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Tuesday, 11 July


Centrelink bogus debts: How far can the vulnerable be pushed before they break? FLASHBACK 2017 Independent Australia

Centrelink bogus debts: How far can the vulnerable be pushed before they break? FLASHBACK 2017

The Robodebt Royal Commission recommended prosecutions for the Coalition criminals behind the illegal welfare hunt.

In this article from 2017, Eleanor Green, one of the brave victims who spoke out about the scheme, shared her experience of receiving a Centrelink debt notice.

I AM ONE of the lucky people who have received a false debt notice from Centrelink.

The letter states:

We have completed our review of your employment income details and made a decision to change the amount you were entitled to receive.

You might notice it does not say I received more than I was entitled to. Rather, the Government has changed their mind about how much to pay me after the fact.

The debt notices scandal, or should I say scam, has been blamed on faulty government technology. When I received the notice, I was not surprised. It just seems typical of the Government, with its expertise in combining bullying and incompetence. The notice refers to a period over five years ago, when I was working casually as a checkout operator at Coles and I diligently reported my income at the time on a fortnightly basis.

Over the past six months, almost 200,000 debt notices have been delivered. They continue to be sent out at up to 20,000 per week, which is approximately the same amount that was sent for the whole of 2015. Meanwhile, Centrelink seems to be in no hurry to rectify the problem. There are plans to send out 1.7 million debt notices, in order to grab back $4 billion from welfare recipients.

Pressure on the Government to do something about it is hi...


Melbournes Triple R radio on The Palestine Laboratory Antony Loewenstein

My interview with Melbournes Triple R Radio program, The Grapevine, about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory:

The Palestine Laboratory is a new book by journalist Antony Loewenstein that documents how Israels subjugation of the Palestinian people serves as a testing ground for weapons and surveillance systems that are then exported around the world.

Built on extensive research, interviews and on-the-ground reporting, the book draws on modern events including Harvey Weinstein, 9/11 and the current crisis in Ukraine to show the consequences of a military industrial complex that facilitates the persecution of groups in many parts of the world.

Antony joined Dylan and Kulja on The Grapevine to talk through it all.

Whats happening in Palestine is not staying there the occupation is being exported The technologies and tools that Israel has developed over decades whether its spyware drones or facial recognition technology is now a massive export business to countless countries around the world.

The post Melbournes Triple R radio on The Palestine Laboratory appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


Untenable No Right Turn

If a political party had been playing host to someone accused of historical indecent assault, you'd think that's the sort of thing voters ought to be able to know during an election campaign. But not according to this snobby judge:

A former political party figure charged with indecent assault will keep his name under wraps until his trial next year.

His lawyer Ian Brookie successfully argued the case could have become a political football in an election year, jeopardising his clients right to a fair trial.

Brookie defused what was alleged to be a potential election bombshell in two hearings about a month ago in the Auckland District Court.

Judge Anna Skellern recently released her reserved judgment to parties in the case, granting the man ongoing interim name suppression until his trial, scheduled to start on August 19, 2024.

This is terrible for voters, who are being denied information which could affect their vote. Its terrible for the party, who are being denied the opportunity to defend themselves and dispel the inevitable suspicion that they knew or were careless about this historical offending. Its terrible for the party's candidates, who face being tarred by association and suffering reputational damage when the truth comes out. But most of all, its terrible for our democracy. Because if the party ends up in government and helping to make justice policy after the election, and then suppression is lifted, voters will rightly feel that they have been defrauded at the ballot box and that the government gained power by covering up child abuse. Which is obviously horrific for its legitimacy, and for public confidence in our democratic institutions.

But hey, we couldn't inconvenience a rich person, could we?

This is simply untenable. The consistent use of name suppression to protect the rich and powerful from the reputational consequences of their actions is already undermining public confidence in the justice system. Lets not let it take down our democracy as well.


Terrible truths about nuclear energy exposed Independent Australia

Terrible truths about nuclear energy exposed

A documentary lifting the lid on secrets surrounding the Fukushima nuclear disaster exposes the terrifying dangers of nuclear power, writes Karl Grossman.

A NEW documentary titled The Fukushima Disaster: The Hidden Side of the Story is a powerful, moving, informative film that is superbly made. Directed and edited by Philippe Carillo, it is among the strongest ever made on the deadly dangers of nuclear technology. 

Australians featured in the film are Dr Helen Caldicott, former president of Physicians for Social Responsibility, and John Keane, professor of politics at the University of Sydney. Carillo is a resident of the nation of Vanuatu, 1,750 kilometres northeast of Australia.

