023

One more day left at the TIF2023. A fantastic week bringing together start-ups, innovators, investors, and more. Looking forward to this time next year! Well done Cairns. m

On a stage, a pink couch with palm tree cushions in front of 2 TIF banners.

submitted by /u/leesawatego
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NEW BOMBSHELL: OKI Ballot Printer Company Sends DAMNING Response to Factual Errors in Maricopa County Elections Report Debunking Maricopa Countys Lies About Ballot Printer Failures LEFTWING MEDIA SILENT "IndyWatch Feed"

Maricopa Countys ballot printer source, OKI Data Americas, recently responded to the Countys sham ballot printer investigation, debunking false claims and demanding a corrected report from the Maricopa County Attorneys Office.

According to OKIs statement, Maricopa County did not even contact the company, and they were completely unaware that an investigation was underway.

The Gateway Pundit reported on Maricopa Countys Ballot-on-Demand Printer Investigation led by former Arizona Supreme Court Justice Ruth McGregor.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell later called for consequences for the stolen Maricopa County Midterm Election and the cover-up investigation by election officials.

It is apparent from OKIs response that on election day and prior, Maricopa County did not accurately conduct tests or even read the printer manual. This discredits the entire investigation by Maricopa County. They either lied or were so incompetent that they couldnt follow basic instructions. What else did they hide?

OKI writes, Without clarification in the testing process that defines the exact paper type and the printing source (multipurpose tray or cassette), the conclusion is disingenuous given the fact that the use of 100 lb. paper can be out of specification for the B432 printers, as can be discerned readily from the printers manual.

According to Maricopa Countys report, Maricopa County printed its ballots on 80-pound paper for the 2020 primary and general elections but increased paper weight to 100 lbs in 2022. OKI states in their response, the maximum paper weight through the paper cassettes is 80 lb. text (120 g/m2). Oki concludes, it seems that the true underlying cause of the election issues was the use of 100 lb. paper without reviewing the manual and/or confirming with OKI that such use was within the specifications of the OKI B432 printers.



Australian Bank Takes Stance Against Payments To Select Crypto Exchanges "IndyWatch Feed"

Due to concerns over the risk of scams, Australias largest bank, Commonwealth Banks (CBA), has recently announced the temporary delay of certain payments associated with crypto exchanges.

This decision arose after the United States Securities Regulator (SEC) sued two major global exchanges, Coinbase and Binance. This comes just a few weeks after another major Australian bank, Westpac, banned customers from transacting with crypto exchange Binance.

Commonwealth Bank Combat Scams, Prioritizing Customer Protection

On June 8, CBA disclosed its intention to decline or place a 24-hour hold on certain payments to crypto exchanges. Nevertheless, the bank has yet to specify which crypto exchanges or payment types would be impacted by these new measures.

Related Reading: Ripple CEO Blasts SEC Chair For Anti-Innovation Stance, XRP Bulls Remain Optimistic

According to a statement, CBA claimed that the measures theyve introduced safeguard their clients from scams associated with making payments to crypto exchanges.

The bank added that customers sending funds to crypto exchanges to purchase cryptocurrencies will have a monthly limit of AUD 10,000 ($6,650).

The general manager of CBAs fraud management services, James Roberts, said;

Consumer interest in cryptocurrencies has been increasing, and unfortunately, scammers globally are capitalizing on this trend and masquerading as legitimate investment opportunities or diverting funds into cryptocurrency exchanges.

James further emphasized that the limits on outbound payments to crypto exchanges and the 24-hour holds will help fight the number of scams and money lost by customers.

CBA said continual evaluation and monitoring would be conducted to assess the impacts of these scam response measures.

This recent security measure marks a significant reversal from its previous plans. Notably, in November 2021, the bank introduced crypto trading services through its CommBank app, holding millions of users.

During that period, the banks CEO, Matt Comyn, acknowledged the associated risks but emphasized the greater risks of not participating.  He stated that The sector and the technology [isnt] going away anytime soon.

Uncertain Future for Crypto Exchange Binance Australia Services Following De-banking

Amid the ongoing global de-banking of crypto businesses, Binance users in Australia now face limited options for purchasi...


Crackdown on migrant-worker protection "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

New measures will protect migrant workers at risk of exploitation with the Albanese Government announcing a plan to enforce labour rights of temporary visa holders and crack down on Australian employers who attempt to exploit migrant workers

Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, Andrew Giles has termed the situation a crisis of exploitation which reflects one in six recent migrants paid less than the minimum wage.

The changes, to be introduced to parliament in coming weeks, will increase penalties including making it a criminal offence to coerce someone to breach their visa conditions.

Associate Professor Bassina Farbenblum from Migrant Justice Institute and the University New South Wales Faculty of Law and Justice explained more on what these protections could mean.

Image: Image courtesy of Unsplash: Pixaby

Produced By: Emma Wotzke

Featured In Story: Bassina Farbenblum Co Executive Director at Migrant Justice Institute Associate Professor at The Faculty of Law and Justice of the University of New South Wales is a law school

First aired on The Wire, Thursday, 8 June 2023

The post Crackdown on migrant-worker protection appeared first on 4YOU 98.5FM Capricorn Community Radio.

Crackdown on migrant-worker protection "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

New measures will protect migrant workers at risk of exploitation with the Albanese Government announcing a plan to enforce labour rights of temporary visa holders and crack down on Australian employers who attempt to exploit migrant workers

Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, Andrew Giles has termed the situation a crisis of exploitation which reflects one in six recent migrants paid less than the minimum wage.

The changes, to be introduced to parliament in coming weeks, will increase penalties including making it a criminal offence to coerce someone to breach their visa conditions.

Associate Professor Bassina Farbenblum from Migrant Justice Institute and the University New South Wales Faculty of Law and Justice explained more on what these protections could mean.

Image: Image courtesy of Unsplash: Pixaby

Produced By: Emma Wotzke

Featured In Story: Bassina Farbenblum Co Executive Director at Migrant Justice Institute Associate Professor at The Faculty of Law and Justice of the University of New South Wales is a law school

First aired on The Wire, Thursday, 8 June 2023

The post Crackdown on migrant-worker protection appeared first on Fraser Coast FM 107.5.


Spotlight on bank funds to fossil fuels "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The Big Four Banks continue in the spotlight, with a new report from Market Forces showing they continue to fund fossil fuel projects.

The report called Banking Climate Failures demonstrates banks are funding more than $7bn in fossil fuel projects, and theyre using loopholes to do it.

Image: Image courtesy of Marcin-jozwiak YGPCYETKF

Produced By: Eduardo Jordan

Featured In Story: Will van der Pol Acting CEO, Market Forces , and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday, 8 June 2023

The post Spotlight on bank funds to fossil fuels appeared first on 4YOU 98.5FM Capricorn Community Radio.

Spotlight on bank funds to fossil fuels "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The Big Four Banks continue in the spotlight, with a new report from Market Forces showing they continue to fund fossil fuel projects.

The report called Banking Climate Failures demonstrates banks are funding more than $7bn in fossil fuel projects, and theyre using loopholes to do it.

Image: Image courtesy of Marcin-jozwiak YGPCYETKF

Produced By: Eduardo Jordan

Featured In Story: Will van der Pol Acting CEO, Market Forces , and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday, 8 June 2023

The post Spotlight on bank funds to fossil fuels appeared first on Fraser Coast FM 107.5.


Why aren't more people selling? With Cameron Kusher from REA "IndyWatch Feed"

Aus Property Podcast

I got the man who knows about this stuff to explain why more people aren't selling property, why markets are so tight, and whether this will change.

Cameron Kusher from REA Group joined me on the podcast here:

"" target="_blank">on YouTube here:


Buying alcohol rn in Edge hill with no car "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Wanting to buy alcohol right now, on edge hill but cant drive. Is there anyway to get alcohol to edge hill tonight?

submitted by /u/AdSea8206
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Coles Central bake sale "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Hey guys just wanted to let everyone know that Coles at Central is doing a bake sale on Friday the 9th of June from 9am to 1pm I think. It's to raise money for MND so it might be pretty busy tomorrow just a heads up for those who do shopping on Fridays. (I work there and it gets pretty hectic this is not sponsored by Coles at all I just know that waiting in line forever sucks).

submitted by /u/Sleepy_Luck
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Gallery: Dance Class Club Night "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The FBi Radio Dance Class cohort of 2023 celebrated the end of their three month DJ mentorship program with an epic club night at Sydney dance music institution Club 77.

The trainees attended masterclasses as part of FBi Radios female, trans and non-binary dance music mentorship program, and got to showcase everything they learnt. The FBi Radio Dance Class trainees were joined alumna Crescendoll (class of 2020) and former Dance Class mentor, Merph to bring you a huge night of dance music.

In addition to mixing skills on CDJs and vinyl, the trainees learnt everything from running their own events, to hosting live radio. They were also paired with mentors over the course of FBi Radio Dance Class program. The DJ skills and industry know-how the trainees have mastered over the past three months culminated with their party at Club 77.

Click through out gallery to relive the action/ see what you missed.



These skeletons are made from construction waste and could help restore coral reefs at a massive scale "IndyWatch Feed National"

Taryn Fosters Coral Maker grows fragments of coral that can then be placed in the ocean to grow and fuse together.

Seven years ago, on a remote coral reef halfway between Indonesia and Australia, coral scientist Taryn Foster watched as record ocean temperatures decimated the pristine ecosystem that shed been studying for years.

Read Full Story


After seven years, Geelong fine-dining restaurant IGNI announces indefinite break "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

<p><p>The venue itself might be hidden, the name <a href= "">IGNI</a> has become well known amongst those immersed in the Victorian dining scene, regarded by many (if not all) as one of Australias very best restaurants.</p> <p>Located down Ryan Place, a back alley within Geelongs CBD, renowned chef Aaron Turner alongside partners Jo Smith and Drew Hamilton opened IGNI (meaning fire in Latin) back in 2016, transforming the old electrical showroom into a petite 28-seat, two-hat restaurant.</p> <p class="p1"><b><i>Keep up with the latest food and booze news across the region </i></b><a href= ""><span class= "s1"><b><i>here</i></b></span></a><b><i>.</i></b></p> <p>Championing independent farmers and artisan producers, IGNIs dining experience is based around the charcoal grill, which, along with the imaginative flavour combinations and seasonal ingredients, provides much of the drama. With a minimalist interior, all blonde wood, muted greys and polished concrete, the focus remains on the food at all times, and is presented to diners in the form of a <a href= "">mysterious six-course</a> dgustation menu, with the option of adding on beverage pairings.</p> <p>Pure opulence and well worth the visit, IGNI is calling time on the restaurant as we know it, announcing the business would be taking an indefinite break to make way for a new direction. The news was announced on social media earlier this week with doors officially closing Sunday, September 24th, 2023.</p> <p>With tears in our eyes it is with huge excitement that, after 7 years, we announce that IGNI will be taking an indefinite break, the post read, attributed to Aaron, Jo & Team IGNI.

The end of September will mark the last services for our little 2 Hat restaurant, as IGNI takes a back-seat to make way for an exciting new direction.</p> <blockquote class="instagram-media"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <p> </p> <div style="display: flex;"> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex;"> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"></div> ...</div> </blockquote></p>


1) Nduga Regency shifts security approach, moves from military to civil handling "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"


2) Papuan Peoples Front demands immediate release of Viktor Yeimo, alleging discrimination and racism in legal proceedings 

3) How Indonesian village aid funds weapons for Papua's rebellion 
4) Forest recognition for Papua tribe raises hopes for climate 


1) Nduga Regency shifts security approach, moves from military to civil handling  
News Desk - Nduga Conflict
 8 June 2023

Wamena, Jubi  Nduga Regent Edison Gwijangge has announced a new policy to ensure the security of the Nduga Regency. Instead of being treated as a military operation zone, Ndugas status will be changed to a civil technical area. This means that the Nduga and the Mountainous Papua Province Administrations will be responsible for handling security issues in the area.

