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Sunday, 30 July


Rockingham By-Election 2023: How Big A Swing Is Too Big? "IndyWatch Feed Tas"

Rockingham (WA) (ALP 37.7%)
By-election for resignation of Mark McGowan (ALP), MP since 1996

CALLED 7:40 pm Magenta Marshall (ALP) retains, will probably just be taken to preferences

Second place after preferences TBD between Hudson (Lib) and Edwards (IND)

Live Comments

Sunday: It is notable that Labor's 2PP at a by-election with the seat vacant will exceed its 2PP in this seat at three elections that Labor won and where its candidate in this seat was an incumbent.  Also the 2PP swing is about the same size as Balga (1988) despite the baseline state 2PP being over 15 points higher.  The by-election is consistent with Labor still being a long way in front statewide.

With the gap between Hudson and Edwards only 1.7%, I note that William Bowe projects (i) that Edwards will overtake Hudson on preferences (ii) that the Labor-Edwards 2CP will finish around 61-39.

9:44 The 2PP swing snuck up to 22.5% but I'd say this is only just acceptable for the Liberal Party and still consistent with them being heavy underdogs statewide.  

8:40 Not sure if we're getting a 2PP count on the remaining c. 5300 votes that have been counted to primaries tonight.  The 2PP swing currently sits at just below 22%; again, nothing to see there.  If the poll released this week were true and this seat were representative we would be seeing much, much more than this.

7:50 A partial 2PP count has appeared with a swing of only about 15% but I don't know which booths that's from and it might be a tad low.  Also of note here is Legalise Cannabis beating the Greens again (as they did in Fadden) but the LC candidate is a local councillor.  In 2021 in the Legislative Council election the Greens outpolled them 5.59-3.66.

7:40 With the addition of significant postals and prepolls Marshall has obviously won.

7:30 The primary vote swing will be massive (currently about 31%) but because those votes are spraying, the 2PP swing's not so big (it might be currently 21%).  In terms of this as a sign that the Liberals are back in the game, it's pretty borderline so far.  

7:12 Across the board swings of 30-35% so far, so while Labor might or might not win on primaries there is still no problem for them here as everyone else is way back on 15% or less.  Edwards is now challenging for second on the primary vote and while her position mig...


Missy Higgins, Xavier Rudd, The Cat Empire and more are coming to Torquay in December "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

<p>Following the massive success of the Torquay edition of SummerSalt festival back in February, with a stellar lineup featuring Angus & Julia Stone, Ben Harper, City And Colour, The Rubens, Middle Kids, and Alex The Astronaut, the beloved summer festival has announced its return to the same site in December this year.

Known for delivering cream of the crop artists to the great Australian outdoors, SummerSalt will take place at Torquay Common on Sunday, 3 December 2023 with a lineup featuring Missy Higgins, Xavier Rudd, The Cat Empire, Jack River, Hollow Coves and Steph Strings.

SummerSalt Torquay

  • Missy Higgins, Xavier Rudd, The Cat Empire and more lead Torquays edition of SummerSalt 2023</li> <li class="li2">The touring festival will land in Torquay on Sunday, 3 December this year</li> <li class="li2"><span class="s3">General public tickets go on sale Thursday, 3 August at 10am AEST </span></li> </ul> <p><b><i>Check out regional Victorias most comprehensive gig guide </i></b><a href= ""><span class= "s2"><b><i>here</i></b></span></a><b><i>.</i></b></p> <blockquote class="instagram-media"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <p> </p> <div style="display: flex;"> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex;"> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"></div> <div style= "display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style= "color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;"> View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"></div> <div style="display: flex; margin-bottom: 14px;"> <div>...</div> </div> </div> </blockquote>


Economist Jane Caro with her thoughts on The Budget "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

The mining industry, hated and vilified by Labor and the mad left, is bailing out Therapeutic Albo and Chalmers and their appalling budget situation. An extra 20 billion in unexpected taxes - thanks mostly to WAs iron ore exports and huge demand for NSW and Queensland coal. Labor calls it...


The three views on UAP of an Australian astronomer, an Australian Defence analyst, and an Australian academic "IndyWatch Feed Qld"

<p><p style="text-align: center;"><b>Introduction</b></p> <p>In recent years, very few Australian professionals have expressed views on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP.) This article takes a look at three individuals, who have publicly commented about the subject. </p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b>Adam Dodd - Queensland academic</b></p> <p style="text-align: center;"></p> <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class= "tr-caption-container" style= "margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;"><a href= "" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="245" src= "" width="183"></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"><a href= "">Dr Adam Dodd - School of Communication and Arts - University of Queensland (</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <b><br></b> <p>In March 2018, <a href= "">Dr. Adam Dodd</a>, an academic tutor in Communication and Writing, in the School of Communication & Arts, the University of Queensland, authored a paper titled "Strategic Ignorance and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Critiquing the Discursive Segregation of UFOs from Scientific Inquiry" </i>in the <a href="">Journal "Astropolitics."</a></p> <p>The abstract of the paper read:</p> <blockquote> <p>"Since the late 1940's, a tenacious disconnect between popular interest and professional disinterest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs) has typified the controversy surrounding the subject. Numerous high-profile scientists have seen the topic of UFOs as an opportunity to denounce and rectify a popular, yet allegedly misguided conviction - that some UFOs are physical anomalies indicating the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence - and thus to advance the explanatory authority of science.</p> <p>Rather than constituting rigorous, informed, and effective assessments, however, the ways in which many prominent scientists publicly address the UFO question often exemplify both the p...


Im Moment ist schon wieder Zero Trust in aller Munde, ... "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Im Moment ist schon wieder Zero Trust in aller Munde, weil das BSI ein "Positionspapier" dazu verffentlicht hat, das sich im Wesentlichen wie Werbung fr unserise Gadget-Anbieter und Schlangenler liest.

Auch ich hatte vor einer Weile einen Vortrag dazu gehalten und ins Netz gestellt, wo ganz andere Dinge rauskamen. Wie kann das sein?

Nun, das liegt an zwei Dingen. Erstmal ist Zero Trust inzwischen so ein Buzzword, das der Sinn auf dem Weg flten gegangen ist. Jeder verkauft gerade unter dem Label Zero Trust alles. Googelt nur mal Zero Trust AI und staunt.

Mein geschtzter Kollege Kris Khntopp hat auch einen langen Erklr-Thread gepostet, wo er nochmal auf andere Ergebnisse kommt als das BSI und ich. :-)

Eine Sache mchte ich aber mal kurz klren. Zero Trust heit nicht assume breach. Zero Trust heit, dass du von Perimetersicherheit als Modell wegkommst. Perimetersicherheit ist die Idee, dass wir ein vertrauenswrdiges internes Netz haben, und ein bses Internet, und dazwischen tun wir eine Firewall und dann sind wir sicher. Stellt sich vllig berraschend raus: Wenn du bse E-Mails durch die Firewall lsst, und ein VPN, dann kannst du dir die Firewall im Wesentlichen auch ganz sparen.

Zero Trust ist daher die Idee, dass alle Rechner so gebaut werden, auch und gerade die im Intranet, dass sie starke Authentisierung haben wollen, und Daten nur verschlsselt bertragen.

Zero Trust sagt nicht, dass die Kisten Secure Boot haben mssen, oder Binaries signiert werden, oder dass da Telemetrie gemessen und ausgewertet wird. Oder dass die Software Least Privilege wird und man die TCB minimiert. Das ist alles orthogonal.

Zero Trust heit, dass du einkommender Kommunikation nicht auf Basis ihrer IP-Adresse vertraust.

Lasst euch also vom BSI nicht aufschwatzen, dass ihr Endpoint Security fr Zero Trust braucht, oder ein SIEM, etc pp. Und lasst euch von Kris nicht erzhlen, dass das die Strukturen unbeweglich macht. Kann es, muss es aber nicht. Denkt lieber aus der anderen Richtung drber nach. Wenn jemand rumspielen will, braucht der halt Erlaubnis in Form von Keys fr seine Kommunikation. Den Keys kann man dann minimale Zugriffsrechte geben, und man kann auf der Serverseite sehen, welcher Key reinkam, und entsprechend erkennen, welcher Service mit welchen anderen Services redet. Das ist VIEL besser als im Moment, wo niemand sich traut irgendwas jemals wieder anzufassen, weil gar nicht bekannt ist, was sonst alles davon abhngt und wie das verzahnt ist.