The documentary begins with the words of U.S. President John F Kennedy from 1961:

Every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by an accident, or miscalculation or by madness.

It then goes to the March 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan after it was struck by a tsunami. Its backup diesel generators kicked in but did not run for long, notes the documentary. That led to three of the six plant reactors exploding and theres video of this releasing an unpreceded amount of nuclear radiation into the air.

Fukushima is the worlds largest ever industrial catastrophe, then says Professor John Keane. He says there was no emergency plan and, as to the owner of Fukushima, Tokyo Electric Power Company (...


The dole-bludger myth can die now the real cheats were highly paid public servants Pigs Fly Newspaper

The dole-bludger myth can die now the real cheats were highly paid public servants

The royal commission made clear what we already knew: the only dangers to the welfare system are public servants and policy makers.


The Old Run. freef'all852

The Old Run.

Th bottom fifty lays fallow now,

No more to feel the hunger of the plough,

The fences lean a fair degree,

But its no longer a problem..

We dont run stock there any more, ysee?

The troughs are dry and filling with dust,

Rolly-pollys tumble over saltbush rough,

And the Mallee scrub is re-claiming its bush.


Since last we spoke..Stellas in a home, yknow?

Yes..the dreaded D..taking her slow,

The memory, the speech..doesnt know me now..

Tis a blasted pity and rotten way to go,

And a bloody shame, considering the effort,

We put sweat n tears, to run this show.

The ending never know.

A blasted shame n rotten way to go.


Old Tom Hart shifted uncomfortable in his chair,

Took a sip from the cup at his elbow there,

Gave his nose a twitching.. Welsh combed his hair.

Took Stella for a walk along the riverside a ways,

Tother day..didnt recognise it..was just confused..aye..,

So what happens, on the day she passes away?

There will be no memory, no dignity left to die,

Nothing at all, I spose, but a sad goodbye.a sad goodbye.


In which Dame Groan cultists must wade through murky Orwellian and bromancer waters before reaching their prize ... loon pond


Bitter regrets at astonishing sacrifices arising from sticking to the lizard Oz?

Sometimes the pond has  a few, perhaps too many to mention ... what fragile beauty, what tender moment, what Pythonish juxtaposition, was lost to the pond for all eternity by not being able to embrace gorgeous George and share his devotion? 

Plain-spoken appeal from a manly man cutting through ...and yet was it not Kipling himself who said that a brave heart and a courteous tongue would carry stout-hearted souls far through the jungle, and so the pond must abandon George, leave his plain-speaking tent, and move on to familiar fields ...

Hang on a 'mo, what else before turning to the usual day with the reptiles of the lizard Oz? 


Disharmony plaguing international women's soccer Independent Australia

Disharmony plaguing international women's soccer

As the FIFA Womens World Cup draws near and national teams begin to descend on us, it is imperative we see beyond the jerseys and anthems and understand that female athletes are women deserving of support on and off the field.

In 2009, an author and an economist published a book together called Soccernomics, which was hailed as being soccers answer to Moneyball a book based on the data of the game.

In their book, the two allude to the fact that statistically, the English Premier League has more transfers from Scandinavia than it does from Latin America, despite the fact that Latin American players are more widely known for their talent and skill.

The reason, according to them, is that time and experience have shown that Latin American players adapt poorly to the culture in the UK, which is a prerequisite to performing well at any club within the English Premier League.

The authors write:

Latin Americans dont speak English, dont like cold weather and dont tend to understand the core traditions of English football, such as drinking twenty pints of beer in a night. Few Latin Americans adjust easily to English football.


Instead of Latin Americans, English clubs traditionally bought Scandinavians. On average, Scandinavians are worse footballers than Latin Americans, but they are very familiar with English, cold weather and twenty pints of beer.

The point that the authors, Simon Kuper and Stefan Szymanski, had set out to make is that players cannot simply be seen as merchandise and transferring players from club to club and country to country is not as simple as buying the best players and expecting them to perform.

Players, as obvious as it sounds, are people and the way that they are able (or unable) to adapt to a new culture, country and climate has a statistically proven effect on...


Trying to bring probity and ethics back into the ranks of the Australian Public Service in 2023 North Coast Voices


The Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit is constituted by the Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951. The Committee initiates its own inquiries into public administration matters and can conduct inquiries into matters referred to it by either House of Parliament.

The breakdown of the current membership of the Joint Committee is:

Five Upper House Senators 3 Labor, 1 Liberal, 1 Nationals; and

Nine Lower House MPs 6 Labor, 1 Liberal, 2 Liberal-Nationals.

This new inquiry into probity and ethics within the Australian Public Sector was referred to the Joint Committee by the Department of the House of Representatives.