The go...



The Ultimatum: Queer Love: Who ended up together? "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Sarah Davison

The Ultimatum: Queer Love hit Netflix in May 2023, putting the relationships of five queer couples to the ultimate test. From each couple, one person had issued an ultimatum to their partner- get married or move on. As part of the social experiment, each contestant entered a trial marriage with another compatible person to learn ...

The post The Ultimatum: Queer Love: Who ended up together? appeared first on QNews.


Oxford Street Business Pride Charter launched to protect Sydneys gay mile "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Andrew M Potts

A new precinct-wide pride business charter has been launched this week to ensure Sydneys Oxford Street retains its queer character and that its rich history continues to be celebrated for years to come. On Tuesday night Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore and Sydney MP Alex Greenwich joined representatives from the Oxford Street Pride Steering Committee ...

The post Oxford Street Business Pride Charter launched to protect Sydneys gay mile appeared first on QNews.


Mining giant BHP pushes Albanese Government to remove hurdles to nuclear energy "IndyWatch Feed"

The West Australian, Tue, 6 June 2023

Mining giant BHP has urged the Federal Government to remove its prohibition on nuclear energy to help meet the energy needs of transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

The company lobbied Treasury ahead of the May 9 Budget to make the move as it told the Albanese Government that more must be done to protect energy security, affordability and decarbonisation, The Australian reported.. (Subscribers only)


Washington Post reported Ukraine conducted a test strike with HIMARS on the Kahovka dam last year "IndyWatch Feed"

the Washington Post reported in December 2022 that Ukraine had previously carried out a test strike using American HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems) on a dam located on the Russian-held side of Ukraine along the Dnieper River in Kahovka. They cited Ukrainian Major-General Andriy Kovalchuk.

Human Events Media Group 06/06/2023

A dam on the Dnieper River was destroyed on Tuesday, flooding a substantial amount of the area where Ukrainian and Russian troops are engaged in fighting, after Ukraine launched their much-anticipated counter-offensive. The dam was in Russian control, and has been since shortly after the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

Ukraine claimed Russia blew up the Nova Kakhovka dam and said it was a war crime, while Russia has said that it was Ukraine who sabotaged the dam, to distract attention from the launch of a major counteroffensive Moscow says is faltering, Reuters reports.

Ukraines counter offensive has been in the works for some time, specifically targeting the Russian-held city of Kherson, and was just recently launched. 

Russian terrorists, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Telegram. The destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam only confirms for the whole world that they must be expelled from every corner of Ukrainian land.

However, the Washington Post reported in December 2022 that Ukraine had previously carried out a test strike using American HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems) on a dam located on the Russian-held side of Ukraine along the Dnieper River in Kahovka. They cited Ukrainian Major-General Andriy Kovalchuk.

Kovalchuk considered flooding the river, the Washington Post reported. The Ukrainians, he said, even conducted a test strike with a HIMARS launcher on one of the floodgates at the Nova Kakhovka dam, making three holes in the metal to see if the Dniepers water could be raised enough to stymie Russian crossings but not flood nearby villages. The test was a success, Kovalchuk said, but the step remained a last resort...


The Ukrainian counter-offensive: A new stage in the US-NATO war against Russia "IndyWatch Feed"

Every aspect of the war, including the counter-offensive, is being directed by the Biden administration, the Pentagon and NATO. It is being led by forces trained by NATO and armed with NATO weapons, including depleted uranium shells supplied by the UK. Operationally, it is organized from Washington and the Pentagon. The masses of Ukrainians are being exploited as cannon fodder. Among the first divisions thrown into the battle, many are raw draftees with little or no training.

WSWS Joseph KishoreDavid North, 5 June 2023

The US-NATO war against Russia over Ukraine is entering a new stage this week, with reports of a significant increase in fighting along a broad front Monday and enormous casualties.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported on its official Telegram channel that Russian forces countered a Ukrainian offensive on the Vremevka outpost in South Donetsk, which is currently controlled by Russia. It stated that over 1,500 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and that Russia seized 28 tanks, including eight German-made Leopard tanks.

Russia also reported an offensive of Ukrainian troops toward the south, against the territory along the coast of the Sea of Azov that connects Crimea and the Donbas, both held by Russia or pro-Russian forces since 2014. A Russian-appointed official in the city of Zaporizhzhia said that the fighting in the south involved extensive shelling and strikes by Ukraine using British-French Storm Shadow missiles.

It is apparent that Mondays operations mark the beginning of the long anticipated summer counter-offensive. While there is, at present, limited information, one thing can be said with certainty: The fighting will result in a vast increase in the number of deaths, both Ukrainian and Russian.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky acknowledged that a large number of soldiers are going to die, but we are going to do it. Reliable estimates place the death toll of Ukrainians in the war so far...


Content of radioactive element in fish at Fukushimas Nuclear Power Plant 180 times of safe limit "IndyWatch Feed"

CGTN 6 June 23

The radioactive elements in the marine fish caught in the harbor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan far exceed safety levels for human consumption, according to a report issued by the plants operator Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) on Monday. In particular, the data released show that the content of Cs-137, a radioactive element that is a common byproduct in nuclear reactors, is 180 times that of the standard maximum stipulated in Japans food safety law.

TEPCOs official website. According to the data, the sampled black rockfish contains the radioactive element Cs-137 with a content of 18,000 becquerels per kilogram. Data available on the website of Fukushima Revitalization Station run by Japans Fukushima prefectural government shows that Japans current limit of radioactive cesium in general food which contains fish is set at 100 becquerels per kilogram.  

According to the report, the location where the sampled fish was caught is at the port area of Units 1 to 4 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, where a breakwater is built and nuclear wastewater with a high concentration of radioactive substances flows in. TEPCO said it will set up multiple protective nets to prevent fish from swimming out of the harbor.

A Chinese news website quoted experts noting that the radioactive elements in the nuclear wastewater could penetrate into fish, shrimp and other seafood, and later accumulate in the human body after consumption. 

TEPCO on Monday started sending seawater into an underwater tunnel to be diluted before releasing the nuclear wastewater into the ocean. The company said that all facilities for the water release system are expected to be completed by the end of this month.

Local fishing communities say their businesses and livelihoods will suffer still more damage. Neighboring countries such as China and South Korea and Pacific Island nations have raised safety concerns. Environmental groups including Friends of the Earth oppose the release.




Journalists Are Asking Ukrainian Soldiers To Hide Their Nazi Patches, New York Times Admits "IndyWatch Feed"

AZOV soldier, UKraine


The New York Times has been forced to very, very belatedly deal with something which had long been obvious and known to many independent analysts and media outlets, but which has been carefully shielded from the mainstream masses in the West for obvious reasons. 

The surprising Monday Times headline said that Nazi Symbols on Ukraines Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History. This acknowledgement comes after literally years of primarily indy journalists and geopolitical commentators pointing out that yes indeed Ukraines military and paramilitary groups, especially those operating in the east since at least 2014, have a serious Nazi ideology problem. This has been exhaustively documented, again, going back years

But the report, which merely tries to downplay it as a thorny issue of Ukraines unique History suggests that the real problem for Western PR is fundamentally that its being displayed so openly. Ukrainian troops are being asked to cover those Nazi symbols please!as Matt Taibbi sarcastically quipped in commenting on the report.

The authors of the NYT report begin by expressing frustration over the optics of Nazi symbols being displayed so proudly on many Ukrainian soldiers uniforms. Suggesting that many journalistic photographs which have in some cases been featured in newspapers and media outlets worldwide (typically coupled with generally positive articles on Ukraines military) are merely unfortunate or misleading, the NYT report says, In each photograph, Ukrainians in uniform wore patches featuring symbols that were made notorious by Nazi Germany and have since become part of the iconography of far-right hate groups.






Accelerate Your Business Growth: Essential Strategies for Success "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Are you looking to take your business to the next level? Are you ready to grow and expand your reach within the ... Read more


"IndyWatch Feed Vic" "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Merging the storytelling traditions of country music with the raw energy and instrumentation of rock, alt-country has experienced a notable rise in popularity within the gigs and festivals circuits in recent years. While it initially existed on the fringes, alt-country has gained a devoted following and carved out its niche in the music landscape. 

For the first time, alt-country will be celebrated in Geelong with the brand-new Lightning & Rhinestones music festival, shining a light on the genres unique identity while providing a platform for artists to share their craft. 

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

Freya Josephine Hollick is bringing alt-country charm to the Lightning & Rhinestones Festival 

The brainchild of Graham Bowman and Tara Roberts, Lightning & Rhinestones music festival will take place on 18 June at the Barwon Club Hotel featuring a lineup of Australias most talented alt-country musicians. 

Headlining the inaugural event will be Australian cosmic country Queen Freya Josephine Hollick and Melbourne cosmic country rocker Ben Mastwyk and His Millions, with Mastwyk doubling as festival curator. 

Renowned for his shimmering 70s cosmic-country-soul with lashings of psychedelic-honky tonk, Mastwyk pulled together an impressive lineup that celebrates the genres diverse range of styles and showcases both established and emerging artists.

Bowie and Tara were keen on focusing on the more rocky, alt-country sound and so we knew that we wanted to create something that was a bit more rock and roll and party in its energy than a stripped-back Americana kind of vibe. 

We wanted to do something that had some lightning and real energy in it. 

Gold-suited and rhinest...


Barbara has just re-modelled Jules original engagement ring into a simpler broader band and everyone is over the moon. "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Hi Jules, many thanks for coming to the studio with your brief to revise your engagement ring. Im following up with my costing for the work; noting you have supplied the three diamonds (1= 0.68ct, 1=0.22ct, 1=0.22ct) Also your old ring = 2.9 grams 18ct yellow gold this gold will be incorporated into the new settings.

Bh Commission Jules Verner-Mackay Engagement Ring revision 2023. A broad flat band 9mm wide at top and tapering to 6mm at back of finger in 18ct palladium white gold has Jules x3 round brilliant cut diamonds (1= 0.68ct, 1=0.22ct, 1=0.22ct) each set in individual wide edge bezel settings in 18ct yellow gold including re-cycled 18ct yellow gold from Jules original engagement ring. Design and gem layout as per sketch. Size F (3 1/4) for left hand pinky finger. 


Independent Artist of the Week: Gian Santoro "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"


  • Gian Santoro :: interview with Lill Scott
Content warning: this interview audio contains a suicide reference. If this brings anything to the surface for you, there are resources listed below.

Gian Santoros Reflections On The Waters pulls back the curtains in their soulful recount of navigating queer identity, intergenerational trauma, and grief. Draped in soothing lofi percussion and introspective lyricism, their album Reflections On The Waters is testament to their artistic triumph. 

Gian Santoto is a 21 year old hip-hop artist from South West Sydney, who tells a hauntingly beautiful tale of triumph amongst tragedy, finding a collective love through community and a passion for art. 

After speaking with Lill Scott on Monday Up For It, its clear that authentic, soulful expression is a key ingredient in their music. This authenticity effortlessly translates within the record, featuring voicemails, snippets of conversations, garage doors opening all in the mix. 

I want people to understand just how much soul I put into the music.