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Saturday, 29 July


Congressional Testimony Asserts FBI Knew Biden Laptop Was Not Russian Disinformation "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

  • During a transcribed interview, Laura Dehmlow, the Section Chief of the FBIs Foreign Influence Task Force, revealed that FBI personnel who warned social media companies about a potential Russian hack and leak operation in the 2020 election knew that Hunter Bidens laptop was not Russian disinformation.
  • The FBI made an institutional decision to refuse to answer direct questions from social media companies about the laptops authenticity, leading the companies to conclude that the New York Post story on the laptop was Russian disinformation.
  • The FBIs failure to alert social media companies about the authenticity of the laptop prevented millions of Americans from having a clear understanding of a significant issue in the 2020 presidential election, as it resulted in the suppression of the story by Twitter and deamplification by Facebook.  Read More

The post Congressional Testimony Asserts FBI Knew Biden Laptop Was Not Russian Disinformation appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Did Pastor Brian Houston and Geoff Bullock found Hillsong? "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Geoff Bullock speaks out for the first time about Hillsong and Brian Houston

Donald Elley of Bellingen July 29, 2023

Did Pastor Brian Houston and Geoff Bullock found Hillsong?

The answer is No.

Who founded Hillsong?

Brians father Frank.

When was Hillsong founded?

In 1977.



The limitarian implications of utilitarianism "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

My fellow Crooked Timber blogger Ingrid Robeyns has long been making the case for limitarianism, that is, the idea that there should be an upper limit on the amount any one person can own or consume. As Ingrid has observed, limitarianism is a constraint, rather than a complete ethical principle, so its important to consider how it interacts with other principles. In the case of utilitarianism, the answer is surprisingly well, at least in (using Ingrids terminology) this and nearby worlds. But understanding this requires a little bit of background and some arithmetic.

Shorter JQ: utilitarianism implies limitarianism. The full argument is over the field (no tricks this time, I promise).

First, utilitarianism is a political philosophy, dealing with the question of how the resources in a community should be distributed. And it starts, as in Bentham, from the assumption that people are sufficiently similar in capability and strength that they must all be taken into account equally. This does not, in itself, imply equality of outcomes or even opportunity, but it rules out notions that some group is inherently deserving of better treatment than others.

Second, (this shouldnt be necessary to state, but it is), there is no such thing as utility. Its a theoretical construct which can be used to compare different allocations of resources, not a number in peoples heads that can be measured and added up. Nonsense about utility monsters and similar is just that.

The practical implication of this is that we need a measure which answers the question: how does the benefit of giving an additional unit of resources to one person compare to the benefit of giving those resources to another. A utility function is a way of answering that question.

There is an ethical judgement here which can be addressed in various ways. We can take a Rawls/Harsanyi original position, rely on introspection or look at peoples choices over time and under uncertainty. None of these are perfect, but most yield one clear conclusion: marginal utility declines with income or, more simply, an extra dollar is worth more to a poor person than to a rich one. But how much more?

The classic answer to this question, going back to Daniel Bernoulli, is that we can think of utility as a logarithmic function of income (or wealth). What that means is that a given proportional increase (or reduction) in income has the same value whoever receives it. Most recent estimates are similar. So, utilitarianism suggests converting everyones income to its logarithm and adding them all up. This may sound mechanical but the implications are striking.

What does this mean for limitarianism? If we take a centibillionaire such as Elon Musk, his wealth is of the order of 10^11. Using base-10 log (it doesnt change anything if you use another...


Nauseating subservience of Australias media and politics to American militarism "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Hugely significant: Australia to manufacture and export missiles to US, Sydney Morning Herald, By Matthew Knott, July 28, 2023 

Australia is set to begin manufacturing its own missiles within two years under an ambitious plan that will allow the country to supply guided weapons to the United States and possibly export them to other nations.

The push to accelerate the creation of a local missile manufacturing industry in co-operation with the US will be one of the centrepiece announcements at the Australia-United States Ministerial (AUSMIN) consultations on Saturday.

Both US and Australian officials are seeking to play down concerns...


Australias nuclear waste "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

finding a national waste repository is not urgent because it has been stored this way for 60 years.

its not even clear if centralising the waste is the best option. ..theres an implicit risk in transporting the waste from the various sites to a new site, and there should be a safety comparison with leaving it where it is.

Courts have quashed a decision to store water in Kimbra, meaning there is still no centralised repository in the country

Guardian. Tory Shepherd, Sat 29 Jul 2023

More than 20 tonnes of reprocessed nuclear fuel will stay at Australias only reactor in southern Sydney, while nuclear waste will remain scattered in cupboards and filing cabinets around the country, after the federal court blocked plans for a long-term storage site in outback South Australia.

The site in Kimba was selected more than 40 years after Australia started planning for a centralised repository. But this month, that decision was quashed by the courts.

There is currently no live national facility option, and the waste pile is growing.

Successive governments and agencies have said there are more than 100 sites that are storing nuclear waste littered...


World Cup star, 18, grabs her chest and collapses at training in Sydney before being rushed to hospital in an ambulance after losing consciousness "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Caicedo is seen clutching her chest during a training run

Andrew Prentice and James Cooney Daily Mail July 28, 2023

Breakout World Cup star Linda Caicedo may not feature again in the tournament after the Colombian collapsed at training in distressing scenes that were caught on video.

The young gun, 18, was rushed to hospital and was unconscious for at least 90 seconds as medics and terrified team-mates rushed to her aid at the teams base in Sydney.

The rising star was later released from hospital but is unlikely to feature in her countrys match against Germany on Sunday.

Footage shows the star jogging with teammates before she suddenly stops, clutches her chest and falls to the ground.

Concerned players gather around her before a woman who appears to be a member of the training staff sprints to the scene, closely followed by other team staffers, one of whom was carrying a kit bag.




How to Responsibly Dispose of a Mattress "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Disposing of a mattress can be a real pain. They are heavy, bulky and cumbersome. They dont fit in bins or skips and some waste removal companies wont take mattresses.

However, there are a number of convenient (and even eco-friendly) ways to dispose of old, unwanted mattresses. In this guide, well explore different methods for responsibly disposing of a mattress, taking into its type, recycling options, donation opportunities, council hard rubbish pick up, and tips for cleaning if you plan to sell or donate it.

Different Types of Mattresses and Their Impact on Disposal

Before diving into disposal methods, its essential to understand the types of mattresses and their materials. The three most common mattress types are innerspring, memory foam, and latex.

Innerspring Mattresses: These traditional mattresses have steel coils inside, making them heavier and harder to recycle. Disassembling them can be a challenge, and not all recycling centres accept them.

Memory Foam Mattresses: Memory foam mattresses are known for their comfort and support. They are typically more recyclable than innerspring mattresses, as they contain fewer components that need separation.

Latex Mattresses: Latex mattresses are made from natural or synthetic latex, which is more eco-friendly than other materials. They are generally biodegradable and can be an excellent choice for those concerned about sustainability.

Considering the materials in your mattress can help you choose the most environmentally friendly disposal method.

Council Hard Rubbish Pick Up

Council hard rubbish pick up is a convenient way to dispose of large household items, including mattresses. Check with your local council for scheduled hard rubbish collection days and guidelines for mattress disposal. However, keep in mind that not all councils offer this service, and some may charge fees for the collection.

Waste Collection Companies

For a small fee, many waste collection companies will collect old mattresses. As with hard rubbish pick-up, its as easy as scheduling a collection time and leaving the mattress in the designated pick-up area, and the waste collection company will do the rest.

Mattress Recycling Companies

Recycling your old mattress is one of the best ways to ensure it doesnt end up in a landfill. Fortunately, there are mattress recycling companies that specialise in breaking down mattresses into their individual components for reuse.

Before contacting a recycling company, ensure that they accept the type of mattress you have. Some facilities may focus on specific materials and may not be equ...


Swimming in Circles: Aquaculture and the End of Wild Oceans "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Editor's Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published September 30, 2018.

In this interview, investigative journalist and fishing industry insider Paul Molyneaux discusses aquaculture and the dangers of farmed fish, which are also the topics of his book "Swimming in Circles: Aquaculture and the End of Wild Oceans."

From my perspective, the two most dangerous foods served in most restaurants are factory farmed chicken, which is responsible for a majority of foodborne illnesses, and farmed fish, especially farmed salmon, which is among the most toxic foods on the planet.

Salmon Farming in Cobscook Bay

At the age of 17, Molyneaux left home and got a job in commercial fishing, which led to work in aquaculture in the late '70s.

"I always had an interest in aquaculture, although I primarily was a commercial fisherman. In the late '80s, I ran a fish processing plant for the Passamaquoddy tribe in Eastport, Maine, on Cobscook Bay. There was a sudden push to do salmon farming in the bay.

The way the promoters at the time, a company called Ocean Products sold it to us was [by] saying, 'You can become farmers of the sea. You can start giving back to the ocean.' We bought it hook, line and sinker Last summer, there were about six of us standing on the dock in Eastport, saying, 'Geez, we thought this was going to be great.'"

As fisheries had dwindled, they believed aquafarming would be the answer to keeping the fishing industry alive. Alas, the industry was rapidly consolidated into the hands of just a few players. "Now, it's in the hands of one," Molyneaux says.

What's worse, it didn't take long before the environmental downsides of aquaculture became readily apparent as well. In the late 1990s, infectious salmon anemia virus spread like wildfire among the salmon pens in Cobscook Bay, wiping out the fishery as 2 million fish had to be discarded overnight.