Inquiry into probity and ethics in the Australian Public Sector


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Monday, 10 July


An Accident Waiting to Happen: NATO Looks to Asia The AIM Network

Since the end of the Cold War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has distinctly strayed from its original purpose. It has become, almost shamelessly, the vessel and handmaiden of US power, while its burgeoning expansion eastwards has done wonders to upend the applecart of stability.  From that upending, the alliance started bungling. It engaged, without

The post An Accident Waiting to Happen: NATO Looks to Asia appeared first on The AIM Network.


The Voice Referendum: Can Colonial Era Paternalism Be Overturned? The AIM Network

By Denis Bright   By years end, voters will have delivered their verdict on the Voice Referendum. If supported in four states by a majority of voters, this constitutional change will begin a redefinition of our national culture by a timely reminder of those 60,000 years of Indigenous settlement in the only country which occupies an

The post The Voice Referendum: Can Colonial Era Paternalism Be Overturned? appeared first on The AIM Network.


Current EOI under 189 & 190 Points (Victoria) required for Invite ANZO - Computer Network 263111 with point 85 & above Requests or responses matching your saved search

Response by Department of Home Affairs to Artix Maze on .

Awaiting classification.

** This is an automated response. Please do not reply to this email **   IMPORTANT INFORMATION   Your email has been received by the Department...


Current EOI under 189 & 190 Points (Victoria) required for Invite ANZO - Computer Network 263111 with point 85 & above Requests or responses matching your saved search

Follow up sent to Department of Home Affairs by Artix Maze on .

Awaiting classification.

Thanks a lot for the information. I was able to find the requested details from the website. I was not aware of this. Thanks again, I think you can...


Albanese Government taking steps to avoid student visa crash Independent Australia

Albanese Government taking steps to avoid student visa crash

The Federal Government is currently facing challenges that could see a crash in student visa numbers, resulting in a costly aftermath, writes Dr Abul Rizvi.

IN THE PAST 40 years, whenever student visa numbers have increased very rapidly, this has come to an end with an almighty crash with far-reaching consequences for both students and education providers. Often, the Australian taxpayer had to pay to clean up the situation.

It happened in 1989-90. Addressing the aftermath of that took almost a decade. It happened again in 2008-09 and again in 2019-20.

While each of these crashes was triggered by particular events, the broad ingredients were much the same: a very rapid rise in student visa holders associated with a strong labour market and lax regulation; a high level of fraud in the caseload; a rise in questionable education providers delivering low-quality courses designed to enable students to do little study and mainly work; and education and migration agents misleading students about the cost of living in Australia and the pathways to permanent residence.

In mid-2023, the Albanese Government faces a very similar set of circumstances plus a few additional challenges that past governments did not have to deal with. The question is whether the Albanese Government can manage this situation leading to a soft landing or whether we will have another painful crash.

The number of students in Australia has over the past 18 months increased at an unprecedented rate after the re-opening of international borders (see Chart 1). The total number of students in Australia at end May 2023 was 610,065. While that was still below the peak of 633,816 in September 2019, that peak will be easily surpassed in the next few months.

(Data source:

We also need to take into account...


Climate Change: Underwhelming No Right Turn

The Greens had their pre-election AGM on the weekend, and released their manifesto, including their climate change policy. Unfortunately, its a bit underwhelming. Climate change is the biggest policy challenge facing humanity, and Aotearoa needs to do a lot more if we are to meet our Paris commitments and the 1.5 degree target. And the Greens are offering us... the status quo. Oh, there are tweaks: a standalone Ministry, moving control of ETS settings to the Climate Change Commission and out of the hands of politicians - but these are bureaucratic fiddles. There's no new policies for emissions reduction, no increased ambition, nothing substantive.

On the one hand, this is probably to be expected. James Shaw is the Climate Change Minister, and the status quo is (mostly) his policy. So of course he's focused on fixing the bits where Labour has over-ruled him. But on the gripping hand, it is clear that what we are currently doing is simply nowhere near what we need to be doing. And on that front, a wishy-washy promise to simply "price" agricultural emissions seems weak, leaving open the crucial questions of "how much" and "how much will you shrink the sector by". Because that dirty, inefficient, polluting sector needs to shrink if we are to lower emissions (and improve water quality), and pretending it doesn't does no-one any favours.

This is still the best climate change policy on offer. But I expected more from the Greens. And if they're not going to offer what's required, then who will?