Influenced by the slow, soulful loops coming out of the un...


Scott White sentenced to 9 years for death of Scott Johnson "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Nate Woodall

After a long and arduous legal process, the long-awaited trial of Scott White, the prime suspect in the murder of Scott Johnson, reached its conclusion yesterday, with White receiving up to 9 years in prison. Just hours after the NSW Supreme Court found Stanley Bruce Early guilty for the murder of Raymon Keam in 1987, ...

The post Scott White sentenced to 9 years for death of Scott Johnson appeared first on QNews.


The 18th Amendment Bar brings back exclusive masterclasses, and our eyes are on WhistlePig Distillery Rye July "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Nestled in the heart of Geelong, the famed 1920s Prohibition-style cocktail bar, 18th Amendment Bar, stands as a hidden gem within the citys vibrant hospitality scene. 

Known for its sophisticated ambiance, unusual ingredients, the remarkable selection of spirits behind the bar and the house-concocted barrel-aged cocktails, this establishment has become a unique addition to the bar scene, capturing the attention of locals and visitors alike. 

Keep up with the latest food and booze news across the region here.

Celebrating cocktail culture and presenting impressive, classic cocktails with a contemporary twist, the venues exclusive masterclasses have become a sought-after experience for whisky, gin, scotch and cocktail enthusiasts in Geelong. These exclusive events provide participants with an immersive experience, combining education with hands-on tasting sessions.

Following a short hiatus, the beloved bar is now welcoming masterclasses back to the venue in the best of ways with an unforgettable evening of WhistlePig Rye Tasting. 

Taking place on 28 June from 7pm, the exclusive event is entirely dedicated to celebrating the exceptional craftsmanship of WhistlePig Distillery.

WhistlePig, nestled in the heart of Vermont, has gained global recognition for its world-class Rye Whiskie and this event offers a unique opportunity to dive into the rich history and exquisite flavours of the WhistlePig Rye varieties.

During the tasting, youll have the chance to savour a selection of WhistlePigs finest Rye Whiskies, guided by David Denton WhistlePig Brand Ambassador. Offering a unique opportunity to explore the intricacies of this timeless spirit, you will dive into the history of the brand and its 500-acre farm as well as the story behind each distinct farm-to-bottle expression.

With a drink on arrival and with five specialised tastings, you will immerse yourself in the enticing aromas, complex profiles, and smooth finishes that have made WhistlePig a favourite among whiskey enthusiasts worldwide. Expand your palate and discover why WhistlePig Rye stands out as one of the best in the industry...


Voice Referendum Polling: The Yes Vote Keeps On Falling "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Two months after my first article on Voice referendum polling, it's time for a second.  This week saw the release of a new Newspoll with the worst result for Yes of any reputable poll so far, though Yes was still ahead nationally, just, 46-43.  The poll lead to a spectacular display of unhinging on Twitter from the usual army of drips, megaphones and rusted-ons. Many of these responded by posting completely and obviously false claims about Newspoll's track record, including falsely claiming it had failed to predict Labor victories in recent elections.  I even saw one tweet that claimed Newspoll had wrongly forecast Liberal wins in all state and federal elections in the last three years.  In fact the final Newspolls in every relevant case had Labor winning (with 2PPs in chronological order of 51.5, 66, 53, 54, 54.5 and 54.5) and Labor duly won the lot (with 2PPs of 53.1, 69.7, 52.1, 54.6, 55.0 and 54.3).

One can only wonder what these people will do if, or looking more likely at the moment when, the first poll with No ahead pokes its head above the parapet.  At the current rate of progress, that day might not be far away.  The Yes vote is tanking according to polls.  While it does depend to some degree on which poll one examines and poll wording, the overall downhill trend I highlighted in early April has shown no sign of stopping in the last two months. 

a two-answer yes-no basis, which I am now limiting to since the announcement of the draft wording in late July 2022.  While I am not fussy about accepting question designs that I think are even arguably acceptable the list of polls I have kicked out of my dataset is growing:

* Australia Institute for reasons noted in the previous article.

* IPA Dynata (Nov-Dec 2022) among other things for pejorative wording (including claiming the Voice would advise on "all laws", and asking a leading question about racism).

* SEC Newgate for referring to the proposed change as an "update" - such wording is effectively an argument in favour by implying that a constitution that lacks an Indigenous Voice is out of date in the same way as, for instance, one that included obsolete expressions or facts.  This wording may have contributed to Newgate recording a 52-27 result in mid-April. about nine points better than the average of other polls in the field around that time on a two-answer basis and a massive outlier.  (I am not claiming this poll is intentionally skewed, just that this wording is likely to have a skewing effect.)

I've also removed a NSW-only YouGov that I mistakenly included in the previous graph, and added more accurate median dates for...


More public housing would help those in Australia doing it tough "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

More public housing would help those in Australia doing it tough

The 'housing crisis' could use a dose of democratic big government, with state initiatives and regulation according to some lessons from Australias history.

The problem in the past, as today, was just not enough houses in the country  and they built public housing on a big scale.

It worked on common sense designs and social purposes, getting a roof over all Australians heads  not so much luxury; definitely not based on greed.

State-provided housing started before World War II to relieve wretched living standards after the Depression and then developed on a big scale because of a serious housing shortage post-War.

Getting a help-out in hard times

Returned servicemen and their brides commonly went to live with the in-laws while they anguished about ever getting a family home of their own.

One of the biggest programs was run by the Queensland Housing Commission, where the long-term post-War Labor governments found they had a pool of money from wartime railway receipts  transporting Australian and American forces North to join the Pacific War.

A large proportion of that was remitted to the Commonwealth, probably to share with other states, but provided a base to finance housing and also the states unique free hospitals.

Those had come about after the new Menzies Liberal Government scrapped certain Federal subsidies to hospitals and the Queensland State Government was the only one to make up the difference out of its own funds.

Crash program on housing

The Housing Commission projects of the 1950s were a crash program  somewhat rough and ready  producing mass accommodation at a good standard of building integrity that matched general living standards of the time.

Typically they would bulldoze all the light timber off the blocks, then put in the stumps in one go, roofs and so on. Maybe three or four basic house designs would be alternated down the street...

More public housing would help those in Australia doing it tough "IndyWatch Feed"

More public housing would help those in Australia doing it tough

The 'housing crisis' could use a dose of democratic big government, with state initiatives and regulation according to some lessons from Australias history.

The problem in the past, as today, was just not enough houses in the country  and they built public housing on a big scale.

It worked on common sense designs and social purposes, getting a roof over all Australians heads  not so much luxury; definitely not based on greed.

State-provided housing started before World War II to relieve wretched living standards after the Depression and then developed on a big scale because of a serious housing shortage post-War.

Getting a help-out in hard times

Returned servicemen and their brides commonly went to live with the in-laws while they anguished about ever getting a family home of their own.

One of the biggest programs was run by the Queensland Housing Commission, where the long-term post-War Labor governments found they had a pool of money from wartime railway receipts  transporting Australian and American forces North to join the Pacific War.

A large proportion of that was remitted to the Commonwealth, probably to share with other states, but provided a base to finance housing and also the states unique free hospitals.

Those had come about after the new Menzies Liberal Government scrapped certain Federal subsidies to hospitals and the Queensland State Government was the only one to make up the difference out of its own funds.

Crash program on housing

The Housing Commission projects of the 1950s were a crash program  somewhat rough and ready  producing mass accommodation at a good standard of building integrity that matched general living standards of the time.

Typically they would bulldoze all the light timber off the blocks, then put in the stumps in one go, roofs and so on. Maybe three or four basic house designs would be alternated down the street...


Torquay Wine Stores The Artists Series debuts with exhibition from local seascape photographer Tal Lemmens "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Taking over a shopfront in the heart of Torquay, wine has been the beating heart of Torquay Wine Store since opening back in December 2021. Both a wine retailer and a wine bar,husband-and-wife duo Mick and Sarah Dowling have transformed the central spot into a cosy, heaving wine bar with the food, decor and ambience to match their wines.

Now renowned as one of Torquays essential experiences, the light and airy wine bar will transform into a gallery for a whimsical new artist series inspired by their love of local creatives.

Stay up to date with whats happening within the regions art scene here

Mick and Sarah from Torquay Wine Store

Named The Artists Series, this new initiative from the Torquay Wine Bar will shine a light on incredible local creatives, beginning this June with an exhibition featuring international and award-winning photographer Tal Lemmens.

Originally from Warrnambool and having taught himself the ins and outs of photography, the Surf Coast-based surfer and bodyboarder thrives on the captivating ocean as his canvas, capturing the arresting beauty of the open waters through his hypnotic ocean wave photography.

With his signature style of moody seascapes and knack for documenting the wild, windy and rugged atmosphere of the southern hemispheres oceans, Lemmens has well and truly established himself as an avid Ocean artist at an international level, capturing the attention of the art world and nature lovers across the globe and taking out top honours in the likes of The Vienna International Photo Awards.

The exhibition, Tales Of The Sea, will offer a chance to meet Lemmens and explore his work up close, focusing on the incredible local artists photography and most compelling compositions, revealing up-close views of the water and the waves with white-capped crests, swirling c...


Convenient Villains: Kathleen Folbiggs Miscarriage of Justice "IndyWatch Feed"

They being the howling press, the screeching vox populi, and anybody else wishing to weigh in were very clear about it. Kathleen Folbigg was guilty as hell and deserved her special place in it. For two decades, she spent her time behind bars in New South Wales, condemned by a jury for killing

The post Convenient Villains: Kathleen Folbiggs Miscarriage of Justice appeared first on The AIM Network.


Electronic Intifada on the how and why of testing weapons in Palestine "IndyWatch Feed National"

My interview with Nora Barrows-Friedman at the US-based Electronic Intifada on my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, is a wide-ranging discussion on how Israel tests weapons in Palestine and explains why the Jewish state has become the 10th biggest arms dealer in the world:

On episode 78, were joined by journalist, filmmaker and best-selling author Antony Loewenstein to talk about his latest book, The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports The Technology Of Occupation Around The World.

Loewensteins book is a meticulously researched expos on how Israel tests weaponry and surveillance technology on Palestinians, perfecting what he calls the architecture of control.

He talks about Israels occupation and the requisite dehumanization of Palestinians as a marketing tool, and its weapons and spyware including NSO Groups signature Pegasus software as Israels export assets.

This technology is being sold to global markets as field-tested.

The post Electronic Intifada on the how and why of testing weapons in Palestine appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


ACT passes landmark laws protecting intersex people "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Sarah Davison

The ACT has passed landmark legislation, protecting intersex people from unnecessary medical interventions. The laws mark the first of their kind in Australia, with calls for other states to follow suit. It follows decades of advocacy by intersex people and will prohibit unnecessary surgeries on intersex infants and children. According to the Australian Human Rights ...

The post ACT passes landmark laws protecting intersex people appeared first on QNews.


Major Australian bank to decline certain payments to crypto exchanges "IndyWatch Feed"

Commonwealth Bank executive James Roberts cited a huge scale of investment scams involving crypto exchanges.


Authenticity on Instagram: Building Trust with Your Followers "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

In the era of social media, authenticity is a key factor in building trust with your followers. As an Instagram user, you ... Read more


Courage and Determination "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Its a daunting task for anyone opening a new business. Consider this situation: a refugee and English is their second language.