"That set the industry back. Now, it's owned by one company Cooke Aquaculture and pretty much everything is automated. They have a tremendous sea lice problem.

They're pouring tons of SLICE into those pens, and they're coming up with new systems now because they're finding the sea lice medication is now in the mollusks, like the scallops that are also harvested from the bay. Cooke has been fined twice in the last five years for using an illegal chemical, cypermethrin, to fight sea lice."

Industrialized Food Supply Encouraged Switch to Aquaculture



Sporadic Reports of Malaria Followed by Breakthrough Announcement of mRNA Vaccine "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH | Courageous Discourse  | July 26, 2023

As an internal medicine physician and cardiologist I am in tune to diseases seen and presented at morning report at big academic medical centers. I can tell you over the decades each year there are a few cases of malaria. Travel history and contact tracing are never precise enough to declare where it came from. Malaria gives us a chance to talk about the characteristic life cycle of organism (plasmodium species), the mosquito vector, use of diagnostic testing including the blood smear etc.

So I was suspicious a few days ago when I heard about malaria in the U.S. as making a comeback and some patients asking me about bug spray. Now I see why there could be a manufactured interest in the age-old illness that is well treated with medicationsa mRNA vaccine.

Alexa Cook at NewsHub is reporting: A team of researchers from Victoria University of Wellingtons Ferrier Research Institute, the Malaghan Institute and the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Australia have developed an mRNA-based vaccine that can effectively target and stimulate protective immune cell responses against the malaria-causing parasite.



"IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica" "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/28/23).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");


Rumble("play", {"video":"v30eo0i","div":"rumble_v30eo0i"});

Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

(30) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: "It was not hard to predict the clumsy way the #Oppenheimer movie would be used to attempt to rewrite history, to make the US gov look like the hero who reluctantly used the A-bomb as a last resort which ended the war. False. The truth is not that easily buried. Nelson Mandela:" / X
(30) 's Personal Assistant (honest) on Twitter: "@Sabra_Security @TheSylvreWolfe @QudsNen Have you seen a map of Israel/Palestine in 1950 vs now?" / X
(30) Whitney Webb on Twitter: "Charges are getting dropped for money laundering ponzi bro SBF. If you still think the DOJ isn't a two tier enforcement arm of the national security mafia that actually runs the US, you believe in a fairy tale and it's time to grow up." / X
(17) Glenn Greenwald on Twitter: "Congrats to Sam Bankman-Fried -- the Dem Party's second-largest donor (behind George Soros) -- on having his campaign finance fraud charges dropped by the Biden DOJ. Their hilarious claim is that they just couldn't proceed because the big, powerful Bahamas wouldn't let them." / X
(17) Dr. Joseph Mercola on Twitt...


Fecal microbiota transplantation in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

PMID:  J Autoimmun. 2023 May 11:103058. Epub 2023 May 11. PMID: 37179170 Abstract Title:  Fecal microbiota transplantation in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus: What we learnt from the explorative clinical trial. Abstract:  Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with the characterized presence of autoantibodies and resulting in multiple organ damage, which is incurable and can be lethal. The current treatments are limited and less progress has been made in drug discovery for the last few decades. Researches imply that gut dysbiosis exists in both patients and murine models with SLE, taking part in the pathogenesis of SLE through multiple mechanisms such as microbiota translocation and molecular mimicry. Intestinal interventions on the gut microbiome by fecal transplantations to reconstitute the gut-immunity homeostasis serve as a novel therapeutic option for SLE patients. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), which is usually used in intestinal diseases, has been firstly demonstrated to be safe and efficient in recovering gut microbiota structure of SLE patients and reducing lupus activity in our recent clinical trial, which is the first trial testing FMT therapy in SLE treatment. In this paper, we reviewed the results of the single-arm clinical trial and made recommendations on FMT practice in SLE treatment including therapeutic indications, screening items and dosage regimen, trying to provide references for future study and clinical practice. We also came up with the unanswered questions that need to be solved by the ongoing randomized controlled trial as well as the future expectations for the intestinal intervention strategies of SLE patients.

read more


Caitlin Johnstone: The Star-Spangled Kangaroo "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"


Caitlin Johnstone: The Star-Spangled Kangaroo

A U.S. warship has been ushered into service in Sydney as part of the unholy matrimony between Australia and the U.S. war machine. 



Weird Musks weird obsession with X "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Twitter owner Elon Musk has abruptly renamed the company as simply X. He had earlier named his first company Jill Lepore writes that Musk has long had a fascination with this particular letter, that can be traced back to his father and grandfather who were leaders of a so-called Technocracy movement and called themselves Technocrats and believed that only engineers and scientists could save the world from a looming catastrophe.

Technocrats objected to politicians and economists, democracy, and socialism. They wanted an end to all banks. In the future that Technocrats including Musks grandfather were planning for,There will be no place for Politics or Politicians, Finance or Financiers, Rackets or Racketeers. There would also be no place for personal names. One technocrat, for instance, renamed himself 1x1809x56. Musk named one of his sons X A-12X, for short.

Why name a baby X A-12, something that is going to result in the child being tormented by their peers and likely require years of therapy as an adult? This whole business of parents trying to give their children weird names to make some ideological point seems to be sheer vanity, seeing the child as a vehicle for their own obsessions and ignoring their needs. I am really glad that my parents gave me an utterly common name. As least it is common in Sri Lanka though, because it is simple enough, it is only a little exotic now that I am in the US.

But Musk has big plans for the company that he now has renamed X, seeing it as the precursor to an everything app, whatever the hell that is.

X, Musk promises, will be the everything app. X is the Technocrats dream deferred, a way to engineer society, the economy, and politics. Extreme capitalismMuskismas the answer to existential risk. With any luck, it will be a disaster.

I hope so too.

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Friday, 28 July


Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023 - United States Air Force (#USAF) Lockheed AC-130J Ghostrider Gunship Hercules 18-5905 Jackal 93 at Proserpine (Whitsunday Coast) Airport - Plus More! "IndyWatch Feed Qld"

In the very early hours on Tuesday 25 July, United States Air Force (USAF) Lockheed AC-130J Ghostrider gunship Hercules aircraft identified as 18-5905 as "Jackal 92" was noted departing Proserpine (Whitsunday Coast) Airport for RAAF Base Richmond. It seems to have flown up from there earlier around midnight.

File photo

As mentioned, it is one of two USAF AC-130J Ghostrider Hercs - 18-5891 "Jackal 93" is the second - that have been in Australia for a few weeks, based at Richmond and flying with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) during the recently completed Exercise Teak Action.  They are flown by the United States Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) 17th Special Operations Squadron (17th SOS) from Clovis Air Base, New Mexico.

Meanwhile, also on Tuesday 25 July, there was at least two more visits into Proserpine (Whitsunday Coast) Airport by United States Air Force (USAF) Lockheed MC-130J Commando II Hercules of the 1st Special Operations Squadron (1 SOS).  20-5946 as "Rogue 76" and 11-5731 as "Rogue 71" looked to both visit Prosie from RAAF Base Richmond.

Finally, late on Monday 24 July, a really unique visitor which was believed to also arrive into Proserpine (Whitsunday Coast) Airport after ferrying all the way up from RAAF Base Richmond via RAAF Base Amberley, was a United States Army (US Army) Boeing MH-47G Chinook Special Operations Helicopter which was heard to be flying as "Thunder 11".

The MH-47G is a special operations variant of the CH-47 Chinook multi-role, heavy-lift helicopter.  It is in service with the US Army Special Operations Aviation Command (USASOC).  It is believed that there is a second MH-47G also at Richmond.

Photo take...


Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023 - Australian Army NH Industries MRH-90 Multi-Role Helicopter A40-001 "Valkerie 83" Spotted at Rockhampton Airport - Plus More! "IndyWatch Feed Qld"

Late on Tuesday 25 July, Australian Army NH Industries MRH-90 Multi-Role Helicopter A40-001 was spotted arriving into Rockhampton Airport after flying down from Proserpine (Whitsunday Coast) Airport as "Valkerie 83".

It then looked to complete a flight to Yeppoon Hospital (reportedly) and back to Rockhampton Airport before then returning to Proserpine Airport.

Meanwhile, also on Tuesday 25 July, United States Marine Corps (USMC) Bell Boeing MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft were again noted in the Whitsundays region, flying down from RAAF Base Scherger and Townsville to the Whitsundays.  The unknown number of Ospreys then returned North.

Online flight tracking websites did suggest that one (of the only Osprey) in the air was 168687 (YZ-13) of VMM-363 Lucky Red Lions.

Photo taken by Steve Vit 


Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023 - A Pair of United States Marine Corps (USMC) MV-22B Osprey Tiltrotor Aircraft Pop into Mackay Airport - Plus More from the Whitsundays! "IndyWatch Feed Qld"

On Monday 24 July, the unmistakable sight and sound of two United States Marine Corps (USMC) Bell Boeing MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft filled the skies of Mackay and Whitsundays as they flew down from RAAF Base Scherger to call into Mackay Airport.



Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023 (TS23) in the Whitsundays Region - Two United States Air Force (USAF) Lockheed MC-130J Commando II Hercules Aircraft - 11-5731 Rogue 71 and 20-5939 Rogue 73 - Spotted at Proserpine (Whitsunday Coast) Airport - Plus More! "IndyWatch Feed Qld"

On Saturday 22 July, a pair of United States Air Force (USAF) Lockheed MC-130J Commando II Hercules aircraft were spotted visiting Proserpine (Whitsunday Coast) Airport. 

Arriving first was 11-5731 as "Rogue 71" direct from RAAF Base Richmond.  It later returned there.

While later 20-5939 as "Rogue 73" also visited Prosie from Richmond.

The two Hercs are flown by the USAF 1st Special Operations Squadron (1 SOS) which is part of the 353rd Special Operations Group at Kadena Air Base in Japan.

They - and a third Hercules 20-5961 - all originally arrived into the country via Cairns and have travelled to Western Australian and back to the East coast, seemingly based at RAAF Base Richmond in New South Wales during Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023 (TS23).

UPDATE!  It seems a fourth MC-130J...


Financial complaints on the rise: AFCA "IndyWatch Feed Qld"

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority, or AFCA, recorded more than 96,000 complaints against financial businesses, 34 per cent more than the previous financial year.

The impact of financial stress and scams reflect this growth in complaints, and more than 250 million dollars were provided to customers in compensation. 

Produced By: Eduardo Jordan

Featured In Story: Justin Untersteiner Chief Operating Officer from the Australian Financial Complaints Authority

First aired on The Wire, Friday 28 July 2023

The post Financial complaints on the rise: AFCA appeared first on Fraser Coast FM 107.5.


Calling for a Peaceful Pacific kicks off this weekend "IndyWatch Feed Qld"

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin will visit Brisbane this weekend to meet with Defence Minister Richard Miles and Foreign Minister Penny Wong.

At the same time, the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network will launch a conference called Calling for a Peaceful Pacific tomorrow, raising awareness about the impacts of Pacific people from a war between the US and China. 

Image: Image by Shutterstock

Produced By: Dr John Jiggens

Featured In Story: David Shoebridge Greens Senator and spokesperson for Defence

First aired on The Wire, Friday 28 July 2023

The post Calling for a Peaceful Pacific kicks off this weekend appeared first on Fraser Coast FM 107.5.


Protection visa seen to increase refugee mental health "IndyWatch Feed Qld"

A new research by the University of New South Wales found out only permanent protection visas positively impact the mental wellbeing of refugees.

The study emphasises the the permanent protection is one of the best options for better psychological and social outcomes for refugees. 

Produced By: Moemina Shukur

Featured In Story: Nicole Batch Head of Migration at Red Cross

First aired on The Wire, Friday 28 July 2023

The post Protection visa seen to increase refugee mental health appeared first on Fraser Coast FM 107.5.


A new anti-bullying class resource developed in South Australia "IndyWatch Feed Qld"

Bullying is a serious problem in Australian schools. In 2019, over 20 per cent of young people reported experiences of bullying in the previous year.

But researchers say its vital to focus on early intervention with social and emotional learning strategies to minimise bullying.

The Big Talks Little People a new anti-bullying class resource developed in South Australia and used in a number of SA schools   is now being adapted for overseas classrooms.

Image: Image by Anil sharma from Pixabay

Produced By: Emma Wotzke

Featured In Story: Phillip Slee Professor from the School of Education at Flinders University

First aired on The Wire, Friday 28 July 2023

The post A new anti-bullying class resource developed in South Australia appeared first on Fraser Coast FM 107.5.


(This Is) Air: The NVGs new public artwork is a sphere that can breathe "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Theyre the perfect place to grab an ice cream, get some fresh air and chill for a moment before tackling the second half of the massive gallery. Each year, the gallery commissions an architecture project to take the coveted spot.

Fans may remember the favourite pink Pond(er) in 2021 and the vibrant, Greek acropolis-themed Temple Of Boom, currently in its final few months of display. Now, the gallery has announced plans for the upcoming project, set to be unveiled on December 3. Its sure to take your breath away.

(This Is) Air

  • The NVG has unveiled the plans for their upcoming architecture commission
  • Designed by Nic Brunsdon, the new project will be a massive inflatable sphere that expands and contracts
  • Opening on December 3, the public art will be free to visit

Stay up to date with whats happening within the regions art scene here

(This Is) Air pays tribute to the fundamental aspect of human life: breathing air. Crafted by the award-winning Western Australian architecture studio Nic Brunsdon in partnership with ENESS, the project will feature a 14-meter high inflatable sphere that has the ability to inhale and exhale throughout the day.


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Barwon Edge kicks off exciting new chapter with the opening of its Coffee Window "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

In case you missed it, the iconic Barwon Edge Boathouse is undergoing a magnificent transformation, and the first exciting change is already here the coffee window is now open!

Coffee lovers can rejoice as they can now grab a cup of delicious Cartel Roasters Coffee or indulge in delectable pastries from Ket Baker from Tuesday to Sunday, between 8 am to 12 pm. The only way to access this treat is via the driveway for now not the river track.

Keep up with the latest food and booze news across the region here.


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Premiere: Adelaide trailblazers Loopole ignite the post-punk scene with new single Candles "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Since their formation in 2020, Loopole, have wasted no time in making a quick name for themselves. Even with Covid plaguing their first few years of tenure restricting the Adelaide-based rockers from touring as extensively as they would have liked to the group still managed to mark themselves as favourites amongst the triple i unearthed crowd, earning high praise after the release of dreamy indie-rock numbers such as Belong and State of Mind.

But while it seems evident that the upstarts have been onto a winning formula since day dot, theyve decided to shake things up a bit with their newest release, Candles.

Highlighting a newfound sense of urgency to their sound, Candles, released 28 July, sees Loopole migrating head first into the realm of garage-rock, pushing the boundaries of post-punk experimentation through flurries of distorted dissonance, razor-wire guitar licks, and driving punk-based percussive grooves.

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

As stated by the groups newest addition, Finn McCole (guitar), Our individual music tastes have diversified a lot, it feels like we arent trying to shoot for a specific sound or genre as much.

This is shown both instrumentally and lyrically with Candles channelling underlying themes about the groups frustration of feeling enslaved to others expectations and how in turn those expectations can mask others from seeing who they really are. Merge that with Nick Edsons powerful rally-call vocals, and youll undoubtedly feel the authenticity behind Candles evocative message.




Link "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

<p>Fresh from releasing their fifth studio album, aptly titled Boy & Bear, back in May, ARIA-award-winning Aussie legends Boy & Bear have just added a second Torquay Show to their forthcoming regional tour their first regional tour in years due to kick off in September.</p> <p>Performing an already sold-out show at the Torquay Hotel on Saturday 16 September, the band have now announced a special and intimate Sunday session, performing on 17 September from 7pm. Theyll be bringing along special guests The Pierce Brothers.</p> <p><b><i>Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews </i></b><a href= ""><span class= "s1"><b><i>here</i></b></span></a><b><i>.</i></b></p> <blockquote class="wp-embedded-content"> <p><a href= ""> Boy & Bear announce massive regional tour for 2023

Their fifth studio album showcases 11 captivating tracks, each self-produced and recorded at Golden Retriever Studios in Sydney. With their unmistakable indie sound, Boy & Bear have made waves with four previous top-10 charted albums, two of which claimed the number one spot Harlequin Dream and Limit of Love. These guys know how to craft hits that stick with you long after the music stops.</p> <p>In 2022, off the back of the State of Flight single, Boy & Bear performed their first Australian headline tour in almost 3 years. They sold over 14,000 tickets. This was followed by second single Just To Be Kind and performances to tens of thousands of people with Crowded House as well as being involved in a high-profile whisky campaign alongside Matthew McConaughey.</p> <p>If youre a die-hard Boy & Bear fan or just looking to discover your new favourite band, their album and upcoming tour promise an experience like no other. Dont miss your chance to bask in the magic of Boy & Bear


Ballarat has once again been crowned Victorias best tourism destination "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Weve known it for some time, but Ballarat has become a serious destination for tourists and locals alike, thanks to a new generation of winemakers, beer lovers, superstar chefs and art fans that are beefing up the citys offering beyond old gold country over the last couple of years.

As if we needed any more proof, the regional town has now taken out Gold in the Victorian Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) 2023 TAC Victorian Top Tourism Town Awards once again. Thats right, Ballarat has been named the states BEST tourism destination.

Keep up with the latest Victorian travel destinations, news and tips here

The Top Tourism Town awards recognise Australian towns with a population over 5,000 people that offer amazing visitor experiences and are committed to working collectively to increase visitation to its region.

Taking the title from Bendigo, winner of the 2022 awards, Ballarats rich history, vibrant arts scene, and endless attractions earned them the top gong in the population over 5,000 category, announced at the award ceremony at the InterContinental Sorrento on Thursday, 27 July.