Britain's corrupt Parliament No Right Turn

Last month, Transport Minister Michael Wood was forced to resign after deliberately and repeatedly concealing his pecuniary interests. There's no suggestion that they ever influenced his decision-making, but in Aotearoa we're rightly suspicious of politicians being in a position to profit from public office, and have no tolerance for politicians who refuse to comply with the basic safeguards against it. Meanwhile, in Britain, Wood's crime would have been both legal and normal:

More than 50 MPs have owned stakes in publicly listed companies that raise questions about possible conflicts of interest and that until now have been in effect secret, the Guardian can reveal.

Parliamentary rules mean MPs shareholdings, including ones that were held by the former prime minister Theresa May and the former education secretary Gavin Williamson, do not need to be publicly disclosed in parliamentary registers. But as a result voters are left in the dark about some of the financial interests of their elected representatives.


Almost all of the holdings found are not strictly required to be publicly declared under current transparency requirements. Parliamentary rules, unchanged since 2015, require MPs to register holdings they have in a single company when they own more than 15% of its shares or when their shares in it are worth more than 70,000.

That declaration threshold is around 80% of a backbench MP's salary - a ludicrously high amount. Meanwhile, in Aotearoa, there's no threshold - MPs are required to declare every company in which they have a pecuniary interest (though not, weirdly, its value). And that seems much safer. Allowing substantial financial interests - and over twice the UK median income is "substantial" to anyone who isn't a member of Britain's out-of-touch political elite - to remain secret is simply a recipe for corruption. And while UK MP's might argue that it's "within the rules", that's utterly unconvincing, given that they wrote those rules to suit themselves.

Westminster desperately needs reform to force disclosure, and ultimately divestment, of these corrupt financial interests. And until they do, UKanians are entitled to regard it as a corrupt sewer of self-serving pigs, perpetually ripping off the public to feather their own nests.

As for Aotearoa, the Guardian article mentions that the US requires its politic...


Nanoplastics: Small material causing huge problems Independent Australia

Nanoplastics: Small material causing huge problems

Plastic is in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. How does it get there and what does it mean for human health? Erica Cirino reports.

THE AIR IS plasticised and we are no better protected from it outdoors than indoors. Minuscule plastic fibres, fragments, foam and films are shed from plastic stuff and are perpetually floating into and free-falling down on us from the atmosphere. Rain flushes micro- and nanoplastics out of the sky back to Earth. Plastic-filled snow is accumulating in urban areas like Bremen, Germany and remote regions like the Arctic and Swiss Alps.

Wind and storms carry particles shed from plastic items and debris through the air for dozens, even hundreds, of miles before depositing them back on Earth. Dongguan, Paris, London and other metropolises around the world are enveloped in air that is perpetually permeated by tiny plastic particles small enough to lodge themselves in human lungs.

Toxic tyres

Urban regions are especially full of what scientists believe is one of the most hazardous particulate pollution varieties: synthetic tyre debris. As a result of the normal friction caused by brake pads and asphalt roads, and of weathering and wear, these tyres shed plastic fragments, metals, and other toxic materials. Like the plastic used to manufacture consumer items and packaging, synthetic tyres contain a manufacturers proprietary blend of poisons meant to improve a plastic products appearance and performance.

Tyre particles from the billions of cars, trucks, bikes, tractors and other vehicles moving across the world escape into air, soil, and water bodies. Scientists are just beginning to understand the grave danger. In 2020, researchers in Washington State determined that the presence of 6PPD-quinone, a byproduct of rubber-stabilising chemical 6PPD, was playing a major factor i...


SCRC's draft Marine Turtle Conservation Plan - Mapping and ALAN results Requests or responses matching your saved search

Response by Sunshine Coast Regional Council to John Thorogood on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Thorogood   I write further to my previous emails, and I have also been given your email on 3 July which you sent directly to the Natural...


Current EOI under 189 & 190 Points (Victoria) required for Invite ANZO - Computer Network 263111 with point 85 & above Requests or responses matching your saved search

Response by Department of Home Affairs to Artix Maze on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL: Sensitive Personal-Privacy Dear Artix Maze,   The Department of Home Affairs (the Department) has received your request for data on 6...


Robodebt royal commission has handed down 57 recommendations to improve the government and public service. Pigs Fly Newspaper

The inquiry has handed down 57 recommendations to improve the government and public service.

Robodebt royal commission recommends prosecutions, reform and an end to arbitrary cabinet secrecy

The robodebt royal commission has suggested individuals be referred for prosecution, alongside dozens of recommendations for the public service and federal government to clea...


Seven public servants criticised in robodebt report as agencies consider response Pigs Fly Newspaper

Commissioner Catherine Holmes found that public servants had engaged in conduct including misleading cabinet that legislation was not required for the unlawful scheme, and misleading the commonwealth ombudsman.