Let me introduce you to Sivarasa and his wife Aravinthin . This dynamic duo arrived in Australia about 12 years ago. They have two children. About eight years ago Aravinthin would look at a run-down business in Flemington. She would sit in the seat outside and dream of buying that business and setting up their own. Dreams are free but when the opportunity came along for them to buy the business it was over $14,000 just to remove the rubbish from the existing premises not to add the hours of hard labour to get the job done. Last year the dream became a reality and the DIWIN NEWSAGENCY was officially opened.

The shop is situated opposite Flemington Station. Beautifully presented with chairs and tables outside for coffee. There is also the opportunity to pick up essential grocery items and get that extra key cut! Sivarasa and Aravinthin are on a mission to be successful, contribute to the community and be envioromentally aware. At the back of his premises, he has large containers for the return of bottles and cans. 3 days a week the locals flock to the site, deposit their recyclable bottles and cans, receive their money from Siva and Siva in return gets commission. Good for the environment and good for the bottom line!

I needed to buy a battery bank, no problem plenty of tech items available. Need to send money overseas, no problem. Just to make the shopping experience even better you can watch the world go by and have a chat with great coffee available.

Aware of the need to be open for the early birds the shop is open at 5.30am and closes at 7pm.

Sivarasa has been traveling to Mittagong for years working in aged care. His dream is to study nursing. Aravinthin also works in aged care and still has clients that she cares for. Sivarasa is manager for the Ocean 12 Asylum Seeker Cricket Team and for both their two children are the joy of their life. Sivarasa is active within the Tamil Diaspora and supports the TGTE. Transnational Government of Tamil Elam . This is based on the principles of Peace, Nonviolence, Tolerance, Pluralism, Transparency and Accountability.

Sivarasa is an active member of the ALP ..its values dear to his heart.

While our government is procrastinating the future of asylum seekers, we have this incredible resource of imaginative, determined, and capable folk unable to follow their dreams. Surely the model of expertise that Sivarasa and Aravinthin have shown could be replicated if only their freedom and security was forthcoming. Sivarasa and Aravinthin will hopefully have their RoS shortly (Resolution of Status ) but they along with many of us worry and despair of the loss of a Human Resource we are neglecting to address.



Ewww "IndyWatch Feed"

National's fundamentalist christian leader is telling kiwis to breed for New Zealand:

National Party leader Christopher Luxon has encouraged people at an infrastructure conference to have more babies in an effort to reverse the nations declining birthrate.

In a question and answer session after the announcement, Luxon encouraged more people to have children in what he described as a tongue-in-cheek comment.

We need people, he said. Here is the deal New Zealand stopped replacing itself in 2016. I encourage all of you to go out there and have more babies if you wish, that would be helpful.

Which quite apart from the ick-factor of a religious bigot sticking his nose into other people's reproductive choices, also has unpleasant echoes of racist "great replacement" thinking. After all, if you accept that "we need people", why babies? Why not immigration? Which suggests Luxon is concered about what people we get, rather than just the usual shallow business obsession with make number go up.

Luxon has now wheeled out his deputy Nicola Willis to make the defence of every arsehole caught out, and claim that it was all a "joke". Which is telling in and of itself: he's too frightened even to make the defence himself, and of being asked about his beliefs.


Electric Wonderland is the new immersive after-dark experience coming to Bendigo "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

A brand new after-dark experience is coming to light up Bendigo this winter.

Taking over Bendigos historic Rosalind Park from June 23 July 9, Electric Wonderland is a mesmerising new sound and light show that delivers interactive exhibits, immersive light installations and magical projections using the latest in audio-visual technology.

Electric Wonderland Bendigo

  • A brand new after-dark experience in Bendigos historic Rosalind Park.
  • Running every night from June 23 July 9
  • Tickets are on sale now

Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region here.

Gifting regional Victorians the chance to enter a world of vivid imagination, Electric Wonderland will have everything from large-scale illuminated sculptures and a 360-degree laser alley light show, to musical stepping stones, and a garden of giant blooming flowers, among many other jaw-dropping installations.

Expect to become immersed by over 11,000 LED pixel balls, a giant inflatable Astronaut with a dynamic visor, a light concert with 90 x 2m LED light tubes, an interactive flower park with blooming flowers, 20 lasers producing over 2,000 laser beams, interactive projection path, Kids interactive spaces and so much more!

Immersive and illuminating, the event offers locals and tourists to the region the perfect excuse to rug up and enjoy starry winter evenings exploring the visually spectacular world of sound, light and colour.

You dont want to miss it.

Electric Wonderland will run every night from 23 June 9 July: Sunday Thursday from 6pm 9pm and and Friday & Saturday from 6pm 10pm.

Adults (16+) $12 +BF
Child 3-16 years $8 +BF
Family (2 adults + 2 children) $35 +BF (Tickets are automatically calculated to $35 when you select 2 Adults and 2 Children)
Children 2 and under free (no ticket required)

For more information or to book now, head here

The post Electric Wonderland is the new immersive after-dark experience coming to Bendigo appeared first on...


The Australian Greens strengthens its policy on Israel/Palestine "IndyWatch Feed National"

My story in the Australian outlet Crikey on the Greens political party releasing an updated policy on Israel/Palestine:

The Australian Greens announced a new policy on Israel and Palestine this week and its already causing conniptions in the pro-Israel lobby.

After the party released details about its revised position, stating that Israel is practising the crime of apartheid against Palestinians, both the Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) and Australia-Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) issued statements accusing the Greens of anti-Semitism and extremism.

Their portrayal of Israel doesnt reflect reality and their suggestion that Israel is a colonialist country is a bigoted attempt to reject Jewish indigeneity to the land, the ZFA said.

This weaponisation of anti-Semitism demeans the ZFA and AIJAC, whose influence is gradually declining, but more importantly it ignores undeniable facts on the ground in Palestine.

Read the whole thing: Labor should follow Greens on Israels treatment of Palestine

The post The Australian Greens strengthens its policy on Israel/Palestine appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


TRT World interview on Saudi and Israeli romancing "IndyWatch Feed National"

My interview on global broadcaster TRT World on the growing push by the US and Israel to make the friendship with Saudi Arabia official.

The post TRT World interview on Saudi and Israeli romancing appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


Treasury Submission "IndyWatch Feed"

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL   Dear Foible,   I refer to your submission of 16 May 2023 requesting, under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act), acc...


The challenge in defanging the Palestine laboratory "IndyWatch Feed National"

My new essay in the UK-based Middle East Eye examines my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, and also details the growing Israeli influence on Taiwan and other nation states.

An extract:

The Israeli defence industry inspires nations across the globe, many of which view themselves as under threat from external enemies.

The Taiwanese foreign minister, Joseph Wu, recently told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that: Every aspect of the Israeli fighting capability is amazing to the Taiwanese people and the Taiwanese government.

Wu explained that he appreciated how Israel protected its own country because, basically, we [Taiwan] have barely started. The fighting experiences of Israel are something were not quite sure about ourselves. We havent had any war in the last four or five decades, but Israel has that kind of experience.

Wu also expressed interest in Israeli weapons, suggesting his country had considered their usefulness in any potential war with China.

Israel has the Iron Dome, he said, referring to Israels defence system against short-range missiles. We should look at some of the technology that has been used by the Israelis in its defence. Im not sure whether we can copy it, but I think we can look at it and learn from it.

The Palestine laboratory is so successful because nobody wants to seriously regulate the fruits of its labours.

Read the whole thing: For Israels arms industry, Palestinians are the weapons lab guineapigs | Middle East Eye


The post The challenge in defanging the Palestine laboratory appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


Better Reading interview on Zionism, Judaism and Palestine "IndyWatch Feed National"

Better Reading is the most popular books-related podcast in Australia.

My interview with its founder, director Cheryl Akle, was a personal and political examination of Judaism, Zionism, abusing history and my new book, The Palestine Laboratory:

The post Better Reading interview on Zionism, Judaism and Palestine appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


Music and wine festival Grapevine Gathering announces dates for 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Fresh from delivering a huge festival last year with unforgettable performances by The Kooks, Peking Duk, The Veronicas, Ball Park Music, Confidence Man, Jack River and more, Australias favourite wine and music pairing Grapevine Gathering has announced its return for 2023.

The festival will take place in five stunning winery locations around the country this October.

Grapevine Gathering 2023

  • Saturday 7th October Rochford Estate, VIC
  • Sunday 8th October Sirromet Wines, QLD
  • Saturday 14th October Sandalford Wines, WA
  • Saturday 21st October Hope Estate, NSW
  • Sunday 22nd October Serafino Wines, SA

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.


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Canadas Only Answer in Ukraine: More Weapons, More War "IndyWatch Feed National"

"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." ~ George Orwell The Canadian government recently expanded Operation Unifier. The military training mission has been an important element in an escalatory dynamic that needs to be reversed to end the horrors in Ukraine. Alongside a new donation of AIM-9 missiles and ammunition, Continue reading "Canadas Only Answer in Ukraine: More Weapons, More War"

The post Canadas Only Answer in Ukraine: More Weapons, More War appeared first on Original.


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00003 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.00 AUD


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed National"

'Were You Aware?': Russia Wants US to Answer About How its Weapons Are Used in Ukraine

On Tuesday night, Ukrainian forces delivered a strike on the Kakhovka hydropower plant, presumably from an Olkha MLRS

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova  Russian foreign Ministry press service/TASS

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

Russian foreign Ministry press service/TASS

MOSCOW, June 7. /TASS/. The US authorities must give a concrete answer as to whether or not they know how American weapons are being used on the territory of Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a briefing in comments on the attack on the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant.

Against the backdrop of the recent attack on the Kakhovka HPP, she pointed to a statement made last December by Ukrainian General Andrey Kovalchuk in an interview with The Washington Post, in which he said that the Ukrainian army had already conducted a test strike from a US HIMARS system on one of the dam's gates to punch it and see how high the water level of the Dnieper River rises.

"Now, the question for [White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John] Kirby, [White House Press Secretary] Karin Jean-Pierre, all the people who are in charge of communications at the White House. <...> Were you aware of how American weapons, the weapons that are being supplied to Ukraine, are used?" she asked.

"That trial tests of a terrorist attack against civilian infrastructure in third countries are being made? These are the questions that we directly pose in the public space before the White House; you must answer them," she said, adding that the attack on the Kakhovka HPP "is certainly an act of terrorism."

On Tuesday night, Ukrainian forces delivered a strike on the Kakhovka hydropower plant, presumably from an Olkha multiple launch rocket system (MLRS). The shelling destroyed the hydraulic sluice valves at the HPPs dam, triggering an uncon...


RBA governors Quils mangent de la brioche moments of disdain "IndyWatch Feed"

The RBA governor had a few Quils mangent de la brioche moments in the last week when he responded to criticisms that his manic interest rate increasing behaviour is driving low-income families into crisis by, first, saying that people who couldnt find cheap housing should move back with their parents. Then he followed that with


The Time Is Ripe for Drug Law Reform in New South Wales "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

NSW Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann hit the opening of the 58th NSW parliament running, as she moved four notices of motion on its second day indicating soon-to-be-tabled bills on key drug law reforms: pill testing, cannabis legalisation, a medical cannabis driving defence and decriminalisation....

The post The Time Is Ripe for Drug Law Reform in New South Wales appeared first on Sydney Criminal Lawyers.


Will the new Tweed Valley Hospital turn Kingscliff, Cudgen and Chinderah local roads into a rat run? "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Concerned residents, Tweed Shire councillors and staff, and police came together to discuss the impact of traffic on locals when the Tweed Talley Hospital opens. Photo supplied

The Tweed Valley Hospital (TVH) development has already been having negative impacts on traffic congestion in Kingscliff, Cudgen and Chinderah with extra traffic rat running through local streets causing congestion and reducing safety.