Ballarat previously won the title back in 2021.

Unbeknown to most, Ballarat is home to some of Australias best restaurants, cafes and bars like Aunty Jacks, Hop Temple, Underbar, and Roy Hammond, access to a slew of beautiful art especially with The Ballarat International Foto Biennale, famed events like Sovereign Hills Winter Wonderlights, Lake Wendouree AKA one of the most scenic suburban walking tracks in Victoria, plus so much more.

Whether youve never been, visited recently, or havent made the journey in a while, theres always plenty of new experiences and activities to revel in.



Link "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

SongMakers and FReeZA have teamed up to present SongMakers: The Come Together Edition.

This exciting program will provide 40 students from 10 local high schools with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to write, record, and perform 10 original songs, guided by some of the music industrys hitmakers.

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

On the 1 and 2 of August, Belmont High and Surf Coast Secondary College will come alive with creativity and collaboration as students dive into the contemporary songwriting-in-school SongMakers program. With the expert mentorship of renowned industry professionals like KLP, Chelsea Warner, Jackson Phelan (RAT!hammock), Elizabeth M. Drummond, DVNA, Reggie Banks, and more, these young talents will learn the invaluable skills of creativity, collaboration, and perseverance.

Teacher Steve McEwan from Bellarine Secondary College expressed excitement, SongMakers coming on board has taken the idea of Come Together to the next level. Not only will we be able to share our performances but now we will be able to share our creativity, vision and goals for music across the whole region as educators and musicians. I can see so many great outcomes from this collaboration.

With the mentorship in full swing, the real magic will happen on the 10 September at Queenscliff Town Hall when the students showcase their compositions at the Come Together FReeZA Battle of the Bands event. As the young musicians take the stage, the energy will be electric, and the talent on display will be nothing short of extraordinary.

Participating schools include Bellarine Secondary College, Lara Secondary College, Oberon High School, Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College, Surf Coast Secondary College, Belmont High School, Lorne P-12 College, Geelong High School, Kardinia International College, and Clonard College.

This musical extravaganza is not just about honing skills; its about shaping the future of songwriting in Victoria. The Victorian Government has dedicated a remarkable $2 million to the teaching of songwriting in high schools, underscoring their commitment to fostering creativity and nurturing the next generation of musical talents.

So, could we see the rise of the next King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, Missy Higgins, Magic Dirt, or Alice Ivy from among these local students? Only time will tell, but the future for songwriting in Victoria is undoubtedly shining bright.

To find out more, head to...


Volunteers ready for National Tree Day planting this Sunday "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

PARENTS, teachers, students, gardeners and volunteers of all kinds will get their green thumbs out this weekend to plant native trees shrubs and grasses around the Illawarra as part of National Tree Day events.

The National Tree Day program is a nationwide initiative that encourages Australians to come together and contribute to the restoration and preservation of our natural environment. This year, Schools Tree Day will be celebrated today (Friday, July 28) around the country, with National Tree Day to be celebrated July 30.

To celebrate National Tree Day, Wollongong City Council will host an event at Cabbage Tree Creek, Balgownie on Sunday. Participants are asked to wear enclosed footwear, long pants and sleeves, a hat and bring a water bottle. Also participants are asked to bring their own gardening gloves if you have them.

The event will get underway at Cabbage Tree Creek behind Judy Masters Oval, Balgownie, from 10am to 11.30am, on Sunday, July 30. Register:...


FlameFest: A spectacular fiery festival is igniting regional Victoria this August "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Get ready to feel the heat as the FlameFest FireShow Festival sets Benalla ablaze with a sizzling lineup of fire installations, mesmerizing light shows, live music, and jaw-dropping fire performances.

Its time to embrace the warmth of an unforgettable event that combines all the best elements of a modern-day festival with a spectacular FireShow.

FlameFest Benalla

  • Date: 12 August 2023, 4pm 10pm
  • Location: Benalla Racing Club
  • General Release Tickets $10 Adults, $5 Kids (4 years and younger free)

Keep up with the latest in local news and entertainment here.

Step into a world of flaming wonder as the FireShow Festival brings you an extraordinary program that includes everything from breathtaking fire shows, fire-breathers, and fire-twirlers to thrilling stunt performances and jaw-dropping fire sculptures. And thats not all; you can expect roving performers, magic shows, a BBQ and food truck festival, plenty of kids games, and much, much more!

So whats good?

Fire Shows (Performed on Stage): Brace yourself for high-impact, interactive, and explosive fire shows that are world-renowned. Featuring fire eating, fire whips, specialist fire props, and choreography that will leave you stunned, amazed, and completely blown away.

Blunderbuss Jones: A true multi-talented artist, Blunderbuss Jones combines music, circus performance, and flame effects to deliver unique and captivating stage and roving performances. Watch in awe as he plays the flaming trumpet the only artist worldwide to offer a propane-fuelled trumpet!

Ambient Fire Space: Immerse yourself in a mesmerizing space filled with up to six performers showcasing technical and captivating displays of fire. Hosted by an artist with a Bluetooth headset, this space will welcome and warm crowds of any size.

Umbra Lux: Prepare to be enchanted by beautiful dancers adorned with LED and fire wings, gracefully weaving through the event space, posing for photos, or amping up the crowd with their moves. Umbra Lux is captivating, jaw-dropping, and simply stunning!

Roving Magicians: Be amazed as our resident magician skillfully weaves through the crowds, wowing patrons with jaw-dropping close-up magic skills. Hell leave behind a combination of stunned silences, loud cheers, and puzzled expressions.

Invincible Creations: Watch as the stage comes alive with visually stunning designs that will wow and amaze. Specializing in LED and wooden struct...


Records of property but not people: a history of Fawkners dioxin crisis "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Driven by the Merri-Bek City Council and local community groups such as Friends of Merri Creek, the restoration of the Merri Creek has been wildly successful. To walk down the track is to feel like youve stumbled into a completely different city. One would hardly recognise this place as the runoff hub of Melbournes industrialised north, a deathly quiet place that stank of something unnatural just two generations ago.

The post Records of property but not people: a history of Fawkners dioxin crisis appeared first on Overland literary journal.


One for the Master at the local word festival "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

In a few weeks time I will be taking part in the Local Word festival in Geelong, and speaking about my novel One for the Master. Ill be joining a panel of writers who have set their works on, and been influenced by, Geelong, the Bellarine Peninsula and the Surf Coast speaking broadly, Wadawurrung Country. The panel will comprise actor and playwright Tom Molyneux, Sudanese writer Kgshak Akec, and myself, with panel chair, Rhett Davis.

One for the Master tells the story of the collapse of the woollen industry in Geelong. Geelong used to be called the Bradford of the south, and this old, dirty, proud industrial city was the one I was born and grew up in, in the 1950s and 60s.

My family first lived in West Geelong, then moved across the river to Belmont, within walking distance of the Barwon River. My sister and I used to escape down there to a place we called the swamp. Swampy it was, muddy and marshy on the river bank. It was wild and lonely and we seldom saw anybody else. It would never have occurred to our parents that we needed adult supervision or accompaniment.

Many years later, after I had moved first to Melbourne then to Canberra, I came back for a visit and was staying at my parents house with my daughter, then a toddler. I decided to take her for a walk in the pram along the river bank. It was a misty morning, autumnal, cool. We watched the mist rising from the river. After wed gone a little further, I noticed...


Demonstrators plan another picket at Russell Vale Colliery "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

A previous demonstration at the Russell Vale Colliery.

PROTESTORS have planned another picket and demonstration at Russell Vale Colliery on Saturday morning (July 29 2023).

Residents group Stop Russell Vale Mine are joining the Illawarra Knitting Nannas Against Greed to picket the mine and sing protest songs as part of a series of similar actions in recent years.

A spokesperson from Stop Russel Vale Mine, Renata Field, said the colliery is the closest mine to any residential area in Australia.

We are here to protest the impacts of its pollution on local waters, extra trucks on our local roads, coal dust in the air we breathe, and the extra 11 million tonnes a year of greenhouse gases released into our atmosphere, Ms Field said.

Ms Field said the demonstration...


Celebrate family history during August "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Emmett family in Helensburgh, 1987. Picture: Wollongong City Libraries Collection

AUGUST is National Family History Month, and to celebrate Wollongong City Libraries is encouraging people to explore their own family stories or to learn more about those from the past whove called the city home.

Throughout the month of August there will be a range of events, displays and opportunities for people of all ages to learn more about the unique history of the City of Wollongong by looking at the everyday experiences of ordinary people.

Wollongong Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery said that the Illawarra community is made of a vibrant and fascinating collection of family stories.



Work on Otford causeway to start in August "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

The damaged Otford causeway

CONSTRUCTION works to replace the causeway on Otford Road will start in early August, six months after it was damaged beyond repair in a major weather event.

The replacement causeway has been designed to current, contemporary standards and, Wollongong City Councils general manager, Greg Doyle said will be able to withstand major storm events.

The causeway, he says, has improved features, including debris deflectors to prevent blockages during times of significant rainfall, better line marking and additional warning signage.