Seven public servants criticised in robodebt report as agencies consider response. Robodebt royal commissioner Catherine Holmes found that public servants had misled cabinet, and misled the commonwealth ombudsman.

At least seven public servants (Mark Withnell,former general manager of business integrity at the DHS,Malisa Golightly, the former deputy secretary of DHS,Annette Musolino, chief counsel at the DHS,Russell de Burgh, branch manager of the pensions and integrity branch; Serena Wilson, DSS deputy secretary; and Cath Halbert the group manager of payments policy at the DSS. ) including former Department of Human Services (DHS) secretary, Kathryn Campbell, and former DHS secretary, Rene Leon, are the subject of adverse findings in the robodebt royal commission report released last week.



Classification application, e-mail, database webpage screenshot of Halo Infinite and Halo Infinite (Campaign); e-mail about releasing footage file Requests or responses matching your saved search

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Good morning, Thank you for your email. To confirm we sent the documents to your proton mail account, and they may have been blocked by fi...


In which the pond starts the week with a Killer parade, thanks be unto the Major and the Caterist ... loon pond


Jason Clare seriously defamed rocks, and for a nanosecond, the pond thought of taking a defamation action against him on behalf of rocks everywhere, as they do their best to help humanity.. . All the empathy of a rock: Jason Clare accuses Peter Dutton of playing politics in the wake of bombshell Robodebt findings (warning, a click will reward News Corp).

But rocks are loved, rocks are empathetic, rocks are caring, and the rock love you take is equal to the rock love they make. And it's not just the passing fad of pet rocks, still being peddled on Amazon.

Why the pond can remember going to the Ryan-ji Zen temple and contemplating the fifteen most perfectly placed rocks , though it's alleged you can only see the fifteenth stone when you've attained enlightenment. Perhaps thinking of Queensland plods prevented the pond from reaching enlightenment.

Sure minerals and crystals and such like take the limelight with hippies, but if you look around you can get grounding stones for anxiety and panic attacks, and therapy rocks and massage stones and rocks.

Couldn't Clare have found a better, more suitable comparison, and left hapless, cuddly rocks alone? How about Sauron? Clare could even have flung in a joke about one Queensland plod to rule them all. What about all the empathy of a Hannibal Lecter? Darth Vader? Thanos? The Joker? Voldemort has a pretty close matching look - too close for some - and agent Smith is almost an aspirational figure in terms of style and presentation.

Or you could go high art like the immortal Rowe, with a hint of robo Terminator in the eye ...



The saga of Donald Trump Jr Down Under Independent Australia

The saga of Donald Trump Jr Down Under

Australias security agencies must watch closely the speech and actions of Don Jr and expel him at the earliest opportunity, as Alan Austin reports.

*Also listen to the "" target= "_blank">HERE.

DONALD TRUMP JR, the oldest son of former U.S. President Donald Trump, finally has his visa to visit Australia. There was some doubt the Albanese Government would grant this after an online petition garnered more than 20,000 signatures.

The petition simply read:

Donald Trump Jr is an illegal drug-taking bigoted person who should not be allowed to enter Australia for the purpose of earning himself and possibly his father any Campaign Contributions. 


Ban him from this country.

Trump family criminality

Surprisingly, the petition doesnt mention Don Juniors role in the Trump Organisation, arguably the worlds most notorious criminal operation.

In January this year, the property development group was found guilty of multiple fraud charges arising from a 15-year scheme to evade taxes payable on senior executive incomes. The corporation was fined the maximum of US$1.6 million (AU$2.4 million). Chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg copped five months in gaol.

Those convictions came after decades of adverse judgments for illegal activities. The Trumps were...


We want the forest but fear the spirits: labour mobility predicaments in Samoa, part two "IndyWatch Feed"

This three-part Professor Meleisea at the 2023 Pacific Update, on 15 June.

The Samoan government, which put an abrupt temporary stop to the labour mobility schemes earlier this year, is considering a draft policy paper that draws attention to key concerns about the impacts of labour mobility programs on Samoa.

The first of these policy considerations is in response to representations to government by private sector employers about losing workers, in particular losing technicians and service workers who they had trained on the job. The government is also concerned about the loss of junior skilled and educated government workers, including police, nurses, teachers and clerical staff, to seasonal work.

Michael Yemohs 2022 survey of 30 small businesses chosen at random from members of the Samoa Chamber of Commerce, found that all of them reported loss of middle and lower level employees that they had trained, and that many of the workers they lost were skilled technicians. Evidently their former employees were prepared to live in restricted conditions far from home doing mostly heavy unskilled work because the pay, even after hefty deductions, was far more than they could earn in Samoa.