On Monday evening concerned residents, Tweed Shire councillors and staff, and police came together to discuss the impact of traffic on locals as the TVH comes online in early 2024. 

Villages like ours are stretched in relation to traffic and the impacts of traffic because the road networks are not built for todays level of traffic, President of Kingscliff Ratepayers and Progress Association Inc (KRPA) told The Echo

He also highlighted the influx of people during covid and increasing population and visitor numbers will continue to impact...


'Just 1,000 listeners' for Patricia Karvelas ABC RN breakfast show "IndyWatch Feed National"

Apparently Australians don't like uppity self-important smart-arses. Who knew? From The ABCs flagship radio program has continued to plummet in the ratings, averaging as low as just 1000 listeners in one capital city. The third GfK radio ratings survey of 2023 released on Tuesday saw KIIS FMs Kyle...



Auckland International Airport [ASX:AIA] Flags Price Changes Amid $2 Billion Trade "IndyWatch Feed"

Auckland International Airport [ASX:AIA] has reset its price setting for the next five years, ending a year-long price freeze that was put into place to help airlines rebuild after the pandemic.

AIA was flat in trade on Thursday after a short discount of 2% earlier in the day had brought the stock to $7.80 a share.

The airport had taken a 5.5% decrease in share value so far in 2023:

ASX:AIA Auckland International Airport stock chart news 2023

Source: TradingView


Auckland International Airport announces price changes and building of a new domestic facility

Early on Thursday morning, many were awaiting the official announcement of price changes for the business, particularly regarding one of the groups largest shareholders, the Auckland Council, which holds 18.1% of the airports shares.

The Auckland Council appears to have been waiting for a big move such as this to drop $2 billion worth of those shares and investors are gearing up to make offers.

AIA said it will be resetting its aeronautical charges for its Price Setting Event Four (PSE4), covering the expanse of a five-year period for the 20232027 financial years.

By implementing these new charges, the airport will be able to fund part of the much-needed investments in infrastructure that it has already undertaken.

The new pricing will account for $2.5 billion of commissioned infrastructure and will enable it to focus on highly important airfield, terminal, baggage and transport improvements by the allotted five years.

The increase is also reflective of the growing cost of capital in the current economic environment, particularly in comparison with the previous price-setting eve...


Operation Regal to hit the streets "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Police are calling on motorists to be extra vigilant this long weekend as the number of lives lost surges to a 16-year high.

Operation Regal, launching on Friday June 9, will see police ramp up enforcement across the state and Greater Geelong in an effort to drive down road trauma.

It follows a period on our roads which saw 29 lives lost during May, more than double the same month last year, and five fatalities in the first week of June.

Senior Sergeant Craig Stevens Geelong Highway Patrol said motorists can expect to see a higher police presence on our local roads.

There will be extra units out patrolling our major arterials and highways, he said.

You can expect to be tested for drugs and alcohol.

Senior Sergeant Stevens said there had been 12 lives lost on Greater Geelong roads in the past 12 months and 300 serious injury collisions.

These serious injury collisions, some of those people are impacted forever, he said.

Senior Sergeant Stevens said with some poor weather on the horizon this weekend, motorists can take steps to avoid accidents.

We may see some poor weather, so slow down, leave some extra space when driving in the wet and use your headlights to see and be seen by everyone else, he said.

There have now been 140 lives lost on Victorian roads in 2023, up 35 per cent on the same time last year. The last time 140 lives lost had been recorded at this point of the year was in 2007, when there were 143 lives lost.

There have been 111 single vehicle fatalities, eight double fatalities, two quadruple fatalities and one quintuple fatality this year, compared with 101 single vehicle fatalities and only one double fatality this time last year.

The increase in multiple fatality collisions has seen passenger deaths rise 255 per cent to 32 from nine this time last year, while driver fatalities have increased 56 per cent to 69 from 44 last year.

Police suspect a wide range of contributing factors are behind this years fatal collisions, including excessive or inappropriate speed, impaired driving, seatbelt non-compliance, distraction and disobeying traffic signs, and unauthorised driving which includes being suspended, disqualified or unlicensed.

These behaviours will be a key focus for police over the Kings Birthday long weekend, identified as a high-risk period on Victorian roads.

Police will target major arterials and highways leading to the states holiday hotspots and alpine regions, with the Victorias snow season set to officially launch this weekend.

Motorists heading to the snow are being urged to monitor the conditions prior to travelling and ensure theyre carrying and using appropriate wheel chains as legally required.

With several events and festivals scheduled across the weekend, police are also reminding motorists to avoid driving whilst impaired, with widespread drug and alcohol testing to be conducted......


A Fairy Tale of The Twenty First Century Martin Justice "IndyWatch Feed National"

Rabbit stew, source:

by Malcolm R. Hughes

Once upon a time in a far-off land, there was a Ruler of his country who had eight Lieutenants, one in each of the 6 provinces and two territories. These leaders were instructed by two foreign organisations to run a program that would have a detrimental effect on the population of that land, which is known as Downunder Land.

These organisations, although separate, were being led by two Ogres, respectively, who had conspired to greatly reduce the Worlds population. Their theory: It is more likely that a smaller population, in panic would accept domination by a One World Government.

However, Downun...


Mr Smith to You explores life of gender non-conforming jockey "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Sarah Davison

A chance conversation about Bill Smith led academic Kerry Taylor on a journey to better understand a misunderstood historical figure. Taylor first learned of the little-known true story of jockey Bill Smith (18861975) from her uncle, who encountered Bill during his career as a prominent horse trainer. It was well known in the racing industry ...

The post Mr Smith to You explores life of gender non-conforming jockey appeared first on QNews.


Young whale caught in shark nets on Gold Coast "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

A young sub-adult whale was caught in shark nets off the Gold Coast on Monday. Photo supplied

The first whale entanglement happened at the Gold Coast early on Monday evening when a young sub-adult whale was caught in shark nets.

At only one week into the whale migration season and with 2022 being the worst whale entanglement season on record Sea Shepherd are calling on the Queensland government to commit to the removal of shark nets during whale migration season.

Left overnight

The distressed young whale was left overnight where it was forced to struggle alone before crews were able to free it around 8am the following morning, said a Seashepherd spokesperson. 

Sea Shepherd Australias Threatened Species Campaigner, Lauren Sandeman says this one event could be a death sentence for the young whale. 

After being abandoned overnight to struggle and fight for his life alone, this young whale may now no longer have enough energy reserves to make the return trip home to Antarctica. A release from a shark net does not mean this poor guy actually survives to see the next season.

Off the back of the wo...


AI and the quest to redefine workers autonomy "IndyWatch Feed National"

The phrase artificial intelligence is a profoundly ideological way to characterise automation technologies. It is an expression of the general tendency to discuss technologies as though they were powerful in and of themselvesas if power werent a relative measure of the different capacities and prerogatives of social classes.

The post AI and the quest to redefine workers autonomy appeared first on Overland literary journal.


"IndyWatch Feed Vic" "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

<p><p>The winners have been announced for the 2022 Vanda & Young Global Songwriting Competition, with first place going to Northeast Arnhem Lands fast-rising King Stingray for Milkumana, co-written by bandmates and childhood friends, Roy Kellaway and Yirra Gotjiringu Yunupingu.</p> <p>Courtesy of APRA AMCOS, Alberts and Sony Music Publishing, King Stingray win a $50,000 cash prize, the largest first place prize for any songwriting competition in the world.</p> <h3>2022 Vanda & Young Global Songwriting Competition Recipients

  • 1st place $50,000 Milkumana by King Stingray, co-written by Roy Kellaway and Yirra Gotjiringu Yunupingu</li> <li>2nd place $10,000 Ready for the Sky by Budjerah, co-written by Budjerah and Ainslie Wills</li> <li>3rd place $5,000 Camp Dog by King Stingray, written by Roy Kellaway</li> <li>AMPAL Emerging Songwriter Prize $5,000 Worst Taste In Girls by Charley, co-written by Charley, Antonio Egizii and David Musumeci</li> <li>American Songwriter Spotlight Award $1,500 cash prize and a feature on American Songwriter That Action by Tia P., written by Tia P.</li> </ul> <p class="p1"><b><i>Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews </i></b><a href= ""><span class= "s1"><b><i>here</i></b></span></a><b><i>.</i></b></p> <p>The self-described purveyors of Yolu surf rock write and perform lyrics in English and Yolu Matha and the band has collected several accolades for their music and songwriting including Milkumana winning Best Song at the 2022 National Indigenous Music Awards, charting at #56 in the triple j Hottest 100, shortlisted for APRA Song of the Year 2022 and a nominee for Most Performed Rock Work of the Year at this years APRA Music Awards.</p> <p>We cant believe it, we are so over the moon to win the Vanda & Young Global Songwriting Competition. It means so much to us, we really do believe what we are singing about and our songs tell a story and a message. We feel really lucky that we can share stories. The song Milkumana is about leadership and the people we look up to and now, all of a sudden, weve become leaders in our community and that concept is just so amazing. We come from a small place and were singing about big things, said Kellaway.</p> <p>Thanks so much for the love, we cant believe it.</p> <p>Second place and $10,000 courtesy Banki Haddock Fiora goes to North Coast NSW breakthrough artist Budjerah for the breezy, soulful Ready for the Sky, which he wrote with acclaimed songwriter Ainslie Wills.</p> <p>Thank you so much to the Vanda & Young Global Songwriting CompetitionReady for the Sky is a song that I co-wrote with Ainslie Wills near...


Ballina State Significant Farmland safe from development for now "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Green belt between Russellton industrial area, looking towards Alstonville. Photo David Lowe.

The Ballina Shire Council has endorsed a revised list of areas considered for potential future development after the NSW planning department blocked its attempt to add State Significant Farmland (SSF).

Several council meetings last year featured debates over inclusion of the SSF, known as Area 28, between the plateau villages of Alstonville and Wollongbar.

Council staff at last months ordinary meeting reported 33 submissions on last years proposed Strategic Urban Growth Area (SUGA) list, most of them calling for state significant farmland and/or Area 28 to be excluded.

The calls echoed state planning department advice in November that it would only approve the updated list if two proposed new areas, including Area 28, were removed.

Council staff complied with the condition and councillors last month agreed on the shorter list but it seems some are still determined to see the land developed via other planning documents yet to be determined.

Developers eying off SSF for private hospital, affordable housing

The council received many submissions on the old SUGA list describing a desire to maintain the SSF as a buffer zone between the two villages.

Some specified they didnt want a new hospital built on the land.

Last year a Sydney-based surgeon expressed interest in developing the land for a private...


Growing Grey Gratefully "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Not only does music add colour to life, new research has shown that playing and actively engaging with music can also significantly increase the amount of grey matter in our brains, the area of our noggins where our valuable neurons are stored. Establishing a practice of regular music making has the potential to alter the Continue reading Growing Grey Gratefully


How Not to Lose Your Mind and Wealth in a Corrupt World "IndyWatch Feed"

Theres a longstanding belief that government agencies, news outlets, academic institutions, and major corporations act in good faith. These bodies often shape the official narrative of society and guide them in the way they behave.

However, with the internet becoming widespread, almost everyone can access global information. With it, we see competing sources, narratives and viewpoints.

This in turn adds another dimension to how to exert ones power and influence on the people, being more effective than firing missiles or sending troops on the ground.

Many are starting to realise that their minds are being targeted as the agencies theyve grown to trust no longer serve them as they used to.