We all remember the images of the original causeway with its huge slabs of concrete lifted out of place and moved along the Hacking River and the broken culverts after that February rain event, Mr Doyle said.

 It was visually very dramatic but for the locals it was also a major concern as this was an important access road. I am very proud of the team for all their hard work behind the scenes to see us work through the design, consultation and the start of construction in just a six-month timeframe.

We recognise that the local communi...


Victoria to ban gas connection to all new homes "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

From 1 January 2024, planning permits for new homes and residential subdivisions will only connect to all-electric networks, with houses taking advantage of more efficient, cheaper, and cleaner electric appliances.

Conservationists and the healthcare workers industry are just two sectors of the community overjoyed about the news that the Victorian government will ban gas connections to new houses from January 1 next year.

The announcement this morning by the Andrews Labor Government is a landmark decision to phase out gas in new homes and boasts that new Victorian households will save up to $1,000 off their annual energy bills while reducing household emissions.

From 1 January 2024, planning permits for new homes and residential subdivisions will only connect to all-electric networks, with houses taking advantage of more efficient, cheaper, and cleaner electric appliances.

Victorian Environment Minister Lily DAmbrosio that from 1 January Victoria would: Require that all new planning permits refuse gas in favour of all-electric buildings; ensure that any future State Government buildings are gas free; offer a package of grants for residential fuel switching, and; create a $10 million reskilling package to assist workers in the transition to a post gas energy economy for Victoria.

All new homes will go electric

These changes will apply to all new homes requiring a planning permit, including new public and social housing delivered by Homes Victoria.

Environment group Friends of the Earth Melbourne has welcomed the measures to reduce the states dependency on fossil methane gas. They say this announcement is a critical step towards the top demand reduction recommendation contained in the No More Gas campaigns Community Gas Retirement Roadmap, that any further residenti...


Shoulda Been Here Yesterday: The Ocean Art Exhibition Making Waves on Surf Coast "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Get ready to dive into an extraordinary ocean art exhibition thatll leave you in awe of the seas beauty and power.

Shoulda Been Here Yesterday is making a splash as it kicks off the highly anticipated Surf Coast Arts Trail next weekend, showcasing the talent of local women and non-binary artists.

Shoulda Been Here Yesterday

  • Date: Friday 4 August
  • Time: 5.30-7.30pm
  • Location: Hoop Gallery, The MAC, 77 Beach Rd, Torquay

Stay up to date with whats happening within the regions art scene here

Curated by the dynamic duo Jessi Rebel and Ula Majewski, this multi-media group show is all about our deep connection to the saltwater and the coastal places we call home. The exhibition puts the spotlight on First Nations artists and other ocean creatives living on Wadawurrung Country, making it a celebration of culture, creativity, and community.

Speaking about the exhibition, Jessi Rebel, one of the talented curators, shared her excitement, saying, I love the way that art can bring people together, and so to co-curate Shoulda Been Here Yesterday with the intention of creating conversations about the ongoing impacts of climate change on Sea Country and our invaluable coastal areas just makes sense to me.

Its cool to have a bunch of really amazing local artists wanting to contribute to this space, bringing their creative expression of those ideas and visions that prompt us all to think about how we go forward to fighting and caring for the areas we love the most.

Jenna Winship

And trust us, this isnt just any ordinary art show. Its a chance for these local artists to showcase their passion for the ocean and its conservation, prompting all of us to think about how we can protect and preserve the areas we cherish the most. Its a beautiful blend of creativity and advoc...


Unwind and Recharge at Aurora Spa & Bathhouses Three-Day Retreat "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

<p>If lifes been throwing lemons at you and youre in dire need of some serious TLC, listen up! Aurora Spa & Bathhouse is coming to the rescue with their all-inclusive three-day wellness retreat from Sunday, 6 August to Wednesday, 8 August.

Keep up with the latest Victorian travel destinations, news and tips </i></b><a href= ""><span class= "s1"><b><i>here</i></b></span></a><b><i>. </i></b></p> <p>Nestled on the picturesque coast of the Mornington Peninsula, Aurora Spa & Bathhouse is a luxurious wellness centre thats all about the healing powers of water and ancient European curative therapies.</p> <p>The retreat offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, immersing you in therapeutic experiences thatll do wonders for your body and mind.</p> <p>Now, lets talk about the goodies! This retreat is as inclusive as they come. Not only will you get to relax in the lap of luxury at the adjoining Intercontinental Sorrento Hotel, but youll also be treated to nutritious and delicious meals thatll make your taste buds dance with joy. And the best part? Unlimited access to the bathhouseyes, you heard it rightunlimited! Youll be able to soak away your worries and let the stresses of the world melt away in the soothing waters.</p> <blockquote class="instagram-media"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <p> </p> <div style="display: flex;"> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex;"> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style= "background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"></div> <div style= "display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style= "color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;"> View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"></div> <div style="display: flex; margin-bottom: 14px;"> <div>...</div> </div> </div> </blockquote>


Experts push back against Victoria Polices grab for new powers to detain children "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

A coalition of over 40 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, health, legal, social, community services and youth advocacy organisations from across Victoria have called on Premier Daniel Andrews and Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes to commit to ruling out any new powers for police over children, once the age of criminal responsibility is raised. The calls respond to recent comments from Victoria Police Commissioner Shane Patton seeking power to arrest and detain children as young as 10, after the reforms are implemented. 

In an open letter, the coalition calls for the Victorian Government to invest in a model of care for children which ensures they have the critical supports they need. This model must be designed in close collaboration with Aboriginal communities, advocates for children in the care system and other overrepresented communities. The letter also urges the Victorian Government to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14 without exceptions.

In May 2023, Victoria Police Commissioner Patton appeared before the Yoorrook Justice Commission and acknowledged that policing of Aboriginal people today is still influenced by systemic and structural racism. Aboriginal young people are almost six times more likely to be processed by police as alleged offenders than non-Aboriginal young people. Any new police powers would disproportionately affect Aboriginal children and families. 

Criminalising children is never the answer to behaviours resulting from complex, unmet needs. Evidence shows that any engagement with the criminal legal system, including first contact with police, can be highly distressing and cause harm to a young child.  

In a crisis, children need first responders who are skilled in health, youth support and other critical services. 

There will be better outcomes for Victorias children, families and communities in the long-term if children are diverted away from the criminal legal system. 

Quotes attributable to Anoushka Jeronimus, Youthlaw Program Director at WestJustice, Co-Convenor of Smart Justice for Young People: 

Children who harm others are also victims of harm themselves. Victoria needs to raise the age of criminal responsibility and ensure the most vulnerable children are being supported, not arrested. These children need health, youth and education services, and it should be child and family workers taking the lead, not police. Its better in the long-run for children and the wider community if children stay in school, get the support they need, and reconnect with their families now.

Quotes attributable to Amala Ramarathinam, Acting Managing Lawyer at the Human Rights Law Centre: 

Raising the age of criminal r...


If Albaneses such a buddy of Bidens, why is Assange still in jail? "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

An initial refusal from Biden is only an invitation to ask a second time, in a firmer voice

Bob Carr Bob Carr was NSWs longest-serving premier and is a former Australian foreign affairs minister. 27 jul 23,

Julian Assange is in his fourth year in Britains Belmarsh prison. If the current appeal fails, he will be shackled and driven off in a prison van and flown across the Atlantic on a CIA aircraft for a long trial. He faces likely life imprisonment in a federal jail, perhaps in Oklahoma.

In 2021, then opposition leader Anthony Albanese said, Enough is enough. I dont have sympathy for many of his actions, but essentially, I cant see what is served by keeping him incarcerated.

As prime minister, Albanese said he had already made his position clear to the Biden administration. We are working throu...


Unleash your inner Highlander at Kryal Castles Highland Spectacular "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

For two days only, on August 19 and 20, the iconic medieval castle in Ballarat is transforming into a highland paradise, complete with pipe bands, highland dancing, clan tents, and of course, mouthwatering Scottish food and drink.

Keep up with the latest in local news and entertainment here.

If youve ever dreamed of experiencing a true highland gathering, this is your chance. Witness thrilling performances from legendary Scottish warriors, fearless armoured knights, and their mighty steeds.

Prepare to be awed by athletes showcasing incredible feats of power and the majestic grace of highland horses and cows. And for those eager to explore their own Scottish roots, head over to a clan tent and unveil the secrets of your ancestry.


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The Voice confusing for migrants and refugees "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

If youre finding the definition, intention and scope of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament confusing, you can only imagine the struggle that some newly arrived migrants and refugees are having.

A new survey has found that many are largely unaware and confused about the proposal to create The Voice.

An overwhelming majority of newcomers know little about The Voice proposal or the upcoming referendum and the change it would mean to Australias constitution.

Migrant and refugee settlement agency AMES Australia recently surveyed 150 people from 30 different countries studying English or accessing migrant or refugee settlement services at, Noble Park, Dandenong, Werribee, Footscray and in Western Sydney. All had been in Australia less than five years.