It is often said that seasonal workers will return with better skills to contribute to Samoa. At a conference on labour mobility in Samoa in November 2022, speaker after speaker insisted that there was no brain drain but only brain gain. But as one young seasonal worker returning from Australia told us jokingly if we ever get a blueberry industry in Samoa, I will be able to train all the pickers.

In effect, private businesses in Australia and New Zealand are being backed by their government to source labour from overseas to overcome their labour shortages at the expense of Samoas private sector, which was clearly not intended when these schemes began. Except for the businesses selling cars, home appliances and building materials, the private sector has been hit hard, losing their investment in training workers and facing similar labour shortages to employers in rural New Zealand and Australia, in circumstances where they cant compete on wages.

Most of the industries in which Samoan seasonal workers are employed overseas are unlikely to ever be established in Samoa. Local wages will not attract Samoans to return to local employment unless they have no other choice. Most of them hope to do seasonal work again, year after year. This narrows n...


The remains of five Ancestors have been returned to the Yaegl people of the Clarence Valley, NSW North Coast Voices


NSW Dept.of Planning and Environment, News & Media, 7 July 2023:

Honouring the Past, Healing the Present: Yaegl Ancestors Finally Rest on Country

7 July 2023

Yaegl Repatriation 
Credit: Jamie Williams Photography

The remains of 5 ancestors have been returned to the...

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Sunday, 09 July


Aotearoa/New Zealand book tour for The Palestine Laboratory Antony Loewenstein

Im looking forward to visiting New Zealand between 17 and 21 July to discuss The Palestine Laboratory. Aside from the four public events listed here, Ill also be meeting religious communities, politicians, activists and journalists.

The post Aotearoa/New Zealand book tour for The Palestine Laboratory appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


Radio New Zealand interview on The Palestine Laboratory Antony Loewenstein

My interview with one of New Zealands leading news programs, Saturday Morning with Kim Hill, to discuss my new book, The Palestine Laboratory:

Australian-German investigative journalist Antony Loewenstein argues Israel has used occupied Palestinian territories as a testing ground to develop weaponry and surveillance technology.

In his new book The Palestine Laboratory Loewenstein pulls together secret documents, interviews and contemporary reporting to argue Israel exports the resulting technology to other international conflicts.

Antony Loewenstein has written for The Guardian, and The New York Times, His books include Pills, Powder and Smoke, and the best selling Disaster Capitalism.

Antony Loewenstein is touring New Zealand later this month.

The post Radio New Zealand interview on The Palestine Laboratory appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


Silence of the damned The AIM Network

When the Liberals run out of money they come after the poor   Calculated assaults on the most vulnerable and marginalised are reduced to the natural order of things. Maeve McGregor, Crikey The Robodebt royal commissions findings clearly demonstrate why the Tories fear scrutiny and accountability. They have long abandoned any pretence of principled governance,

The post Silence of the damned appeared first on The AIM Network.


Culture wars: Roberts-Smith, Berejiklian and... the Australian cricket team Independent Australia

Culture wars: Roberts-Smith, Berejiklian and... the Australian cricket team

"Know all Rons" long defence of Ben Roberts-Smith met nods of agreement and encouraged him to pause, stretch his back and deepen his voice.

So there you go lets call it for what it is tall poppy syndrome the bloke won a Victoria Cross so of course he is innocent. I am going to stand with Ben Roberts-Smith.

"Hear hears" all round and Mick took a sip of his schooner:

You are spot on as usual, Ron. Lets drink to that.

Four schooners froze mid air and four stares were trained on Bazzas stationary glass.

Bazza broke the silence with a clearing of his throat:

Nah The bloke was not even on trial. In fact, it was a defamation suit he initiated and it backfired big time. It went for 110 days and a judgement of 736 pages. It gets summarised and tossed around in a media frenzy and we all become instant experts.

An awkward silence before "know all Ron" leaned in:

So youre against a war hero, Bazza? Bloody disappointing!

Some audible "tut tuts" spurred on "know all Ron".

The system is at fault. The same applies to the ICAC finding on poor Gladys Berejiklian

Nods of agreement and the conversation became animated about the former Premier. Her performance during the bushfires and COVID-19 lockdowns praised and her choice of boyfriend identified as her only fault.

Mick held up the conversation and fixed Bazza in his stare:

Well lets raise a glass to Gladys innocence.

Bazza again refused and Micks face reddened:

Nah Mick. Again, its a 700 odd page ruling after months of consideration of evidence we only get a glimpse of I mean whats the point of a legal system based on precedent, hopefully well considered laws, rights of appeal and highly trained legal minds or an ICAC with sweeping...