The Edelman Trust Institute published an annual trust barometer. The 2023 study found that the publics trust in many major institutions continues to fall:

Fat Tail Investment Research

Source: Edelman Australia Trust Barometer

[Click to open in a new window]

Not only that, but the majority also surveyed identified rich individuals, foreign governments, our own government, and the media as key causes for a divided society:



Spatially Regarded "IndyWatch Feed"

Apple has been warming up in the tech bullpen for years. And on Monday, it got its turn at bat, unveiling what is supposed to be the next big thing in the tech world. Spatial computing.

Whats that?

We have no idea. But it looks like what Facebook was trying to do with its Meta rebranding. You put on the headset, and you have 12 cameras, five sensors and six microphones working for you. What do all those gadgets do? We dont know that either, but we suspect they are going to waste a lot of time for a lot of people.

Business Insider:

Theres one product which has been making all the headlines from Apples WWDC on Monday.

The Vision Pro headset marks the tech giants foray into the metaverse  although the company stayed clear of using that branding.

But on TikTok and Twitter, everyones been laughing about the audiences reaction to the Vision Pros eye-watering price tag.

Show me the money!

The laughter came after Apple told its audience that it would offer its new gizmo for $3,499, or with add-ons, about 10% of an average persons income. Whos going to buy them? wonders colleague, Dan Denning. With what money?

The advertising tells us that this device will take you into a different dimensiona different world with a mixed reality. The message is lost on us. The three dimensions we have already seem completely adequateand our real world, such as it is, is spooky enough.

The fans pushed shares in Apples stock to a new high after the announcement. Up 38% this year, the company now has a market cap of US$2.85 trillion. Thats 27 times forward earnings and more than seven times sales.

Mixed reality is what we live with in the financial world. Apple is a fantastic company. It is real. It makes real products. It earns real profits. But mixed with the reality of it is a substantial amount of fairy dust. Is a company that makes electronic devices really worth more than all US automakersand its entire construction industry put together? Is it really worth one-tenth of the US GDP?

We doubt it. Apples stock in trade is popular technology. But the fashions of the tech world change, and there is little likelihood that Apple will be able to stay on top of them. The newest technology always gets replaced by even newer technology. And while the future is always full of surprises, they are rarely happy ones for investors who buy a mature tech company at 27 times its future earnings. Things go right, things go wrong. But when youve bet heavily on an aging player, whose fame and fortune could scarcely improve, the risk of a strike-out is high.

Mind the gap

Yesterday, we were exploring the gap between realityand hope, dreamsand the future c...


And where's the butter? "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Itll be a while before I can get my head into the fruit companys spendy VR headsets, so until then, Imma just have to obsess about the number of cafes that dont butter their toast anymore. Even worse, they dont even provide butter on the side.

They just serve up a big, dry carbohydrate slab of frustration.

WTF am I supposed to do with a hockey puck of desiccated breakfast cud?



Anti-trans billboard erected in Tasmania for Pride Month "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Nate Woodall

A billboard in Tasmania is sparking concern after being erected to spread an anti-trans message during Pride Month. LGB Tasmania (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Tasmania), a group known for excluding trans and gender diverse individuals, were behind raising the billboard, which reads Let Kids be Kids. While seemingly innocuous at first glance, the phrase also has ...

The post Anti-trans billboard erected in Tasmania for Pride Month appeared first on QNews.


Bloomfield with a Jayco Eagle "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Anyone done the Bloomfield with a caravan? We have an outback Eagle with a Mitsubishi Pajero sport and Ive read a million bits of differing advice Would love a recommendation?

submitted by /u/thebanshee82
[link] [comments]



New research shows worrying loneliness levels among men "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The impact of loneliness on health can be as damaging as smoking, obesity and some cancers, and millions of Australian men are at risk, according to new research released by Healthy Male in the lead up to Mens Health Week which is happening from Monday 12 to Sunday 18 June,


According to a nationally representative survey of 1,282 Australian men, conducted by Healthy Male, 43% of Australian men are lonely. High levels of loneliness were reported by more than one in six men (16%) overall.

Healthy Male CEO Simon von Saldern said the survey results added another element to the overall picture of male health in Australia.

This survey was part of a wider study, and we were really surprised by what we saw we asked these questions, but we were not expecting such a high level of loneliness, he said.

The picture is even bleaker in some age groups: one in four (24%) men aged 35-49 have a high level of loneliness, with a rate almost twice as high as in men aged 50-64 years (12.1%), and 3 times higher than men aged 65 and over (6.0%).

High levels of loneliness are least common for men aged 65 years and older.

The results of the survey inspired Healthy Male to tackle the issue of loneliness this Mens Health Week (Mon 12-Sun 18 June) and educate those most highly affected with key tips on what an individual can do to recognise and address loneliness.

You can learn more by visiting

Its not just Australia with a mens loneliness epidemic.

The US Surgeon General has recently released a report on loneliness in the USA titled Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation.

And both Japan and Great Britain are addressing the issue with a Minister for Loneliness in the UK and the Minister for Loneliness and Isolation in Japan being appointed.

The survey also reveals a link between feeling lonely and mens health behavior.

Aside from the high prevalence of loneliness in Australian men, the study outlined further concerns.

Men with a high level of loneliness are more likely than others to have poor physical and mental health, after adjustment for variables like age, sociodemographics and relationship status.

And men with a high level of loneliness are less likely than others to have positive attitudes to preventive health behaviours, including healthy eating, disease screening and undergoing regular health checks.

50% of men who are not lonely recognise the importance of a yearly GP checkup, whereas only 35% of men who are very lonely see it as important.

The survey also highlighted an issue with health literacy the ability to access and understand health information, to use information for disease prevention, or to use health services in men experiencing loneliness.

The results showed th...


How real estate agents get away with lying "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

The age old question of how do you know a politician is lying, is quite simply put when his (or now her) lips are moving.

Fraud in the real estate industry in Australia costs consumers dearly, every year and the government has very little intention to remedy this, as it is a 'stakeholder' in the fraud, raking in the dollars.

While the same may apply to realtors as it does to politicians when it comes to lying, there is another way to lie, and that is by staying silent.

MANY realtors keep quiet, when asked about a premises that they have been seconded to sell.

They know about the property, its faults and even structural issues, yet they claim they know nothing.

How can you prove it?

It's very difficult, but not impossible.

According to Consumer Affairs Victoria, the following is stated about silence.


A business can break the law by failing to give relevant information to a customer.

Silence can be misleading or deceptive when, for example:

  • one person fails to alert another to facts known only to them, and the facts are relevant to a decision
  • important details a person should know are not conveyed to them
  • a change in circumstance meant information already provided was incorrect.

Whether silence is misleading or deceptive will depend on the circumstances of each case.


Australias National Photographic Portrait Prize arrives in Victoria for an exclusive run "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Held annually, the National Photographic Portrait Prize exhibition is selected from a national field of entries, reflecting the distinctive vision of Australias aspiring and professional portrait photographers and the unique nature of their subjects.

In some exciting news for art lovers across Victoria, the National Portrait Gallerys National Photographic Portrait Prize 2022 will arrive at Yarra Ranges Regional Museum from Friday 9 June Sunday 3 September 2023 for its only Victorian showing.

Stay up to date with whats happening within the regions art scene here

Now in its 15th year, the annual exhibition draws from entries submitted by amateur and professional photographers from across Australia. In 2022, 50 finalists were selected from more than 2,400 entries.


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The Roberts-Smith Atrocities Lay Bare the Lies of Australias Role in Afghanistan "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Australians have since been aghast over the outcome of the Ben Roberts-Smith case delivered last Thursday, which saw the Federal Courts civil division find that that the defendant media companies had discharged their legal onus of proving, on the balance of...

The post The Roberts-Smith Atrocities Lay Bare the Lies of Australias Role in Afghanistan appeared first on Sydney Criminal Lawyers.


Norlanes iconic Waterworld is closing its doors after nearly 60 years "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Weve lost a lot of iconic buildings, destinations and businesses over the last few decades, each special in their own uniquely-Geelong way.

Now theres one more to add to the list, with the closure of Waterworld the iconic Norlane aquatic and leisure centre which is set to close its doors for the final time this month.

Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region here.

The loved but ageing facility will be closed as of Sunday 18 June to allow for continuing construction of the brand new Northern Aquatic and Community Hub on the same site.

On Saturday 17 June, Waterworld will be farewelled with a community event featuring free entry all day and family-friendly activities, music and food between midday and 3pm. Attendees will also have the chance to see photos of Waterworld history and secure an early bird membership discount for the Northern Aquatic and Community Hub.

15 of Geelongs most iconic places gone but not forgotten


Waterworld has brilliantly served Geelongs northern suburbs and surrounding communities since its opening in 1965, says Mayor Trent Sullivan.

Thousands of members of our community will have very fond memories and we encourage all of these people to come along on 17 June to say goodbye.

Waterworld was famous for its large outdoor waterslides, which were removed in 2018 to make way for the new Barwon Health North healthcare centre.

Since that time, Waterworld has continued to offer a range of swimming and gym facilities for members and visitors.

These services will all be offered in world class form as part of the $65.6 million Northern Aquatic and Community Hub when it opens early in 2024. The aquatic centre and health precinct will specifically include a 25-metre pool, a hydrotherapy pool, a Learn to Swim pool, water play area, a water slide, a spa, a sauna and a steam room, as well a caf, gymnasium and occasional care facilities.

This is a place where thousands of people have learned to swim, got fit, or spent their summers having fun, adds Deputy Mayor Anthony Aitken.

While theres no doubt its a little s...


Will this Voice carry or will it become yet another referendum that fails to pass Australias history test "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

By Paula Gerber

Much has been written about the yes and no campaigns for the Voice. Less has been written about the actual chances of the referendum being successful. There are lots of ways that we can try to determine the probability of the referendum being carried. We can look at polls. We can analyse the merits of the different campaigns. We can even look at the odds betting agencies are giving on the outcome. We can also look at history.

Australia has had 44 referendums, with only eight being successful. That represents a success rate of just 18.8%. However, we get a lot more insight by taking a nuanced look at the history of referendums in Australia, rather than just counting successes and failures. 

For a referendum to carry, there needs to be a double majority, that is, 

  • a majority of voters in a majority of states (a minimum of four of the six states. The Northern Territory and ACT are not included in this aspect of the double majority) 


  • a national majority of voters (more than 50 per cent of the Australian voting population say yes). 

The most recent figures indicate that there are 17.3 million Australians who are enrolled to vote, so in addition to a majority in four states, around 8.65 million yes votes will be needed for a successful referendum.

Although only eight referendums have been successful, 13 referendums achieved more than 50% of the national popular vote, but did not achieve a majority vote in four or more states. 

Tasmania has always been on the winning side in the successful referendums; in each of the eight referendums that were carried, Tasmania had a majority of voters in support of the referendum. The most recent Roy Morgan poll, conducted between26 29 May, revealed a clear plurality of people in Tasmania are in favour of the Voice, saying they will vote Yes.

For Tasmania to be one of the four states voting yes, requires that approximately 208,000 Tasmanians support the Voice in the referendum. This would represent 50% of the 416,366 eligible voters. However, some eligible voters have not yet registered to vote. According to the Australian Electoral Commission, as at 31 December 2022, there were 13,495 Tasmanians over the age of 18 who had not yet registered to vote. As voting in referendums is compulsory, these unregistered electors will need to get on the electoral roll within seven days of the federal Government issuing the writ for the referendum (the document directing the Australian Electoral Office to hold the referendum).