130 of the participants were surveyed randomly and a control groups of 30 people were surveyed after a 30-minute explanation session on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

Not aware of The Voice

Among the random group, more than 67 per cent of respondents were either not aware or only partly aware of The Voice Proposal and 75 per cent were not aware it would mean a change to the constitution.

Asked whether they generally supported the idea of a Voice, 40 per cent were unsure, although almost 50 per cent said they were in favour.

But the survey found that the more people knew about The Voice, the more likely they were to support it. 

Among the sample group who received an explanation session, 80 per cent said they were in favour of the creation of The Voice and another 20 per cent were mostly in favour.

Eighty percent of this group said they were aware of The Voice proposal and 20 per cent were mostly aware.

Fifty per cent said they were aware of the details of The Voice proposal and another 30 per cent were mostly aware.

Eighty per cent of respondents in the control group said they were aware, or mostly aware, of the historical lack of representation of indigenous peoples in national affairs. For the random group this figure was just 25 per cent.

Who would vote Yes or No

Asked if they would vote for a Voice to Parliament, among the random group 50 per cent were unsure, 37.5 per cent said they would and 12.5 per cent said they would not. In the control group, 80 per cent said they would vote for a Voice and 20 per cen...


The Star-Spangled Kangaroo "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"


A new US warship has been ushered into service in Sydney. The ship is called the USS Canberra to honor the military union of the United States and Australia, and, if thats still too subtle for you, it has a literal star-spangled kangaroo affixed to its side.

Thats right: the first US warship ever commissioned in a foreign port has been emblazoned with a kangaroo covered in the stars and stripes of the Unit...


This pro-mask study is why you should NEVER Trust the Science "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Kit Knightly Last week it was reported that the Australian state of Victoria may be considering permanent facemask mandates to achieve zero-Covid. Now, we dont need to get into the personal liberty implications of such a law, or  the near-infinite supply of evidence that masks dont work to prevent the transmission of respiratory disease. They


Russia Will Not Renew International Grain Deal; Some Context "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

By Ted Snider | The Libertarian Institute | July 27, 2023

Like the war that necessitated it, Russias decision not to renew the United Nations and Turkish-brokered grain deal is bad for the world but not wholly unprovoked.

The deal allowed Ukraine safe passage for its grain laden ships through the mined and blockaded Black Sea ports so it could continue to export its agriculture to the world.

On July 17, Russia announced its decision not to renew the deal.

It has repeatedly been reported that Russias decision is retaliation for Ukraines recent sabotage of the Kerch Strait bridge that links Crimea to the Russian mainland. But President Vladimir Putin had announced the distinct possibility of suspending the agreement prior to the attack on the bridge.

During a July 13 question period, in a response to a journalist, Putin said, prior to the attack on the bridge, We can suspend our participation in this deal.

Putin gave two reasons for suspending the deal after having extended this so-called deal many times. The first is that, though it was Russia that suspended the deal, it was the West that broke it. As for the conditions under which we agreed to ensure the safe export of Ukrainian grain, yes, there were clauses in this agreement with the United Nations, according to which Russian interests had to be taken into account as well, Putin said. Not a single clause related to what is in the interests of the Russian Federation has been fulfilled.

Announcing the decision not to renew the deal four days later, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov repeated that charge; Unfortunately, the part of the Black Sea agreement that concerns Russia has not yet been fulfilled. As a result, it has been terminated. However, he added that As soon as the Russian part [of the deal] is fulfilled, the Russian side will immediately return to the implementation of this deal. Putin made a similar pledge in his answer to the journalist. One option, he said, is not first the extension and then the honouring of promises, but first the honouring of promises and then our participation. What do I mean? We can suspend our participation in this deal, and if everybody once again says that all the promises made to us will be fulfilled, let them fulfil themand we will immediately join this deal. Again.

George Beebe of the Quincy Institute has...


All your questions about going electric in DC answered! "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

DC residents can lower their utility bills and make their homes safer and cleaner! 

The Inflation Reduction Act act provides money to states to pay for home electrification. Starting as soon as fall 2023, DC will be using this money to pay for complete home electrification for low income homeowners, provide some assistance to those with higher incomes, and to provide renters with rebates for electric appliances. Beyond this, DC has additional funding available through Solar For All and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). 

The most important thing you can do right now is sign up with the Department of Energy and the Environment to be contacted about free home electrification programs as soon as they become available. Please fill out this form to be notified; despite the heading saying IRA Rebates Interest Form, the DC DOEE will use the form to ke...


INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton Why Russia and Africa Are Natural Partners "IndyWatch Feed Qld"

Putin and Russia are realising that Africa can be equal partners going forward in a multipolar world.

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on July 26, 2023,  Patrick talks with independent French researcher and journalist Freddie Ponton, discusses the recent Russia-Africa Summit in St. Petersburg and why this marks a historic shift in the balance of power and influence globally. It seems that, unlike the West, Putin and Russia recognise that 21st-century Africa can be equal partners going forward in a multipolar world. BRICS is also the pet of this new paradigm as African leaders look to escape the Wests IMF debt trap which has stunted their development for the last 50 years. All this and more. Listen:

More from Freddie:

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):




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INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine Obamas Chef, Barbie vs Oppenheimer & More "IndyWatch Feed Qld"

A discussion on this weeks politics, scandals and culture.

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on July 25, 2023, Patrick talks with Basil Valentine, host of the show Compass with Basil Valentine on TNT Radio, and our roving correspondent for culture & sport,  about the mysterious death of Obamas personal chef near the Obama mansion in Marthas Vineyard, and rumours surrounding the tragedy. Also, Hollywood continues to go downmarket woke with the new Barbie film which goes head to head at the box office with Christopher Nolans Oppenheimer. And a new UK leftwing alternative political party is being launched called Transform, but will of be able to overcome Britains first past the post two-party duopoly? All this and more. Listen:

More from Basil:
TNT Radio

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):




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Thursday, 27 July


Live There, Got the T-Shirt "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"


Its almost impossible to talk about Winnipeg, Manitoba, without talking about its inferiority complex. When I first moved here, by choice, in 2008, people would always ask me, Why? Why would you do such a thing? Why would you move here?

Over the next few years, I had fun attempting to answer this question on my blog, alongside two other close friends who had decided to give Winnipeg a try. Bringing our positive, curious, and upbeat lens to civic life in a notoriously self-loathing place led to all sorts of fun experiences and even what we felt could be 15 minutes of local fame

We wrote about interesting local expressions, pronunciations, and practices. We compared systems here to the ones we had been used to in the places wed previously lived. That first summer we even got invited by a local radio station to determine the best restaurant patio in the city and do in-studio reports on our research. We were mostly writing the blog for ourselves, and it was nuts to us that our takes were so novel and unexpected that anyone else was interested.

After a few years, my unbridled enthusiasm for Winnipeg had definitely waned, for several reasons. Becoming a parent had jostled my rose-colored glasses and I could now see a little more clearly the way that people in the city were struggling. This intensified when we decided to sell our car and get around primarily by bus, bike, and walking. Meeting other people who wanted a better city was a blessing and a curse: a feeling of finding my people but also having too many discussions about how unhappy our city was making us. 

And so it was, that when I walked into a spring market a couple of months ago and saw a T-shirt that read I dont NOT love Winnipeg, I knew I had to have it.



The Pandelusion "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

my new book, The Bug in our Thinking. In it I quote Carl Sagan from 1996:

Weve arranged a society based on science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology. And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces. Who is running the science and technology in a democracy if the people dont know anything about it?

Science is more than a body of knowledge, its a way of thinking. A way of sceptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility. If we are not able to ask sceptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be sceptical of those in authority, then were up for grabs for the next charlatan, political or religious, who comes ambling along.

Sagan was on the money. Every day brings news of more absurdities from charlatans in science, education, politics and media. To quote myself, from the same book: Never have so many been so wrong about so much.

Why is this happening?

If I could answer that in a couple of paragraphs I would not have had to write a whole book. Here, I will focus on just one element. Underneath all the dangerous and troubling beliefs about gender, climate, race, migration, medicine and vaccination lies a psychological problem. Too many people believe things that are not true. This is the new normal. Lets call it the Pandelusion.

The Pandelusion thinking and doing the right thing is the worldview relentlessly promoted by most of the media and driven by bad science and big money.

This doesnt require a conspiracy by the way. That is just what the profit motive will do when untrammelled by conscience or virtue. For the controlling minority of society it is extremely lucrative to promote the Pandelusion. For the majority, the result is an expensive, destructive, disempowering rip-off.

It would take an encyclopaedia to itemise and refute each of the delusions one at a time. In fact it already has. On websites and Substacks and in books and scholarly journals millions of words have been written refuting every one of the dominant delusions with rational argumen...


Womens World Cup welcome ceremony stuns "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

AUSTRALIA has gone green and gold for the Matildas with more than 75,000 fans turning up to watch their first World Cup match against Ireland.