Iconic writers early death a sign of how we treat writers and scholars Independent Australia

Iconic writers early death a sign of how we treat writers and scholars

Tributes to writer Gabrielle Carey, who died in early May, are expressing great sadness. As her former mentee, Im as angry as I am sad.

Most Australians may not heard of Gabrielle Carey, but many Australians have heard of Puberty Blues, the iconic book she co-wrote with Kathy Lette. It was a popular film in 1981 and a TV series in 2012.

My teenage sister and I were captivated by the book and film, because as surfie chicks on the Gold Coast, we related to the chauvinist, shallow, destructive culture of the 1980s surf scene.

I became a journalist and roughly twenty years on, received an Australian Society of Authors mentorship with Gabrielle to work on my manuscript. It was an emerging writers dream to be mentored by one of the authors I admired the most.

The days we spent working on my novel at her big dining table in Sydney in the late 90s are etched in my memory. It was early days for computers and we worked energetically with the hard copy, cutting up pages and restructuring the entire story. One day we went for 10 hours without a break. Gabrielle supplied chocolate cake and plunger coffee and a generous amount of her time. Her wit, warmth and flat out technical competence made a difficult process fun.

She was a champion of my manuscript and helped me believe in myself as a creative writer. She never, ever shamed me for my naivet about creative writing and publishing. Gabrielle also put me in touch with her literary agent, who was an amazing support and together we got the manuscript to a quality where the leading publishing houses in Australia read it. They said it was fine writing and passed. One chapter of my novel was published in an anthology of short stories and broadcast on the ABC Short Story program.

I was okay with that outcome for a first novel, though I thought of myself as a failed creative writer until a copyright fee alerted me that a leading university has for years been using that chapter from my novel to teach creative writing.

Gabrielle contacted me on LinkedIn recently to ask how my writing was going, but I missed the message. It was a horrible shock to read she had died suddenly&r...


Gee, Mr Morrison, Were Not All Goldfish! The AIM Network

Goldfish 1 Did you know that we only have a memory span of three seconds? Goldfish 2 Thats the most depressing thing Ive ever heard! Goldfish 1 What is? Ok, thats not a very good joke and Im sure someone will point out that the goldfish memory span of three seconds is

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Morrison, Porter, Tudge: The Robodebt rogues gallery Independent Australia

Morrison, Porter, Tudge: The Robodebt rogues gallery

If there was an instance of a hideous failing in government policy and its cowardly implementation by the public service, Australias vicious Robodebt scheme is one of them.

Robodebt was a scheme developed by the Department of Human Services (DHS) and submitted as a budget measure by the then-Minister for Social Services, Scott Morrison, in 2015. Its express purpose: to recover claimed overpayments from welfare recipients stretching back to the 2010-11 financial year. The automated scheme used a deeply flawed income averaging method to assess income and benefit entitlements, yielding inaccurate results. 

Vitally, the assumption there was that recipients had stable income through the financial year.  The scheme also failed to comply with the income calculation provisions of the Social Security Act 1991 (Cth).

The results were disastrous for the victims in receipt of crude, harrying debt notices. The scheme induced despair and mental ruin. It led to various instances of suicide. It saw a concerted government assault on the poor and vulnerable. A remorseless campaign was waged by such unwholesome types as the former Human Services Minister, Alan Tudge, ever keen to libel the undeserving. 

Media outlets such as A Current Affair were more than happy to provide platforms for the demonising effort. We will find you, he told the program, we will track you down, and you will have to repay those debts,...


The horror story of Robodebt monster is a shameful saga of cascading failures Pigs Fly Newspaper

The horror story of Robodebt monster is a shameful saga of cascading failures

Michael Pascoe writes in The Newdaily

When Scott Morrison gets around to disputing the Robodebt Royal Commissions findings about his crucial role in the scandal the disaster, the obscenity, the potential crime remember this: The commissions findings fit Mr Morrisons modus operandi.

His inevitable claims of innocence will not fit said MO, aside from it always seeming to be someone elses fault when things go bad, from the way he first won preselection through...


In which the pond idly wastes a Sunday in wastrel company of the prattling Polonius and garrulous Gemma kind, and even offers a little salt lick ... loon pond


After a long hard slog to climb the "Ned" Everest yesterday, the pond likes to unwind in its Sunday meditation. 

This usually involves letting an aged compulsive obsession deep into a paranoid monomania and persecution complex out of his attic to fly a few kites with Uncle Dick ...