The eight successful referendums included the very first referendum in 1906, which related to changing the start date for terms of senate to coincide with the House of Representatives, and the most recent successful referendum in 1977, which introduced a mandatory retirement age of 70 f...


Drawn "IndyWatch Feed"

A ballot for a single Member's Bill was held today, and the following bill was drawn:

  • Employment Relations (Protection for Kiwisaver Members) Amendment Bill (Tracey McLellan)

The bill is a nice little minor amendment which would prevent employers from discriminating against Kiwisaver members, restoring a protection repealed by National in 2008. Its a good member's bill, but you kindof have to wonder why the government hasn't done it already as part of its numerous amendments to the Employment Relations Act.

There were 68 bills in the ballot today.


To Which Traffic Offences Do Double-Demerit Points Apply? "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Double-demerit points will be in force for four days over this long weekend as New South Wales celebrates the Kings birthday, with a public holiday on Monday 12 June, 2023.  When are double demerits in force? Double-demerits will be in...

The post To Which Traffic Offences Do Double-Demerit Points Apply? appeared first on Sydney Criminal Lawyers.


Light on the horizon for new eye clinical trials "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The state government has made a multi-million-dollar investment in a new eye clinical trial centre.

Minister for Industry and Innovation Ben Carroll said Breakthrough Victoria will invest $10 million towards a new eye clinical trials centre at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital to help boost the number of clinical trials for world-first treatments for eye disease.

The new centre, which will be embedded within the Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA), will also enable further research into areas such as gene and cell therapy allowing patients to access treatments that may still be years away from being available to the public.

Establishing the new clinical trials centre will give around 2000 patients access to new therapies over the next 10 years and create around 50 new jobs.

Construction of the centre is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

Breakthrough Victoria CEO Grant Dooley said the organisation invests in companies to support the commercialisation of new technologies that will benefit Victoria. Recent investments include FLAIM Systems, Quantum Brilliance, Samsara Eco and Smart Paddock.

In establishing a new eye clinical trials centre, we are commercialising our states expertise in global markets by providing clinical trials that benefit Victorians through early access to treatments that could one day cure blindness, Mr Dooley said.

CERA managing director Professor Keith Martin said The new centre will position Victoria as the go-to location for international clinical trials of innovative treatments to prevent blindness, restore sight and transform the lives of people living with incurable eye conditions.

Victorias health technology sector is one of our fastest growing industries, generating $2.5 billion in exports in 2022. The commercial sector has around 31,000 workers, while a further 20,000 people are employed in research.

The post Light on the horizon for new eye clinical trials appeared first on Ocean Grove Voice.


Woman in stable condition after South Geelong stabbing "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Police have increased patrols in South Geelong following a stabbing this week.

A 73-year-old woman received stab wounds to her back and hands during a random attack on Mundy Street on Tuesday June 6.

Police allege a 32-year-old South Geelong man stabbed the woman several times before fleeing the scene on foot, leaving her to seek help from nearby residents.

Geelong Criminal Investigation Unit Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Guthrie said the attack was extremely random and encouraged people to remain aware of their surroundings.

We have stepped up patrols in regard to the incident, he said.

Yes, we have made a quick arrest in regards to this one, but there are still patrols in that area.

If anyone does have cameras around (South Geelong), please have a look around 7pm and contact us if they can or contact Crime Stoppers.

The woman was walking home from a family members house along Mundy Street near the corner of Bellarine Street about 7pm on Tuesday.

The man was arrested and charged with an intention to cause serious injury and faced Geelong Magistrates Court on Wednesday afternoon.

Detective Senior Sergeant Guthrie said the man never spoke to the woman and was arrested on the night of the incident.

This one is concerning in regard to the randomness of it, he said.

Shes been able to make her way to a residence close by where she saw a light on, and theyve provided her with First Aid.

All knife incidents and reported offences with knives or any weapons is concerning.

Geelong University Hospital said the woman was in a stable condition on Wednesday afternoon.

Anyone who witnessed the incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

The post Woman in stable condition after South Geelong stabbing appeared first on Ocean Grove Voice.


$11.19M for NRCC as part of three local projects to roll out under disaster funding "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Janelle Saffin. Photo Tree Faerie.

Three projects for flood recovery will receive funding in relation to local disaster preparedness under the first round of the Commonwealths new Disaster Ready Fund. The almost $20 million in funding for the region should be available from 1 July. 

The NSW Government successfully applied for three local projects for our region under and joint Commonwealth and State funding will provide a total of $19.8 million, said State Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin.

The successful projects covering the Northern Rivers are:

  • Nature Based Solutions: Building Flood Resilience in Lismore Catchment. Works to reduce flood and erosion risks in the Lismores river catchment. Richmond Landcare received $5.67million for the project.
  • Fire Country and People: Aboriginal Community Disaster Ready partnership. The establishment of strategic partnerships with...


Satellite war goes Russias way, NATO stirs up Kosovo colour revolution "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

By Cossasck Colonel Yuri KomonyiskiUNTIL recently Russian Federation satellites were only available for two hours a day over Ukraine. The Ukros were well aware that the RF received satellite intel between 0200 hours & 0330 hours AM. They used this window to relocate NATOs weapons of death and men. Now they are positioned over Ukraine []


If you think live music only belongs in a pub then Ballarats Be_Hear/Now has news for you "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

From ice rink to antique store, wine bar to abandoned shopping complex, at the end of this month all kinds of spaces across Ballarat are being transformed into performance venues for the Be_Hear/Now festival.

Now into its third year, previous iterations of Be_Hear/Now, which celebrates music, art and place, have seen musicians playing in stormwater drains and bowling alleys, although Covid restrictions and lockdowns meant these gigs were live-streamed.

This year, however, Ballarats best are back out in front of live audiences. This is only the second time since 2019 that it has been able to include live audiences in different spaces around town, which is hugely exciting, going back to its roots! explains Be_Hear/Nows Live Music Co-ordinator Sam Boon. 

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.


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Tarrawanna Tiny Forest celebrates one year growth "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

THE Tarrawanna Tiny Forest is having its first birthday.

The Tiny Forest, located in Harrigan Park, was planted a year ago with the help of students from Tarrawanna Public School.

The Tiny Forest is made up of 350 native plant species commonly found in the area such as eucalypts, wattles, palms, tea trees and grasses all propagated from local sources at Wollongong Botanic Garden Nursery.

Wollongong City Council, Curator Botanic Garden Felicity Skoberne said the interesting fact about this forest is how fast it grows. Even though it was only planted a year ago, the plants are already towering over the students who helped plant them.

The massive growth spurt is thanks to the unique gardening techniques that Wollongong City Council staff employed when designing the Tiny Forest.

Tiny Forests is a Wollongong Botanic Garden initiative! We think about it as a way to expand the gardens greenery outside and into the city, Ms Skoberne said.

Each Tiny Forest is roughly the footp...


Woman and three-month-old baby located "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

A woman and baby reported missing from Wilsons Creek, near Mullumbimby, have been located safe and well overnight.

The 21-year-old woman and her three-month-old son were reported missing after they were last seen in a white utility vehicle driving on the M1 at Brunswick Heads about 3am on Sunday 4 June 2023.

Following extensive inquiries, the woman and baby were located safe and well in Queensland about 9pm yesterday (Wednesday 7 June 2023).

Police wish to thank the public and the media for their assistance.

The post Woman and three-month-old baby located appeared first on The Echo.


Government supports womens health "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The Barwon Health Womens Health Clinic will extend its operations from one to five days a week thanks to a state government investment.

The Victorian Budget 2023-24 will invest more than $153 million to help change how Womens health issues are treated across the state.

Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas said providing specialised services through womens health clinics and encouraging inclusivity was important.

This comprehensive package to transform womens health is about ensuring every Victorian woman can access the support and treatment they need and deserve, she said.

Were creating new services, delivering more surgery, and training specialised staff to deliver the wraparound care and treatment Victorian women suffering from endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain, and severe menopausal symptoms need.

Premier Daniel Andrews said it was time to help women look after their health by establishing new clinics and extending the opening hours of current facilities.

For too long women havent been listened to and their health issues have been ignored this package is about giving womens health, the focus and funding it deserves, he said.

Were doing what matters and removing the barriers that women face so they can get the care they need, when and where they need it.

Clinics across the state will give women access to specialists and comprehensive care to help deliver the care they need, no matter where they live.

The post Government supports womens health appeared first on Ocean Grove Voice.


The Kinks celebrate 60 years "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The Kinks are one of the great British bands, and theyre going to celebrate their 60th anniversary in a big way.

Brothers Ray and Dave Davies teamed up with Mick Avory and Pete Quaife in Muswell Hill, north London, in 1963. Very soon, they produced chart-topping singles that were the defining sound of the times.

The Kinks delivered great songs for many years, and were an electrifying live act. As time went by, they turned their hand to concept albums, driven by the breathtaking songwriting talent of Ray Davies.

Theyre celebrating the milestone with a major re-release of their back catalogue, with all manner of musical treasure, from old favourites to rarities.


Twitter conspiracy and Belinda Jones for Fadden: 'Real-life' according to Nine's kids "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Twitter conspiracy and Belinda Jones for Fadden: 'Real-life' according to Nine's kids

Its telling that the right-wing mainstream media can manage to turn everything that doesnt fit its narrative into a Twitter conspiracy and almost always, one involving Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, with whom they have an ongoing and creepy bordering on unhinged  angry preoccupation.

Fixated Persons Unit, anyone?

Today, IA's Dave Donovan sent a letter to Nine's Sydney Morning Herald about an article that appeared in its "CBD" column on Monday (5 June).

I am the founder and publisher of Independent Australia, the so-called free left-wing publication derided by the Sydney Morning Heralds CBD column in its appalling hatchet job of Belinda Jones, on Monday (5 June).


According to the gentlemen writing the column, Belinda Jones is part of the Dan Stan, a left-wing Twitter conspiracy, which these two gentlemen appear to suggest extends as far as the Gold Coast, in Queensland.


To support this odd contention, they claim that Belinda Jones, a valued, paid columnist for Independent Australia over a number of years has, simply because she has posted 151,000 tweets, no right to stand in the by-election for the seat of Fadden, a seat vacated by Stuart Robert, the repeatedly disgraced corrupt LNP current member.


These two gentlemen, whose bona fides I have little doubt scarce hold a candle to Ms Jones, further mocked her candidature by suggesting she was a mere retail worker and a grandmother.


What neither of these journalists made plain in their stultified aching schoolboy prose, is that Belinda Jones completed her studies and worked for years as a school teacher and then a small business owner, among many other ground roots jobs, all while raising three children as a single parent. Or that she has deep ties to the community and has far more in common with the electorate of Fadden than the vacating Liberal MP a private school boy from Rockhampton, who went to officers training in Canberra for college and has spent his entire career leeching off the public purse.


As for Independent Australia being fr...

Twitter conspiracy and Belinda Jones for Fadden: 'Real-life' according to Nine's kids "IndyWatch Feed"

Twitter conspiracy and Belinda Jones for Fadden: 'Real-life' according to Nine's kids

Its telling that the right-wing mainstream media can manage to turn everything that doesnt fit its narrative into a Twitter conspiracy and almost always, one involving Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, with whom they have an ongoing and creepy bordering on unhinged  angry preoccupation.

Fixated Persons Unit, anyone?

Today, IA's Dave Donovan sent a letter to Nine's Sydney Morning Herald about an article that appeared in its "CBD" column on Monday (5 June).