The Matildas kicked off their campaign at Stadium Australia with a 1-0 win thanks to step-in captain Steph Catleys penalty in the second half as the Tillies opened their campaign last week. 

Close to 1.4 million tickets have been snapped up, surpassing previous tournament records. More Matildas jerseys have sold than the Socceroos managed during and since the 2022 mens World Cup, according to sportswear brand Nike. 

The match was initially scheduled to take place at the 42,000-capacity Sydney Football Stadium, but Football Australia (FA) and FIFA agreed to take a chance and flip the game to the bigger venue. 

All of Australias major cities, including Melbournes iconic football hub Federation Square, are turning green and gold with dedicated live sites. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese sent a message of support to the Matildas ahead of their opening


Live prison broadcasts "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

THE unique Beyond the Bars live prison radio show aired once again during NAIDOC Week this July. 

Run by a team of volunteers from 3CR community radio in Naarm (Melbourne), Beyond the Bars gives inmates in prisons across Victoria the opportunity to broadcast live-to- air. 

Featuring music, discussion, rap and shout outs to family, the program began in 2002 and each year it features songs, stories, opinions and poems from the men and women inside, while also connecting them with culture and community. 

Robbie Thorpe, a presenter on 3CR and one of the volunteers with Beyond the Bars, told the Koori Mail the program is an opportunity for mob inside to have a little shout out to their families and connect in a small way. Theres a lot of restrictions in jails as you can imagine. 

The series broadcasts every day during NAIDOC Week from a different prison. Yet along with the live-to-air which can also be streamed online anytime volunteers also work with inmates during the weeks leading up to the broadcast for training and


Beneath The Pink Patriarchy-Hate, Barbie Tries To Answer: What Is A Woman? "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Does 'Barbie' fully grasp the underpinnings of its own message about what it means to be a woman, and ultimately what it means to be human?


Huge Grass Fire in Eastern Washington: Was Drought or Climate Change a Factor? "IndyWatch Feed Qld"

A very large and fast-growing wildfire in eastern Washington burned through grass and range vegetation starting during the late afternoon of July 21st.   

Picture courtesy of Susan Stevenson

Called the Newell Road fire, the blaze expanded to roughly 60,000 acres just north of the Columbia Gorge east of The Dalles (see burn area below).

Some politicians and media outlets are claiming that this wildfire can be traced back to drought, which in turn was caused by climate change.   

For example, a Seattle Times today quotes Washington State Land Commissioner Hilary Franz:



How to Deal With Grief: Yes, There Is Light "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Freedom Under Attack

One of the things that is driving a lot of people crazy right now is the ease with which our inalienable freedoms are being taken away.

It seems unfathomable and insane. Weve believed so naively in our hearts that due to our great luck of living in the West, we can move around as we please and say what we think. But now? Now, suddenly, we find ourselves in a place where we are just like the folks in other parts of the world where people have no meaningful rights. And our hearts scream, why is being done to us, why?!!

We are now being told to trust the Man over the evidence of our own eyes. We are told to "not do our own research" and keep our opinions to ourselves. We are told to take shorter showers and freak out about our gas stoves.

We are told to feel bad about ourselves in general unless we are willing to let go of whatever bodily and spiritual sovereignty weve enjoyed up until three years ago and replace our independent decision making with internalized enthusiasm and compliance with the barking orders of the day.

It is very hard for any human being to process the fact that our sovereign bodies are viewed by our elected and unelected rulers not as our sovereign bodies but as property of theirs. By the way, when we talk about bodily sovereignty, we often do so in the context of vaccine mandates but the mandates are merely "their" foot in the door. "They" want more!

For example, in 2019, in a curious article titled, "Privacy in 2034: A corporation owns your DNA (and maybe your body)," Fast Company asked: "Should you have a right to keep your emotions, mental state, and other biometric details private from persistent recognition?" Oh really, should I? You are asking me that with a straight face? Well, I happen to know the correct answer to that question, and the answer is, "Yes, I should, and I do, and by the way, its an abusive question to ask."

So indeed, it is very hard to process the fact that our sovereign bodies are treated by the "masters" as property of theirs. It was very hard for those who had faced such abuse in the past, and it is very hard for us.

It is hard to face the absurd "new normal" reality in which many joys of life that weve b...


"IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica" "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/26/23).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
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Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

(29) Graveyard Pirate on Twitter: "Just a quick update just to show my appreciation to this crew! Y'all need to tune in to @AMwakeup this morning as I am quite confident there will be something that inspires you to think Outside the Box! @SlowNewsDayShow @crrow777 @TLAVagabond @_RantCast @SoundwavePromo1" / Twitter
UFO hearing live stream: Whistleblower gives evidence at US House panel hearing - BBC News
(21) Chief Nerd on Twitter: " Fmr. Intelligence Officer David Grusch Says the U.S Government is in Possession of UAP's "I know the exact locations and those locations were provided to the Inspector General"" / Twitter
uap - Brave Search
(13) on Twitter: "NOW - US recovered non-human biological pilots from crashed crafts, UFO whistleblower says in hearing." / Twitter


The DOJ Is So Compromised, A Special Counsel For Biden Family Corruption Wont Do Jack "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

scales of justiceAnother special counsel isnt the answer to rampant Biden, DOJ, and FBI corruption. Impeachment for corrupt officials is.


Should Council manage or oppose the overcrowding of Frankston? "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

In the Your Questions answered section of the Frankston Councils [1] that Frankstons population will increase by 20,000, curiously, no time period over which this projected increase is to occur is given. 20,000 represents one extra inhabitant for every seven of the current 141,002 inhabitants of Frankston. [2] In contrast, at the start of the YouTube video Frankston City Council Metropolitan Actvity Centre (FMAC) Structure Plan [3] released in September 2022, it is stated that Melbournes population is set to more than double in the next 30 years.

So, why the apparent discrepancy, unless, Frankston Council is now trying to downplay the amount by which they expect the population of Frankston to increase?

However, it is clear that even Frankston Council accepts that an increase, even by only 1 in 7, necessitates changes to planning zones, that is allowing, or forcing, owners of free-standing homes to sell their properties to be converted into high-rise developments. Neighbourhoods will become ever more crowded and more congested, whilst those still living in free-standing homes will be hit with ever higher council rates as their property valuations rise.

Those who are now struggling to pay mortgages and rent, can only expect worse as the cost of housing gets higher from greater demand. The same will occur for other living expenses including medication, education, petrol, electricity, gas and other services, as higher demand can only drive prices up. Given that ever more agricultural land stands to be lost to urban development, the price of food could increase to an even greater extent, over and above expected losses due to climate change.

Native bushland and other recreation areas will become more scarce.

Why add to Melbournes traffic congestion?

Melbourne's traffic congestionMelbournes infamous traffic congestion, together with crowding in public transport can only become worse if the population of all of Melbourne, including that of Frankston, continues to grow.

High-rise living unhealthy, uninsurable and wastes energy

Most multi-storey apartments require additional energy, whether for lifts, air-conditioning and clothes drying, and limit the exposure to fresh air, grass and vegetation, for children and pets to play in. In addition, insurers currently do not insure any appartment building in Victoria more than three stories high.

When were Frankston residents ever consulted about whether to increase our population?

The stated purpose of todays `community....

Tuesday, 25 July


Big Boy Anthony Weiner Loses His Mind When Someone Suggests That Big Girl Hillary Clinton Has a Body Count "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Kay Smythe Daily Caller July 20, 2023

Disgraced former Democratic New York congressman-turned-self-proclaimed big boy Anthony Weiner lost his freaking mind when asked Thursday about rumors that the Clinton family has a body count.

Patrick Bet-David put the question to Weiner, referencing a popular conspiracy theory that former President Bill Clinton and his wife, twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, have had people killed. How is it that the reputation that follows [the Clintons] is people close to them die? the host asked in a clip shared from the show.

For whatever reason, Weiner seemed to take serious offense to the question. He immediately tried to turn the conversation around, claiming that every president has a prevailing conspiracy or reputation related to them, but PBD had already noted many of them prior to asking his initial question.

In less than a minute the entire conversation turns into a screaming match, with Weiner refusing to answer the question, and PBD pushing it harder and harder. You are implying something nefarious is afoot, both with the question, and with the list [of alleged dead people related to the Clintons], Weiner said when he was finally allowed to respond.

Hillary Clinton, shes a big girl. Im a big boy. Youre a big boy. The people that you just listed, these are obscure people that you could not pull out of a Weiner continued, trailing off as the screaming began anew.

The entire thing lasted almost six minutes, and it is kind of painful to watch. Two grown men trying to have an argument, only to have it descend into a high school screaming match is very cringe. (RELATED: I Got You B*tch: Joe Rogan Has A Wild Theory On Jeffrey Epstein And Bill Clintons Relationship)

PBD then made the argument that most of the conspiracy theories and reputations of politicians and political figures are founded in truth. He even alluded to the fact that Weiner has a pretty gross reputation, considering that he went to pris...

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