It's not as entertaining as a Marina Hyde offering such as The heat is on the Captain Tom Foundation spa complex and its not coming from the indoor pool, deeply weird in a very English way, nor is it as weird as Republicans doing a King Chuck and developing fixations on Greek and Roman erections, as in Michael Schaffer's Politico outing,  Republicans Want to Mandate a Single Style of Architecture in Washington, though the pond could hear old Henry off in the distance nodding his approval ... (the hole in the bucket man is a very noisy nodder).

Or if you want something completely different, how about Julian Lucas's profile of Samuel R. Delany in The New Yorker, How Samuel R. Delany Reimagined Sci-Fi, Sex, and the City.

The pond was never into Delany, especially when he went sword and sorcery, but always liked the idea of Delany, and the idea is explored in style, with a few bon mots along the way...

...Theodore Sturgeon, his first lodestar in science fiction, ... fired the young Delanys imagination with his prose and once propositioned him on the way to lunch.
It was like getting hit on by Shakespeare! he reminisced, with a gasping, staccato laugh. He would have accepted had Sturgeon found them a motel.

Once upon a time, the pond used to spend its Sunday with angry Sydney Anglicans, desperately searching for a complimentary woman. Sure the Anglicans still provide rich comedy ...

... especially when very angry English Anglica...

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Friday, 07 July


Classification application, e-mail, database webpage screenshot of Halo Infinite and Halo Infinite (Campaign); e-mail about releasing footage file Requests or responses matching your saved search

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Good morning, I am just following up on the below email. Could you please confirm receipt of the documents, or advise if there are any is...


Citizenship Ceremony Dates 2023 Requests or responses matching your saved search

Response by City of Ryde to Francesca on .


Hi Francesca Thank you for contacting us. At this stage we don't have plans to schedule a ceremony for either September or October. Kind Regards...

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Thursday, 06 July


Current EOI under 189 & 190 Points (Victoria) required for Invite ANZO - Computer Network 263111 with point 85 & above Requests or responses matching your saved search

Response by Department of Home Affairs to Artix Maze on .

Awaiting classification.

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Current EOI under 189 & 190 Points (Victoria) required for Invite ANZO - Computer Network 263111 with point 85 & above Requests or responses matching your saved search

Request sent to Department of Home Affairs by Artix Maze on .

Awaiting classification.

Requesting to let me know of the number of applicants (point wise that is the number of candidates with 85,90 and above points) who meet the followi...

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Wednesday, 05 July


Classification application, e-mail, database webpage screenshot of Halo Infinite and Halo Infinite (Campaign); e-mail about releasing footage file Requests or responses matching your saved search

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Good afternoon Thank you for your email advising of the below. We have escalated the issue of your SFT account to our IT section and we sh...


Citizenship Ceremony Dates 2023 Requests or responses matching your saved search

Response by City of Ryde to Francesca on .


Hi Francesca Thank you for contacting us. At this stage we are not planning on holding ceremonies in September and October. If you have an urgent...

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Tuesday, 04 July


Information regarding costs and expenses for Opera House sail light projection Requests or responses matching your saved search

Response by Sydney Opera House to Daniel Wallace on .


Dear Daniel,   In response to your query, please see following details.   In response to your questions: o 1) and 2), the cost incurred inter...

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Monday, 03 July


SCRC's draft Marine Turtle Conservation Plan - Mapping and ALAN results Requests or responses matching your saved search

Response by Sunshine Coast Regional Council to John Thorogood on .

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Dear Mr Thorogood   I acknowledge receipt of your two messages today, including about the map you have received.      I understand the 2022 A...


SCRC's draft Marine Turtle Conservation Plan - Mapping and ALAN results Requests or responses matching your saved search

Follow up sent to Sunshine Coast Regional Council by John Thorogood on .

Partially successful.

Apologies, I've now found a further response from the NA team in my spam folder. A map has been provided and the release of the 2020 ALAN survey f...


Classification application, e-mail, database webpage screenshot of Halo Infinite and Halo Infinite (Campaign); e-mail about releasing footage file Requests or responses matching your saved search

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OFFICIAL Good morning, Thank you for your email. I have re-shared the workspace with you and hopefully this assists in resolving the issue. We h...

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Friday, 30 June


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Can not login. I clicked on forget password and followed the steps. After writing the username (which is the e-mail address) and new password, and clic...

Tuesday, 27 June


Classification application, e-mail, database webpage screenshot of Halo Infinite and Halo Infinite (Campaign); e-mail about releasing footage file Requests or responses matching your saved search

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OFFICIAL Good afternoon, Thank you for your email. I confirm that the file has been shared using the Secure File Transfer to your nominated email...

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