I am the founder and publisher of Independent Australia, the so-called free left-wing publication derided by the Sydney Morning Heralds CBD column in its appalling hatchet job of Belinda Jones, on Monday (5 June).


According to the gentlemen writing the column, Belinda Jones is part of the Dan Stan, a left-wing Twitter conspiracy, which these two gentlemen appear to suggest extends as far as the Gold Coast, in Queensland.


To support this odd contention, they claim that Belinda Jones, a valued, paid columnist for Independent Australia over a number of years has, simply because she has posted 151,000 tweets, no right to stand in the by-election for the seat of Fadden, a seat vacated by Stuart Robert, the repeatedly disgraced corrupt LNP current member.


These two gentlemen, whose bona fides I have little doubt scarce hold a candle to Ms Jones, further mocked her candidature by suggesting she was a mere retail worker and a grandmother.


What neither of these journalists made plain in their stultified aching schoolboy prose, is that Belinda Jones completed her studies and worked for years as a school teacher and then a small business owner, among many other ground roots jobs, all while raising three children as a single parent. Or that she has deep ties to the community and has far more in common with the electorate of Fadden than the vacating Liberal MP a private school boy from Rockhampton, who went to officers training in Canberra for college and has spent his entire career leeching off the public purse.


As for Independent Australia being fr...


If it hadn't been for the globalists, this Thursday would have been a total reptile write-off ... "IndyWatch Feed"


Golf is dead to the pond. 

Always the details ...

Oh wait, golf has always been dead to the pond in a GUR, or is that a grrr, way...


Fire season is coming time to join the RFS "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Billinudgel and Ocean Shores RFS crew. Photo Eve Jeffery

As the landscape dried out in the leadup, and during, the 201920 Black Summer fires, Ocean Shores resident, Kitty Crain, began to look around and wonder who would come to her rescue if a fire started in the bush around her home. 

Ocean Shores is surrounded by bush, and I felt vulnerable in a suburb surrounded by bush. I thought whos going to come to our rescue? I decided Id better go and investigate, and that is why I joined the RFS, said Kitty, who is now President of the Billinudgel and Ocean Shores RFS.

Following three years of wet weather, the resulting plant growth, and the prediction of an El Nio that will make eastern Australia drier this year, there is general concern that the upcoming fire season will be dangerous. 

Start training

Now is the time to join and start training for the next fire season, explained Kitty. 

It is the time for new recruits t...


Driver dies after single-vehicle crash near Lismore "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

A man has died following a single-vehicle crash near Lismore.

About 5.45pm yesterday (Wednesday, 7 June), emergency services were called to Rous Road, near Molly Grass Road, at Tregeagle about 9km southeast of Lismore following reports an Audi sedan had crashed into a tree.

On arrival, officers from Richmond Police District found the driver and sole occupant of the vehicle a 48-year-old man had died at the scene.

A crime scene was established, and investigations commenced into the circumstances surrounding the crash.

A report will be prepared for the Coroner.

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

The post Driver dies after single-vehicle crash near Lismore appeared first on The Echo.


Lets unpack federal Labors housing bill and attack ads! "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

What is the future of Australian housing? Unsplash.

Political attack ads are underway by the local sitting Labor MP just a week after Greens candidate, Mandy Nolan, announced her second tilt for the local federal seat of Richmond.

According to, the next federal election could be between August 3, 2024 and May 17, 2025. 



Judge orders the Crown Prosecution Service to come clean about the destruction of key documents on Julian Assange "IndyWatch Feed National"

Julian Assanges case continues to drag on in London, where the United States is seeking to extradite him to face a lifetime in prison, in what are widely considered bogus charges. revelations about the destruction of important documents coming from a Freedom Of Information case, has compelled a judge to order the release of documents, and this is to Assanges benefit. Paul Knaggs wrote about this in Labour Heartlands (1 June 2023)

In a groundbreaking ruling on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case surrounding Julian Assange, Judge OConnor has ordered the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to reveal information regarding the destruction of key documents.

This decision marks the first crack in the wall of secrecy surrounding the case, which has faced years of obstruction.

WIKILEAKS state In addition to the ruling, Labour MP John McDonnell has just obtained new information from the Crown Prosecution Service. McDonnell is calling for an independent inquiry into the CPSs role in the Assange case.

For the last six years, all attempts to shed light on the destruction of key documents in the Julian Assange case, even though the emails were deleted when the high-profile, controversial case was still ongoing have been rejected.

When, How and Why

But now the British authorities at the Crown Prosecution Service have been ordered to come clean. They must declare whether they hold any information as to when, how and why documentation was deleted, and if they do hold any other documentation, they must either release it to the WikiLeaks team or clarify the grounds for their refusal.

There has always been controversy surrounding the emails between the Swedish prosecutors and their British counterparts.

The correspondence between the Swedish SPA and British CPS is absolutely crucial to understanding and reconstructing what really happened in the Swedish alleged rape allegation investigation.

That investigation was ultimately dropped once and for all without Assange ever being charged, but for almost a decade has deprived him of the empathy of public opinion.

Documents obtained and released under Freedom of Information requests to Italian magazine La Repubblica confirm the very close relationship between the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and Sweden in...


Resource for flood-affected LGBTIQA+ communities "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Thanks to Pride Foundation Australia our resources for flood-affected LGBTIQA+ communities are now available please grab some (available in a bundle of 10) for Loddon/Campaspe/Hume-region locals wholl benefit from them, either in-person at an event or via our online store ($6 donation to cover postage/handling appreciated) >>


Why Singapore Airlines Had a Good 2022 "IndyWatch Feed"

The city-state's flagship carrier enjoys a key advantage over many of its regional rivals.


AFP Detective Marcus Boormans tampering with a police document to conceal Bruce Lehrmanns lies exposed at the ACT Inquiry "IndyWatch Feed National"

Detective Inspector Marcus Boorman deliberately deleted 2 key paragraphs of a document written by other police, that accused Bruce Lehrmann of lying, which was sent to a senior police officer to determine []


1) Four defendants in Mimika murder and mutilation receive different sentences "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"


2) Jayapura city government sends eight doctors to study at Unpad  

3) Jayapura govt allocates 30 pct of special autonomy fund for education 


1) Four defendants in Mimika murder and mutilation receive different sentences   

News Desk - Mimika Murder And Mutilation Trial 

7 June 2023

Timika, Jubi On Tuesday, June 6, 2023, the Timika City District Courtconducted a hearing to read the verdicts of four civilians accused of murdering and mutilating four Nduga residents in Mimika Regency. Each of the defendants received different prison terms.

The four defendants are Roy Marten Howay, Andre Pudjianto Lee,...


Childrens literacy in Indonesia: solving the book supply problem "IndyWatch Feed"

In 1992, while one of us (Collett) was at school in Jakarta, the other arrived to take up a position as school principal in Kalimantan. A young parent and fresh from a career teaching early childhood in Australia, one of the first priorities was to buy some local childrens books for the classroom and for home. This was a disappointment. Outside Jakarta and the big cities there were few bookstores. Books for children were limited to school textbooks or folk tales with dense text and sparse black and white illustrations.

Over the last ten years the situation has begun to change. Bookstores in regional centres now stock Indonesian childrens books and young adult fiction, but much of it is translated from English and there is still a dearth of content for beginning readers. The cost of quality childrens books is prohibitive for all but the upper middle classes, and the few books that do make it into the hands of children in schools and homes are typically dry texts or religious instruction. Why spend limited funds on entertainment for children? The priority is academic and moral instruction. Until recently, this attitude was reflected in government policy. Illustrated storybooks were approved for purchase in early childhood centres, but not for primary schools.

Meanwhile, childrens literacy levels in the general population are alarmingly low. The Innovation for Indonesias School Children (INOVASI) program has been working with the Indonesian government and non-government partners to address this issue since 2016. INOVASI is funded by the Australian government and implemented by Palladium. The program is due to end in December 2023.

In 2016, a ministry survey found that 47% of grade 4 students were unable to read. INOVASIs 2017-18 baseline study found that 43% of grade 2 students failed a basic letter and word recognition test, while INOVASIs book study found that 68% of available books were textbooks dry, boring, and too difficult for beginning readers. Children cannot learn to read without reading material, and the most effective reading material is levelled and engaging childrens books.

Throughout the Jokowi period, commencing 2014, government efforts to build a reading culture have aligned with grassroots efforts. International an...


Turkiyes Proposal For A Kakhovka Dam Investigation Committee Is A Genius Soft Power Move "IndyWatch Feed National"


Turkish President Erdogan proposed the creation of a multilateral committee for investigating the Kakhovka Dam explosion during a call with President Putin on Wednesday. He suggested that it could comprise the two conflicting parties, the UN, and members of the international community such as his country, which has experience mediating between Moscow and Kiev during their grain deal talks. This was a genius soft power move thatll powerfully shape global perceptions about this incident.

Russia and Ukraine blame one another for this terrorist attack, and while many might have predicted that the US would take its proxys side, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday that we cannot say conclusively what happened at this point. This stance is almost certainly attributable to the fact that Ukrainian Major General Andrey Kovalchuk boasted to the Washington Post in December about how Kiev tested blowing up the dam with US-supplied HIMARS missiles late last year.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova made sure that the entire world knew about this too by bringing it up during a press briefing the day after.

She rhetorically asked US officials Were you aware of how American weapons, the weapons that are being supplied to Ukraine, are used? That trial tests of a terrorist attack against civilian infrastructure in third countries are being made? These are the questions that we directly pose in the public space before the White House; you must answer them.

Considering that the US officially regards the dams destruction as a war crime, which its Alternative Representative to the UN for Special Political Affairs Robert Wood emphasized during Tuesdays Security Council meeting about this, it has every reason to support the investigation that Turkiye just proposed. As for Kiev, it insists that Russia was to blame, so refusing to participate in a truly neutral multilateral investigation would come off as incredibly suspicious by suggesting that it has something to hide.

The US and Ukraine, which are the principal antagonists in the...


Buyers Beware: Purchasing a Supreme Court Justice Could Lead to Pesky Questions "IndyWatch Feed Allstate"

Whats the point of buying yourself a Supreme Court justice if pesky senators can just keep peppering you with questions about it? Thats what billionaire Harlan Crow must be thinking right about now.

On Tuesday, in response to Crows continued refusal to provide details on the expensive gifts and lavish vacations he heaped on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the Senate Judiciary Committee issued a thinly veiled threat that they might subpoena him to get some answers.

It all started with a series of stories, the first one broken by ProPublica a couple of months ago, in which journalists revealed that the conservative justice has been on the receiving end of the billionaires largesse to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Thomas did not feel that it was necessary to disclose any of this.

Now, you may think its troubling that a billionaire is showering a Supreme Court justice with obscenely expensive luxuries whether its because they are close friends or to grease the wheels of justice a bit but dont worry.

Both Thomas and Crow have said that this is totally fine, so its probably all on the up-and-up.

But do you know who wont just accept the word of these two paragons of virtue? Senate Democrats.

They keep pestering Crow with questions about these gifts and even want the Supreme Court to put in place some ethics rules that would require justices to disclose when somebody hands them fistfuls of cash or equivalent gifts. The nerve, right?

In any case, last week, the billionaires lawyers told the Judiciary Committee to shove it, citing an issue with the separation of powers.

Next thing you know, these senators had the gall to inform Crow that he is not, in fact, a co-equal branch of government, and therefore the separation of powers does not apply to him. In defense of Crows attorney, who may not have been aware of this, it certainly seems as though billionaires are a branch of government these days, so maybe it was just an honest mistake.....

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